Ivan Teller

Gorilla from Atlantis

Metatron / Gorilla From Atlantis / Archangel Ariel Channeling


Ivan Teller begins the session, welcoming everyone to the final channeling of the year. He sends well wishes for the upcoming year and transitions into the channeling.

Metatron’s Message

Metatron appears briefly to offer blessings, encouraging everyone to connect with their highest spiritual energy. He emphasizes healing the old Earth and creating a new world with soul connections that allow individuals to access their inner power. He notes the planet is in pain and that healing energy is essential to bring renewal.

Apes from Atlantis

The next beings to speak are identified as the Apes from Atlantis. They reveal that they are part of humanity’s DNA and have been guiding human societies for generations. Although they have remained mostly hidden, they express that their influence will soon become more noticeable as humanity enters a new phase of prosperity. These beings suggest that as people prepare for a new world, their presence will become more visible, helping guide them through this transition.

Archangel Ariel’s Message

Archangel Ariel follows with a message focusing on personal and planetary growth. She explains that everyone carries Archangel DNA, which manifests in different ways, such as through physical or mental strengths. Ariel highlights the importance of connecting to the universe through the heart chakra, as it is the main link to the angelic realm. She predicts that as humanity evolves, angelic energies will become part of daily life, helping to remove old systems and programming.

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