Rob Gauthier

What and Who Is Metatron? Channeled by Rob Gauthier


Rob Gauthier introduces the session by addressing the topic of the video, which focuses on Metatron, a being of interest to many. He clarifies that while he will continue channeling Metatron for a few months, this does not mean he will stop channeling Treb and Aridif, beings he has channeled before. Rob explains that personal health issues have delayed his schedule but reassures his audience that he will continue his work, including channeling Metatron and Treb.

Introduction to Metatron

The session then transitions to a channeled communication with Metatron. William, who has worked with Rob for several years, asks questions about Metatron’s nature and existence.

Metatron begins by describing itself as both a collective consciousness and a singular being. It explains that it exists within a structure, though not a physical body as humans understand it. Metatron elaborates that its existence is tied to the Earth but also transcends Earth, interacting with other celestial bodies and consciousnesses, including those involved in the creation of Mars and other systems.

Metatron’s Role in Creation

Metatron explains its role in creation. It describes how, by interacting with various forms of consciousness, it helps shape reality. Every creation, from shifts in wind patterns to changes in the sea, occurs as a result of communication with the consciousness of those elements, as well as with the collective consciousness of all beings. Metatron emphasizes that every being holds a part of its consciousness, and likewise, Metatron holds a part of theirs.

Understanding Metatron’s Nature

Metatron acknowledges the difficulty humans have in comprehending its nature. Humans often label beings like Metatron with terms such as “archangel” to help understand something beyond their usual experience. However, Metatron explains that its existence is more complex than such labels suggest. It is both omnipresent and deeply connected to the consciousness of Earth, while also existing beyond Earth.

Methods for Connecting with Metatron

In response to a question about how individuals can connect with Metatron on a personal level, Metatron advises visualizing sacred geometries, such as the Metatron Cube or the merkaba. These forms, according to Metatron, are manifestations of its energy, and through focusing on them, individuals can forge a deeper connection with this consciousness.

Metatron concludes by noting that even if individuals do not feel they have connected with its energy before, from its perspective, such a connection has always existed.

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