
The Keys of Enoch


In The Book of Knowledge: The Keys of Enoch, Metatron is a significant and powerful figure who plays various roles in the cosmic and spiritual hierarchies.

Lord of Light: Metatron is referred to as the "Lord of Light God," signifying his supreme role in the hierarchy of light and his responsibility for overseeing the creation and maintenance of divine light throughout the cosmos (Page 319).

Metatron’s work involves the transformation and reorganization of cosmic structures to align with divine plans (Page 319).

Connection to Higher Realms: Metatron acts as a bridge between the divine and physical realms, facilitating communication and interaction between the highest levels of cosmic intelligence and the material world.

Provider of Light Envelopes: Metatron is responsible for providing light envelopes that contain the Thought-Forms of the Ancient of Days.

Guide and Teacher: Metatron acts as a guide and teacher to various spiritual entities, including Enoch, providing them with the knowledge and insights needed to fulfill their roles in the cosmic order.

Facilitator of Higher Consciousness: Metatron is involved in facilitating the evolution of human consciousness by aligning it with higher cosmic frequencies.

Role in New Atlantean Centers: Metatron is associated with the activation of new Atlantean centers, such as those in the Bermuda Triangle and the Great Salt Sea.

These centers are envisioned as hubs of spiritual activity and divine consciousness, with Metatron overseeing their development and operation (Page 319).

Spiritual Oversight: Metatron's role includes overseeing the spiritual progression of humanity and other civilizations, ensuring they align with the divine blueprint for evolution.

Partnership with the Ancient of Days: Metatron works closely with the Ancient of Days, a key figure in the spiritual hierarchy, to implement divine plans and oversee cosmic activities.

Interaction with the Brotherhood of Light: Metatron collaborates with the Brotherhood of Light and other spiritual orders, providing them with the necessary guidance and support to fulfill their missions.

Symbol of Divine Order: Metatron symbolizes the divine order and structure of the universe, representing the harmonious integration of spiritual and physical realities.

Embodiment of Light and Wisdom: As an embodiment of light and wisdom, Metatron is revered as a source of spiritual illumination and guidance.

The Keys of Enoch

The Brotherhood of Light

They work in alignment with the will of higher spiritual authorities, such as the Ancient of Days and Metatron, to ensure the successful implementation of these plans.

Metatron: A powerful spiritual being responsible for various cosmic and spiritual functions, acting as a bridge between higher realms and the Brotherhood of Light.

The Keys of Enoch

Altea Region

In the future, the Altea Region is prophesied to host twenty-four pyramidal communities of Light, established by those working with Metatron and Melchizedek.

Matias de Stefano

Angelic Hierarchy

Other significant celestial figures include Metatron, a high-ranking angel often associated with Enoch, Moroni, an angel central to the beliefs of the Latter-day Saints, and Melchizedek, a sage with a profound impact on religious thought.