Ginger Bayley



Ginger Bayley welcomes Erik, expressing their mutual well-being. Ginger mentions that energy work has helped her feel better, and Erik acknowledges her progress.

Ancient Civilization Overview

This session continues the discussion about an ancient civilization that was destroyed by a cataclysmic event near what is now Hawaii. The land was engulfed in a matter of hours due to tectonic movements, lava flows, and flooding. Some inhabitants managed to escape to higher ground, likely the Hawaiian Islands.

Underwater Structures

Erik explains that a colored tapered building near Waialua Falls in Hawaii is visible via Google Earth. This building, tilted due to tectonic activity, was a public structure used for gatherings and ceremonies, though not religious in nature.

Light Inside the Building

There is a visible light inside one of the submerged structures. Erik clarifies that the light is not radioactive but produced by reflective extraterrestrial technology.

Underwater Roads

Underwater roads made from durable materials remain intact despite geological events. Erik states that these roads were built using extraterrestrial technology, but their structural integrity has been compromised over time.

Transportation Tunnels

The civilization used tubes to transport goods, not people. These tubes operated using extraterrestrial technology, likely involving suction, and were transparent.

Extraterrestrial Involvement

Erik reveals that extraterrestrials and alien hybrids played a significant role in this civilization. These beings used anti-gravity technology and energy sources, which Erik compares to modern helicopters that take off vertically.

Buildings and Crystals

The civilization’s buildings were made from a polished crystal-like material, not glass. Some structures, such as tunnels, have a blue hue due to oxidation. The civilization also used smaller crystals, along with liquid fuel, to power their technology.


The civilization had a range of animals, including some that no longer exist, like mammoths. For short distances, they used animals for travel, but for longer journeys, they relied on energy-based transport.

Craft Technology

The craft used by this civilization had anti-gravity capabilities and could travel faster than the speed of light. They were primarily used for interplanetary travel rather than within Earth’s atmosphere.

Cataclysm and Escape Attempts

During the cataclysm, many people tried to escape using aircraft. However, the intense vibrations from the earthquakes interfered with the technology, preventing some crafts from taking off. Erik confirms that while some individuals escaped before the event, many perished.

Preserved Structures and Tools

Despite the destruction, there are still remnants of buildings, tools, and machines buried under the sea. These remnants are mostly damaged, but the materials used by the civilization are still of interest for study.

Libraries and Records

The civilization had libraries, but they are not accessible to humanity at this time. Erik explains that extraterrestrial forces are preventing access until the right time comes.

The Sphinx and Other Sites

Erik mentions that remains of this civilization may also be found under the Sphinx in Egypt, alongside scrolls, pottery, and small tools. He adds that the Sphinx contains artifacts from multiple ancient civilizations.

Future Exploration

Erik predicts that future discoveries will be aided by extraterrestrials, as their technology will be required to access these underwater sites. However, such exploration will not occur in the near future, possibly taking hundreds of years.

Final Remarks

A representative from the civilization, an extraterrestrial who survived the cataclysm, speaks through Erik. He describes how those who escaped had to rebuild with much less technology and resources, likening it to starting over in the “Dark Ages.” He assures that similar events are not expected to happen again in the current era, as the Earth has moved past those cycles of destruction.

Ginger and Erik conclude the session, encouraging viewers to share the information with those interested in extraterrestrial and ancient civilizations.


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