Rob Skiba

Nimrod, the Tower, the Beast, Antarctica and Flat Earth

Overview of Nimrod’s Timeline

Rob Skiba begins by discussing the period after the Great Flood, focusing on the character of Nimrod, whom he refers to as “the post-flood man of many names.” He traces the genealogies and timelines of people from the post-flood era, including the overlapping lives of Nimrod and Abraham, which he interprets as a cosmic rivalry.

The Tower of Babel

The discussion moves to the Tower of Babel, described in Genesis 11, where the people, under Nimrod’s leadership, attempted to build a tower “whose top may reach unto heaven.” Skiba addresses the widely held interpretation that the Tower of Babel was not about height but about spiritual rebellion, such as attempting to reach God or create a Stargate. He contrasts this with his revised understanding, suggesting that the tower’s construction and its grand scale were indeed significant in terms of its physical height and purpose.

Tower Dimensions and Historical Context

Skiba references extra-biblical texts such as the Book of Jubilees and the writings of Alfred Edersheim, which provide detailed descriptions of the Tower of Babel’s size and construction process. According to these sources, the tower’s height was 5,433 cubits (approximately 2,480 meters (8136 feet)). He also cites the Book of Jasher, which describes the population involved in building the tower and their intentions to wage war against God.

Division of Nations and Languages

The biblical story of the Tower of Babel ends with God confusing the languages of the builders, creating 70 distinct nations. Skiba believes that Hebrew was the original language, retained by Abraham, while the other 69 nations adopted different tongues. He explains this division as part of a cosmic struggle between God and Satan.

Nimrod’s Deification and Syncretism

Nimrod, according to Skiba, became a central figure in various mythologies and religions, assuming names such as Gilgamesh, Osiris, Apollo, and Tammuz, among others. Skiba asserts that these figures share similar characteristics, pointing to a shared origin in the figure of Nimrod.

Identifying the Beast

Skiba shifts to discussing biblical prophecy and the Antichrist, focusing on Revelation 17:8–11, which speaks of a “beast” that was, is not, and will ascend from the bottomless pit. He asserts that the Antichrist will not come from contemporary earthly powers such as the United Nations, but from the bottomless pit as described in scripture.

Kings and the Antichrist

Skiba offers a list of historical figures who had “Antichrist-like” characteristics, such as Nimrod, the Pharaoh of Egypt during the Exodus, and Antiochus Epiphanes. He highlights that the Antichrist will come from among seven kings, five of whom had already fallen by the time of John’s writing of Revelation. Skiba proposes that the Antichrist is likely to be a resurrected Nimrod or a similar figure from ancient history.

Flat Earth and Geocentric Cosmology

The presentation explores Skiba’s belief in a geocentric, flat earth model, which he contrasts with the modern heliocentric model. He cites biblical passages such as Isaiah 40:22 and Proverbs 8:27, which describe the earth as being set on pillars and having a “circle” inscribed on it. Skiba argues that this supports a flat, stationary earth, rejecting the idea of a spherical, spinning planet.

Antarctica, the Firmament, and Historical Expeditions

Skiba discusses the significance of Antarctica in his cosmology, referencing historical expeditions such as Ernest Shackleton’s 1908 Nimrod Expedition. He ties these events to his understanding of the biblical firmament, suggesting that the explorers were attempting to reach the edges of the earth.


Skiba concludes by discussing the return of the Watchers and the possible return of Nimrod as the Antichrist, drawing from historical findings such as the tomb of Osiris and the discovery of the body of Gilgamesh in 2003. He warns that the Antichrist will attempt to deceive humanity through false signs and wonders, urging viewers to remain vigilant and rooted in scripture.

End of the transcript.

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