
A daughter would eye her mother coming in;A mother would not even open her door to herdaughter.A daughter would watch the scales (at the sale ofher) mother,A mother would watch the scales (at the sale of her)daughter.When the sixth year arrivedThey served up a daughter for a meal,Served up a son for food .[ lOnly one or two households were left.Their faces were covered with scabs (?) like malt.People stayed alive by .

When the second year arrived, they had depletedthe storehouse.When the third year arrivedThe people's looks were changed by starvation.When the fourth year arrivedTheir upstanding bearing bowed,Their well-set shoulders slouched,People went out in public hunched over.When the fifth year arrived,A daughter would eye her mother coming in;A mother would not even open her door to herdaughter.A daughter would watch the scales (at the sale) ofher mother,A mother would watch the scales (at the sale) of herdaughter.When the sixth year arrived,

And the evening and the morning were the sixth cycle.

31 God saw all that he had made, and it was very good. And there was evening, and there was morning—the sixth day.