Robert Nelson

Andromedans 13th w/Avin, a Zaahyin Priest. Our DNA. Ascension is at Hand. Humans are Very Special!

Date: March 8, 2019


The session begins with a message indicating that another person has been selected to replace a previous contact named Eylau.

Bob, during an out-of-body experience, senses the presence of an Andromedan ship aligning itself above Earth’s airspace.

It is explained that while many craft may be present, they remain hidden from view through a process referred to as “side-banding,” occupying a slightly different dimensional space. Some of these craft cloak themselves as clouds, presenting a smooth or oblong appearance.

Contact with Avin

Paul introduces himself and establishes contact with Avin, who is described as a Zaahyin Priest, a guide and teacher to the Andromedan people. Avin explains that human DNA is a combination of the best and worst traits from various alien races across the multiverse. He clarifies that his people, while assisting the Andromedans, are not masters or overseers but friends helping humans ascend spiritually.

Dimensions and Matter

A discussion follows about dimensionality and physical matter. Avin confirms that the Andromedans exist primarily in the sixth dimension and can manifest physical bodies if necessary.

He explains that physical matter is a holographic construct made from interconnecting waves of harmonics and geometry, creating the illusion of solidity. He stresses that the nature of existence in higher dimensions is based on geometric and harmonic principles, not purely physical forms.

Message to Humanity

Avin delivers a message to the people of Earth, emphasizing that they are not alone in their journey. The time of Ascension is near, and the future steps of humanity, both as individuals and as a species, will determine the outcome.

The Andromedans and their allies can offer assistance if called upon, but they respect human autonomy. The message also notes that those who seek power and empire will face their downfall, as the time of empires is over.

Human Potential

Avin praises the resilience and inherent goodness of humanity, noting that the human race has survived immense challenges and adversities. He expresses hope for humanity’s future, foreseeing a time when humans will join a Federation of multiple galaxies and contribute to interstellar knowledge. The presence of Zaahyin craft in the solar system is highlighted as part of their ongoing support.

Andromedan Craft

Avin describes their craft as being crystalline, composed of geometric harmonics. He contrasts this with more primitive technologies used by other species, such as the reptilians. The Zaahyin craft are formed through precise energy linkages, creating a conscious and interconnected system that operates harmoniously within the multiverse.

Ascension and DNA Activation

Avin explains that the energies currently entering Earth’s solar system are designed to activate dormant aspects of human DNA, aiding in the process of Ascension.

While this transformation may take varying amounts of time, ranging from months to lifetimes, it will eventually lead to humanity reaching its full potential.

Comments on Current Events

When asked about commenting on current political events, Avin expresses caution, stating that they will be guarded in providing such information.

While acknowledging the interest in such matters, he advises those seeking specific political updates to look elsewhere, emphasizing the importance of meditation and spiritual growth.

Audience Question

A viewer named Darien Russell from New Mexico asks if her soul is connected to the Andromedans. Avin confirms that while her physical being may not be Andromedan, her soul contains Andromedan traits.

Antarctica and Atlantis

In response to a question about Antarctica, Avin explains that the landmass was once tropical and was associated with early forms of extraterrestrial civilizations, including what could be considered an ancient form of Atlantis. He clarifies that this occurred millions of years ago, long before the commonly discussed era of Atlantis.


In this session, the speaker (Paul, relaying the message from Avin) addresses several points about Atlantis, providing insight into its history and connection to extraterrestrial civilizations:

Early Forms of Atlantis: Avin explains that Atlantis, as understood by humans, had connections to extraterrestrial beings. He mentions that what we call Atlantis may have existed in various forms and periods. Specifically, one of the earliest versions of Atlantis involved extraterrestrial civilizations on Earth. Avin seems to suggest that Atlantis was not a single event or civilization, but rather a series of civilizations influenced by extraterrestrials over time.

Atlantis and Antarctica: A viewer asks if Antarctica could have been Atlantis. Avin responds that it depends on the period of Atlantis being referred to. He mentions that millions of years ago, Antarctica was a tropical landmass and could have been associated with an early form of Atlantis. However, the speaker distinguishes this from the more recent, widely known version of Atlantis that disappeared around 50,000 years ago. This early form of Atlantis, as linked to Antarctica, was a time when extraterrestrial civilizations were more directly involved in Earth’s development.

Atlantean Civilization and its Downfall: Avin addresses the idea that Atlantis destroyed itself, a common narrative in human history. He clarifies that the downfall of Atlantis was not self-inflicted but was caused by an external force—another alien race that sought to control the Atlanteans. The Atlanteans were attempting to break free from this control, but they were not allowed to do so. This rebellion against an oppressive alien race was part of what led to their downfall.

Atlantis and Modern America: Avin draws a parallel between the souls of the ancient Atlanteans and the modern United States. He notes that many of the souls who were part of the last incarnation of Atlantis are now incarnated in the United States. This, he suggests, explains why the U.S. is a country known for rapid technological advancements and creative minds. However, he also points out that the U.S. shares some of the negative traits of Atlantis, particularly an infatuation with war, which partly contributed to Atlantis’s downfall.

In summary, Avin portrays Atlantis as a civilization that had extraterrestrial origins and connections, with its final downfall tied to external alien forces. He also links modern America to the legacy of Atlantis, emphasizing both the potential for greatness and the risks of repeating past mistakes.

Closing Remarks

Avin concludes by mentioning ongoing issues related to Antarctica and interactions with Earth’s governments, including Russia.

He also touches on the legacy of Atlantis, noting that the Atlanteans did not destroy themselves, but were defeated by another race.

Avin assures listeners that the Zaahyin are taking steps to prevent similar control over humanity by other alien races.

Avin bids farewell, expressing gratitude for the opportunity to assist humanity and promising future communication. Paul closes the session, introducing Avin as the new contact person for future messages.

Home > Andromedans 13th w/Avin, a Zaahyin Priest. Our DNA. Ascension is at Hand. Humans are Very Special!

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