Ivan Teller

Andromeda Wars With The Reptilians Galactic History Channeling


Ivan begins by mentioning that this is part of a “galactic download” and that there is no copyright on the content, encouraging reuse. He states that the topic will focus on the “Andromeda Wars with the Reptilians” and discusses the flexibility of these sessions, which will often explore galactic histories.

Andromeda and Reptilian Clones

Ivan explains that some Andromedan beings have been replaced by reptilian clones, humanoid in appearance but reptilian in origin. He discusses how reptilians often infiltrate societies to enhance or control the DNA of other races, including the Andromedans. These wars seem to have revolved around control, with some reptilians developing relationships with Andromedans, which created complications and divisions within the Andromedan species.

Andromeda’s Struggles and Dimensions

He highlights how Andromedans, despite their higher frequency, have faced challenges and conflicts with reptilians. Much of this occurred in the fourth and fifth dimensions, where physicality still plays a role. After these wars, many Andromedans came to Earth seeking solutions to their identity crises and spiritual healing. Ivan explains that some Andromedans, having had relationships with reptilians, struggled to find themselves again, and even lost their higher frequency energies.

Corruption in the Andromedan Councils

Ivan refers to some Andromedan councils as being corrupted, comparing them to authoritarian regimes that impose rules under the guise of benevolence. These councils were not accepting of the reptilians, which exacerbated tensions and led to further conflicts. He compares this conflict to historical events such as the Seven Years’ War, where different cultures clashed and sought dominance.

Reptilian Influence in Andromeda

Reptilians, according to Ivan, infiltrated Andromedan councils through shape-shifting and cloning, sometimes replacing key figures. These actions escalated tensions, leading to the destruction of some Andromedan worlds and stars. The reptilians, designed to “shake things up,” played a similar role to their influence in Earth’s history, where they have also been involved in wars and manipulation.

Andromedan Hybridization and Reptilian Manipulation

Ivan discusses how the wars between reptilians and Andromedans were often centered around hybridization. Some Andromedans rejected the reptilian influence, while others were open to relationships, leading to hybrid offspring. These interspecies connections sometimes resulted in internal conflicts within Andromedan society.

Role of Reptilian Secret Societies

Reptilians, especially those from the Draco star system and Sirius, have established secretive networks, similar to Earth’s intelligence agencies, like the CIA. These networks exist not only on Earth but also on moons and planets within Andromeda, where covert operations manipulate societies. Ivan suggests that such secretive bases might even exist around Earth, hidden from view.

Reptilian Bases on Earth and Andromeda

Reptilian bases, Ivan mentions, are often located in hostile environments like volcanic areas. He refers to a base in Russia but clarifies that not all reptilian beings are malevolent. Some are diplomatic and seek to end the wars, while others continue to engage in conflicts across various star systems.

Earth as a Refuge for Galactic Beings

Ivan explains how Earth became a refuge for beings from other planets destroyed by wars, including Andromedans. These beings, drawn to Earth because of its similarity to their home planets, established a connection with Earth, which has led to continued spiritual and karmic ties between our planet and others.

Sports and Galactic Wars

Ivan closes by discussing how Earth’s sports competitions help resolve some of the galactic conflicts. He suggests that sports, particularly team-based competitions, serve as a way to settle disputes in a less violent manner, helping calm the energies of those with past-life connections to wars. Sports, according to Ivan, are a way to resolve warlike energies on Earth and in the cosmos.


Ivan concludes the session by acknowledging that the Andromeda connection came to him recently, suggesting that there is more information to come on this topic. He emphasizes that Andromedans continue to influence Earth’s frequency, offering spiritual assistance to those struggling with the lower energies of the planet.

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