The symbolism of Metatron’s Cube

The Metatron’s Cube is a complex symbol long used as a sacred tool to understand intangible ideas, beliefs, and the universe. Named after the archangel Metatron, who appears in Jewish, Christian, and Islamic traditions, Metatron’s Cube is an example of sacred geometry. It is easily identifiable due to its geometric design made up of circles and lines. This discussion explores the symbol, its origins, and its meaning.

The History of Metatron’s Cube

Metatron’s name first appeared in Kabbalistic and Talmudic texts of Judaism, referring to a mythical archangel responsible for overseeing the flow of energy in creation. Metatron was also known as the scribe of God. In this role, he likely understood the principles of creation, which often incorporate sacred geometry. Metatron was typically depicted with a cube, believed to have formed from his soul.

Why Is Metatron’s Cube Significant?

Metatron’s Cube is said to contain all geometric shapes and patterns found in nature, such as the spirals in snail shells, the hexagons in honeycombs, and the geometric codes in flowers, snowflakes, DNA molecules, organic life forms, and celestial bodies. The cube is considered sacred due to its association with the belief that God is the architect of the universe.

Structure of Metatron’s Cube

At first glance, Metatron’s Cube may appear confusing, but it follows a specific pattern. Upon closer inspection, it contains several important symbols from sacred geometry. The cube is composed of a central circle surrounded by six other circles of the same size, forming a simple flower shape known as the “Seed of Life.” In total, the cube contains thirteen circles. If this pattern were extended, it would form the “Flower of Life.”

In addition to the Seed of Life, the cube contains six interconnected circles, emanating from a central circle. These circles are connected by straight lines, which form the five Platonic Solids.

The Five Platonic Solids in Metatron’s Cube

The Platonic Solids in Metatron’s Cube are the tetrahedron, octahedron, hexahedron, icosahedron, and dodecahedron. These shapes were significant to the ancient Greeks, who believed they corresponded to the five elements: earth, water, fire, air, and space. The Platonic solids appear repeatedly and randomly in nature, reinforcing their importance.

Symbolism of Metatron’s Cube

1. Balance of Energy

Metatron’s Cube represents the balance of energy in the universe. The symbol shows how all shapes are interconnected, regardless of size or significance. The circles represent the feminine, while the straight lines symbolize the masculine. The cube is often used for personal transformation.

2. A Map of Creation

Ancient civilizations viewed Metatron’s Cube as a map of creation, as it contains all the geometric shapes found in nature. Some scholars believe the symbol is the building block of everything in the universe, revealing divine knowledge.

3. Guidance, Healing, and Protection

Metatron’s Cube is a symbol of guidance, healing, and protection. It represents Metatron, who is believed to attract positive forces and dispel negative energies. The cube has been used in art, architecture, and meditation, and is said to ward off bad luck and attract positive energy. In some cultures, it is hung on doors or windows to keep out evil influences.


Metatron’s Cube is a powerful and versatile symbol, representing balance, creation, and protection. Its geometric design and sacred significance make it a subject of fascination in various fields.

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