KRS-One Reveals a 5000-Year-Old Method to Find Your Soul

Exercise to Locate the Soul

KRS-One introduces an exercise to help locate the soul. He instructs the audience to silently say “hip hop” to themselves at the count of three. He emphasizes that this exercise must be done without speaking aloud. After the exercise, KRS-One poses a question:

“Who just spoke?”

He asks this to provoke thought, explaining that the voice heard was internal and did not require the physical body to speak.

Ancient Teachings on the Soul

KRS-One explains that this exercise is based on techniques from ancient civilizations, such as Egyptian and Kushite systems, and the Ethiopian tradition. In these ancient systems, people would encounter the phrase “know thyself” inscribed on walls, a directive meant to guide them towards understanding their true nature.

The priests of these systems would challenge individuals to say “know thyself” silently, just as KRS-One instructed. This practice would lead people to the realization that their true self is not the physical body but the internal voice that can speak without the need for physical expression.

Speaking and Hearing Without Physical Senses

KRS-One emphasizes the distinction between the physical body and the soul. He explains that the voice people hear during the exercise is not the result of their mouths moving, nor is it heard by their ears. Yet, they can still hear and speak within themselves. He argues that this demonstrates the existence of the soul, a non-physical entity that can function independently of the body.

He goes further, explaining that if one closes their eyes, they can visualize both their past and future, even though the physical eyes do not see them. This ability to imagine is linked to the soul, as the soul projects these images.

Imagination as the Soul

KRS-One connects the concept of imagination to the soul. In the Western tradition, imagination is often seen as a mental process, but KRS-One clarifies that this is essentially the soul in action. The internal projection of images, whether related to the past or future, demonstrates a power beyond physical senses.

The Self Beyond the Body

KRS-One distinguishes between the physical projection of a person and their true self. He explains that the physical body—legs, arms, and head—are not the real self. Rather, the voice inside, the one that can speak without using the mouth and hear without using the ears, represents the true self.

This internal self, which KRS-One refers to as the real “KRS-One,” exists independently of the physical body and does not require it to function. The ancient priests taught that understanding this concept was the key to knowing one’s true self, beyond the body.

Conclusion: Eternal Existence of the Soul

KRS-One concludes by stating that the soul continues to exist even after the physical body ceases to function. Just as individuals can speak, hear, and see without using their physical body, these abilities persist after death. This understanding, according to KRS-One, was a central teaching in ancient spiritual systems.

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