
A Dweller on Two Planets

Technology vs Spirituality

Not, at least, until man is fully developed in his sixth or psychic principle, has become purified by the fire of the Spirit from all taint of animality.

A Dweller on Two Planets

The worship of Incal

But thou art living in the final years of an old Human Cycle, the Sixth.

Ignatius Donnelly

The Deluge of the Chaldeans

"'On the fifth day [the two sides of the bark] were raised.--In its covering fourteen in all were its rafters--fourteen in all did it count above.--I placed its roof, and I covered it.--I embarked in it on the sixth day; I divided its floors on the seventh;--I divided the interior compartments on the eighth.

The mountain of Nizir arrested the vessel, and did not permit it to pass over.--A day and a second day the mountain of Nizir arrested the vessel, and did not permit it to pass over;--the third and fourth day the mountain of Nizir arrested the vessel, and did not permit it to pass over;--the fifth and sixth day the mountain of Nizir arrested the vessel, and did not permit it to pass over.

The material was communicated by an entity that identified itself as Ra, a "social memory complex" from the sixth density, which is a collective consciousness of beings who have merged into a unified consciousness.

Rudolf Steiner


Akkadians: The sixth sub-race, distinguished by their advanced thought-power and love of novelty and change.

6th Dimension

The Weaver or Spiders

The weaver or spider metaphor likely pertains to the Sixth Dimension in Matias De Stefano’s framework.

Description: The Sixth Dimension is where the archetypes, templates, and blueprints of reality exist.

This aligns with the idea that the Sixth Dimension is a realm where the interconnectedness of all things is most apparent through the archetypal blueprints.

Spider Woman (Navajo and Hopi): Sixth Dimension.

Spider Woman (Navajo, Hopi): Embodies the archetypal patterns and serves as a creator and teacher in the Sixth Dimension.

Number five: It was placed on the sixth zone, that is the sixth from the outer planets of this solar system's order.

Daonus: The sixth epoch.

Elohim, as architects, created life in the universe starting from the sixth dimension, representing the pattern of life.

They are often said to originate from a place known as the "Sixth Density" or "Sixth Dimension," which is considered a higher plane of existence characterized by advanced spiritual and technological development.

The sages utilized their "sixth sense" or "third eye" (spiritual or clairvoyant perception) to observe celestial bodies.

Time period for the remains of the sixth civilization, including the underwater ruins found in the Bimini area.

Sixth Civilization:

The buildings of the first breeds are lost, but the fifth civilization was the one, which built the large triangular constructions we call "Egyptian Pyramids” today around 75,000 years ago (Egyptians just found that large ancient pyramids in the sand and tried not very successful to built similar constructions) and the sixth civilization was the one, which built the cities which ruins you can find today beneath the sea in the so-called Bimini Area around 16,000 years ago.

The "Illojim" - who appeared as "gods" for the sixth and seventh breed - told them that it is a war between good and evil and that they are the good and the other ones are the evil race.



The observance of the Sabbath year is a demonstration of faith, relying on God to provide enough produce in the sixth year to sustain the community through the seventh year and into the eighth year until new crops can be harvested.

The year count in the Jewish calendar is based on the traditional date of creation, and we are now in the eighth century of the sixth millennium according to this system​ (Time and Date)​.

Man: Whence, How and Whither

The Fourth Root Race

The third-Race Manu had evolved a blue type for His sixth sub-race, and a bluish-white for His seventh, though the masses of the Lemurians remained black; some of the fourth sub-race also mixed in with the blue, and slowly, very slowly, the general Lemurian type improved.

Glancing forward, we saw him once incarnated among the Rmoahls, in order to be with Ursa and others, then several lives were passed in the Turanian, the fourth sub-race — a Chinese stage — and a number in the Akkadian, the sixth; he was observed trading among a people who resembled the Phoenicians of later times.

Vulcan's exact stage is less certain, but it is speculated to be in its sixth Chain.

On the return journey, as it were, the ascent resembles the descent: in the fifth Chain, as in the third, there is one physical globe; in the sixth, as in the second, globe D is emotional ; in the seventh, as in the first, globe D \s mental.

