Robert Nelson

Andromedans 15th w/Avin Pt. 2/2: War in the “Heavens”, Time Traveling Germans, and 5G


The video is a continuation of the Andromedan channeling session with Avin. This second part addresses several topics, including the information shared by Alex Collier, the human population in the galaxy, the actions of the Reptilian Empire, and the impacts of hidden technologies like time travel and 5G.

Human Population in the Galaxy

Avin discusses a prior figure mentioned by Alex Collier, which estimated the human population in the galaxy to be around 124 billion. According to Avin, this number has since risen to approximately 185 billion, though this figure is subject to fluctuation due to ongoing tensions.

Reptilian Empire’s Influence and Drug Trade

The conversation shifts to the influence of the Reptilian Empire, which allegedly uses drug trade to fund its expansion across space. The goal is to dominate other worlds by drugging populations to control them. Avin claims that this effort has been partially thwarted on Earth, as humans retain enough vitality to resist these manipulations.

Prime Directive and Human Responsibility

Avin compares the situation to the “Prime Directive” from Star Trek, stating that external races, including the Andromedans, cannot interfere directly in human affairs. Change must come from within humanity itself. However, Avin notes that the Earth has had access to advanced technologies, akin to those seen in Star Trek, since the 1920s.

Hidden Technologies and Time Travel

The topic of time travel is introduced, with a reference to the Montauk Project and the involvement of extraterrestrial races like the Greys. Avin explains that humans have used time travel to colonize other planets, mentioning an instance where humans from Earth took over a planet hundreds of light years away.

Avin also references carvings found in ancient Egypt that depict modern technology such as helicopters and speedboats, suggesting that these images were left by groups engaging in time travel during the era of the Nazi Empire. These groups allegedly attempted to alter the past to secure a future for themselves.

Nazi Empire and Advanced Technology

The discussion continues with a focus on the technological advancements of the Nazi Empire, which allegedly made deals with extraterrestrials to develop metaphysical technologies. Avin claims that the Nazis were on the verge of creating a world-altering situation, which would have forced the Andromedan Alliance to destroy Earth to prevent further damage. Some members of the Nazi regime are said to have escaped to the Moon, Mars, and beyond, but the Andromedan forces have been rounding them up.

The Role of Holistic Doctors and Suppression of Medical Discoveries

The conversation shifts to the suppression of medical discoveries, particularly those related to curing cancer. Avin notes that many holistic doctors who have found alternative treatments have been mysteriously killed. The guest highlights the sacrifices made by these individuals in their efforts to improve the world.

The Rise of 5G and Its Potential Dangers

The final part of the discussion focuses on 5G technology. Avin warns that 5G is not just an evolution of Wi-Fi, but rather a technology with far-reaching implications, including its potential use in controlling human minds and bodies. Avin claims that extraterrestrial forces are monitoring the situation and will shut down access to satellite networks that enable 5G if necessary. The technology is allegedly part of a larger plan to prepare for a future where humans and technology are more deeply integrated.


Avin emphasizes that while extraterrestrial forces are willing to assist humanity, the responsibility for change ultimately lies with humans. The discussion concludes with the host thanking Avin for the session and urging viewers to subscribe to the channel.

Next Steps

The channel host mentions that more topics will be covered in the future and encourages viewers to submit their questions.

Home > Andromedans 15th w/Avin Pt. 2/2: War in the “Heavens”, Time Traveling Germans, and 5G

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