Italia Oliver

The Andromeda Interviews: Part II


Italia Oliver welcomes viewers to the second part of The Andromeda Interviews. She encourages new viewers to subscribe and mentions that this episode builds upon the first part of the series. In part two, the conversation with “Mor’na,” a being from the Andromeda galaxy, covers deeper topics such as his family life, marriage customs, gender distribution, education, and work on his planet. Italia also highlights that Mor’na provides the name of his home planet, though it cannot be fully translated into English. She remarks on the complexity and vastness of the universe.

Mor’na’s Origins and Family

Italia asks Mor’na about his origins. He explains that his ancestors came from the planet Lyra, which was destroyed, causing them to move to other galaxies. His father was from Lyra, and his mother came from the Pleiades. Mor’na himself lives on a planet in a star system close to “Zenite” (as close a translation as possible to English). He notes that while there is no exact English name for his home planet, he tries to describe it as best as possible.

Mor’na clarifies that he did not live on Lyra himself but is a descendant of those who did. His parents moved to other galaxies after Lyra’s destruction.

Lifespan and Childhood

When asked about his age, Mor’na states that he is 650 years old in Earth years. He recalls his childhood fondly, particularly his curiosity and love for learning and experimentation. He describes experimenting with different elements and enjoying playful activities, which he shows to Italia through telepathic images.

Relationships and Society

Mor’na shares that he does not have siblings but considers all beings on his planet to be his brothers and sisters. His mother is still alive, and they communicate telepathically, while his father has passed on.

Regarding relationships, Mor’na explains that individuals on his planet can choose partners, but there is no formal marriage bound by legal documentation. Instead, partnerships are formed out of mutual choice and love.

Gender and Reproduction

There are multiple genders on Mor’na’s planet: male, female, and those who are asexual. There are more females than males due to their role in childbearing, but there is still a balance between genders. Reproduction is similar to Earth’s process, involving an egg and sperm, and the formation of a spirit body.

Professions and Education

On Mor’na’s planet, there are no fixed professions in the way they exist on Earth. Instead, people participate in activities based on their interests and passions. Education is considered very important, with many schools offering various subjects for people to learn. Learning is self-directed, and individuals choose what they want to study rather than following a prescribed curriculum. Mor’na compares this approach to Montessori-style education.

Traditions and Social Gatherings

Mor’na explains that they do not have specific holidays or birthdays but view every day as a celebration of life. Family and social gatherings happen easily through telepathic communication, and physical presence is not required for people to connect.

Physical Appearance

When asked about his physical form, Mor’na notes that he used to have light blue skin but now has whiter skin. He explains that individuals can choose their physical appearance, including their skin color, based on their preference.

Religion and Spirituality

Mor’na clarifies that while there is no religion on his planet as it exists on Earth, there is a strong sense of oneness and love that binds the beings together. They focus on living in a state of unity rather than following man-made religious constructs.

Art and Music

Mor’na has a deep passion for art, which he considers a key aspect of his personal development. He particularly enjoys oil painting and sees art as a way to cultivate patience and personal growth. Music also plays an important role in their lives, with harmonic and melodic tunes that resonate with their spiritual and physical forms. Mor’na himself was once part of a choir.

Friendships and Recreation

Mor’na reflects on friendships, mentioning that all beings on his planet are considered friends, and he continues to have the same friends from his youth. He shares memories of playing sports, particularly baseball, with one friend who could hit the ball very far. While he enjoys sports, art remains his favorite activity.

Lessons from Parents

Mor’na speaks fondly of his parents. His mother taught him the importance of love, kindness, and nurturing, while his father emphasized the value of sharing, caring, and bringing gifts into the world. Although they do not use money, Mor’na learned about the exchange of energy and the importance of actions.

The Meaning of Mor’na’s Name

Mor’na reveals that his name comes from one of the 13 moons in his galaxy. The name signifies “the promise of tomorrow,” reflecting a hopeful and forward-looking meaning.

Astronomy and Astrology

Mor’na confirms that they have astronomy on their planet, which involves the study of stars and planets, similar to Earth’s approach.


Italia thanks Mor’na for his time, and Mor’na expresses his appreciation for the opportunity to share his experiences. The interview ends with an invitation for viewers to leave comments and questions, as well as a reminder to explore other channelings from Italia’s collective, “Spirit Song.”

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