The Venusian Scheme is reaching the end of its fifth Chain, and Venus has consequently lately lost her Moon, the globe D of the preceding Chain.1 It is possible that Vulcan, which Herschel saw, but which, it is said, has now disappeared, is in its sixth Chain, but on that we have no information, either direct or mediate.

first Elemental Kingdom, and there develops during the life-period of the Chain; it passes into the second Elemental Kingdom on the second Chain, and develops therein during its life-period; it appears in the third Elemental Kingdom on the third Chain, and enters the Mineral on the fourth; it then successively develops through the Vegetable and Animal Kingdoms on the fifth and sixth Chains, nnd attains the Human in the seventh.

Again it climbs upwards, now into the Animal Kingdom of the sixth Chain, leaving its insufficiently developed vegetables to complete that stage of their evolution in the Vegetable Kingdom of the sixth Chain, and receiving undeveloped animals from the fifth Chain into its own Kingdom.

Lastly, it completes its long evolution by entering the Human Kingdom on the seventh Chain, dropping its too undeveloped animals into the Animal Kingdom of the seventh Chain, receiving some human beings from the Human Kingdom of the sixth Chain, carrying them on with itself to its triumphant conclusion, where human evolution is perfected and the superhuman begins, along one or another of the seven paths, indicated in the blue plume at the end.

second, the orange, circle, representing the second Elemental Kingdom in the first Chain — and having therefore, one stage of life in a Chain behind it, or, in other words, having entered the stream of evolution as the first Elemental Kingdom in the seventh Chain of a previous Scheme (see the top left-hand circle with arrow in the seventh Chain in our Diagram) — reaches the Human Kingdom in the sixth Chain and passes on.

Man: Whence, How and Whither

Turanian, in Ancient Chaldaea.

These spoilers were in their turn driven out by the Akkads from the northern hill-country — AtlanteanB still, but of the sixth sub-race ; and these, coalescing gradually with the remnants of the old race and with other tribes of Turanian type, made up the Sumiro Akkad nation out of which the later Babylonian Empire developed.

Sixth Root Race: The Future Race - Predicted to arise in the future, evolving beyond current humanity.

Sixth Sub-Race: Slavic

Half male, half female

Adam Stories

Til (God) made men and bade them live together in peace and happiness, labor for five days, and keep the sixth as a festival.



Lamech, the descendant of Cain: This Lamech is a sixth-generation descendant of Cain and is known for his boast about killing a young man and having multiple wives, Adah and Zillah.

Nag Hammadi Codex I

The third Adam is earthly

The second Adam is a person with soul and appeared on the sixth day, called Aphrodite.

The sixth is Cain, whom the great generations of men call the sun.

At the first hour, God gathered the dust of the earth; in the second, He formed the embryo; in the third, the limbs were extended; in the fourth, the soul was given; at the fifth hour Adam stood upright; at the sixth, Adam named the animals.

The sixth kingdom believes that he was born of a woman who became pregnant from the desire of flowers.

However, the Sixth Wave rolling in around 3000 BCE had a dual geometric pattern, one side dark the other light.

The sixth in national groups

Calleman also touches upon Shamanism and meditation as methods to reconnect with the Source, responding to feelings of abandonment and fear caused by the Sixth Wave's dual geometric pattern.

Psychedelics, according to Calleman, play a role in aligning with these Waves, particularly in bypassing the ego-dominated consciousness of the Sixth Wave and embracing the unity consciousness of the Ninth Wave.

Latter-day Saints

Creation story

And it came to pass that it was from evening until morning they called night; and it came to pass that it was from morning until evening that they called day; and they numbered the sixth time.

In a passage unrelated to the curse on Canaan, the sixth-century Babylonian Talmud says that Ham and his descendants were cursed with black skin, which modern scholars have interpreted as an etiological myth for skin color.

Helena Blavatsky

Root Races

Sixth Root Race: According to Blavatsky, the sixth root race will arise in the future and will represent a significant advancement in human spiritual and psychic development.

Blavatsky suggested that the sixth root race would emerge from a small number of spiritually advanced individuals from the current race.

So when you were created the sixth and seventh time, a war broke out between us and them.

And there is also a trace of a sixth civilization.

"Illohim" They - called "gods" in the sixth and seventh civilizations - told humans that this was a war between good and evil, that they were the good race and that we were the evil race.