Dr. Michael Lennox

Upcoming Eclipses and Their Impact

Eclipse seasons mark major periods of transformation, often seen as generational shifts. Between 2024 and 2026, the planet will experience a profound change, with the upcoming eclipses in late 2024 playing a central role in shaping the future.

Eclipses amplify energies and reveal what needs to be released. The current South Node Eclipse season in Libra focuses on releasing relational patterns and behaviors that no longer serve individual or collective growth.

Changes in 2025 and 2026

A generational shift is underway with Pluto, Neptune, and Uranus all transitioning into new signs in 2025. This change is expected to bring significant transformations in technology, social order, and spirituality. With Uranus moving into mutable Gemini, and Neptune moving into fiery Aries, the planet faces a period of intensified instability and transformation.

Upcoming Eclipses and Their Impact

Lunar Eclipse: September 17

This full moon lunar eclipse occurs with the Sun in Virgo and the Moon in Pisces. Virgo’s energy represents process, integration, and healing, while Pisces symbolizes spirituality and the unconscious. This eclipse emphasizes the need to deepen spiritual practices and let go of Piscean tendencies of avoidance.

Solar Eclipse: October 2

The solar eclipse in Libra emphasizes balance, harmony, and relationships. However, the involvement of Black Moon Lilith adds a layer of shadow work, urging individuals to confront hidden fears and patterns that may hinder personal growth. The eclipse is a time to set intentions for new relational dynamics and greater inner balance.

Mars Retrograde: October 2024 to May 2025

Mars retrograde spans several months, affecting decision-making, physical energy, and ambition. It begins its retrograde journey in early October and ends in May 2025. Mars’ retrograde movement through Cancer and Leo will challenge individuals to face their inner fears and reexamine how they approach goals. This period brings opportunities for deep healing, but also potential conflict and introspection.

Mercury Retrograde: November 7 – December 15

Mercury retrogrades through Sagittarius, a sign that scatters Mercury’s energy. This period, especially around the November 2024 elections, may bring confusion, delays, and miscommunication. Squares to Saturn during this retrograde suggest potential obstacles and delays in communication or travel.

Collective and Personal Impact

United States

The United States is undergoing a continued transformation with its Pluto return. This period signals the country grappling with its foundational issues, including societal and structural imbalances. Uranus’ upcoming transit into Gemini may further highlight the divide within the U.S. population, prompting necessary dialogue for healing.


Eclipse season in late 2024 and Mars retrograde will serve as preparation for the more intense planetary shifts of 2025. Individuals should focus on releasing outdated relational dynamics, embracing spiritual practices, and preparing for significant collective changes.

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