Robert Nelson

18 Alien Contacts and Bob’s Life

Source: 18 Alien contacts and Bob’s Life – YouTube

January 10, 2019 – Session 18

On January 10, 2019, the 18th session of “Alien Contacts in Bob’s Life” took place. In this session, Bob discussed interactions with different extraterrestrial beings and his meditative experiences with them.

The Ancients

Bob shared his experiences with a group referred to as “the Ancients.” In a meditative state, they projected humorous images to him. He described their craft as being transdimensional, likely avoiding full entry into Earth’s dimension to avoid disrupting the planet’s gravity. The craft, which Bob called a “craft world,” was vast, composed of yellowish-white crystals, and filled with light.

Bob explained that recent contact with the Ancients had decreased, though he highlighted their steadfastness in assisting humanity. He remarked that many ancient beings, whether from within or beyond the multiverse, resist change due to their eternal nature. These beings tend to adhere strictly to their ancient methods and are reluctant to evolve. Bob emphasized the significance of his role in guiding these advanced races to adopt a more hands-on approach, helping humanity uplift itself without direct intervention or force.


Bob transitioned to discussing the WingMakers, another group of beings. They are believed to be from 700 years in the future and have returned to the present to correct past events, thereby improving their own timeline. Bob mentioned the website “,” where additional information about them can be found.

The WingMakers are associated with time capsules discovered in various locations, one of which is near Chaco Canyon, found in the late 1970s. This site was later taken over by the military. According to Bob, he, along with Paul and Jan, visited these chambers out-of-body. The chambers contained codes representing different levels of human DNA and served as time capsules, holding multidimensional information in the form of art, music, and mathematics.

The information Bob encountered in these chambers was unique, with the artwork being symbolic and three-dimensional. The music was designed to positively affect the brain, much like classical music, enhancing mental health and neural activity. Despite military efforts to secure these sites, Bob managed to bypass their monitoring systems through his psychic abilities.

The ACIO and Dr. Neruda

The Advanced Contact Intelligence Organization (ACIO) played a significant role in the discovery of WingMakers’ artifacts. Dr. Neruda, a scientist from ACIO, defected, believing that the world needed to know about the WingMakers. ACIO created a machine to decode information from the WingMakers’ time capsules, which were stored on CDs with advanced, multidimensional data. Dr. Neruda disseminated this information, and his story is available online.

Future Sessions

Bob concluded the session by stating that future discussions would focus on other alien species, including reptilians and greys. He acknowledged that reptilians often have a negative reputation but noted that not all factions share the same destructive agendas. Some have changed for the better and now strive to create a better future. Bob hinted at upcoming sessions that would delve deeper into the various groups of reptilians and their roles.

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