Ginger Bayley

Did Sirians play a role in the creation of Atlantis? 1/2


Ginger Bayley welcomes everyone to the second part of the session discussing the Atlantean civilization. Along with Erik and guest Courtney Dillon, they explore further details about Atlantis, its origins, and the beings involved in its creation.

Syrian Role in the Creation of Atlantis

There were various extraterrestrial beings, including the Sirians, who contributed to the formation of Atlantis. They provided knowledge, technology, and even DNA to help establish early human tribes. Many beings from Sirius had a significant influence on Atlantis, which can still be observed today on Earth.

Initial Purpose of Atlantis

The initial concept of Atlantis was to create colonies representing “Heaven on Earth.” These places were meant to be peaceful, harmonious, and aligned with the Galactic Federation. Earth itself served as a galactic library, containing encoded information from other planets.

Atlantean Physical Characteristics

Atlanteans are described as tall and thin. Their body types varied, and there were individuals with hypermobility, which is known today as Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome. During Atlantean times, medical treatments existed for various conditions, though diseases were less prevalent due to the less dense physicality of their bodies.

Location of Atlantis

Atlantis is believed to have existed in the Atlantic Ocean. While there was a physical location, Atlantis also had an energetic component that can still be accessed today. Connecting with the energy of Atlantis could provide insight into personal origins and purpose.

Anunnaki Presence During Atlantean Times

The Anunnaki were present during the Atlantean civilization. There were both benevolent and malevolent factions. The negative group aimed to control and enslave humanity, while others had more positive interactions with the Atlanteans.

Destruction of Atlantis

One theory states that Atlantis was destroyed by asteroid fragments over time, though Erik describes an explosion as a significant event in the civilization’s fall. While asteroids may have played a role, the ultimate destruction was abrupt and widespread.

Atlantean Technologies

A large crystal, referred to as the “Mother Crystal,” played a key role in healing and gathering information. Crystals were seen as living entities that held great power, a belief shared by Nikola Tesla. Erik explains that advanced technologies such as solar power and zero-point energy were used to power airships and other machinery, eliminating the need for fossil fuels.

Connection to Stone Spheres in Costa Rica

The stone spheres found in Costa Rica have a connection to Atlantis. These spheres, along with other ancient artifacts around the world, hold encoded information that traces back to Atlantean times.

Stages of Atlantis’ Fall

Atlantis did not collapse all at once. It broke apart in stages before finally sinking. The final destruction, however, was sudden and catastrophic.

Science and Genetic Research in Atlantis

Many of the technologies and sciences seen today, such as artificial intelligence and genetic research, were already present in Atlantis. There was advanced work in gene therapy, splicing, and cloning, though some of these technologies were misused.

Atlantean Survivors and Migration

Survivors of Atlantis spread across the globe. Some settled in Egypt, but Atlantean influence extended to various parts of the world, as though threads of the civilization were woven into different regions.

Modern Discoveries of Atlantis

It is believed that modern technology, such as Google Maps, may uncover remnants of Atlantis. Future generations, particularly certain children born with encoded DNA, will play a role in these discoveries.

Infighting and Negative Influences in Atlantis

Infighting and greed became rampant among the tribes of Atlantis. These negative energies, influenced in part by the Anunnaki, led to the civilization’s downfall. Egos and the desire for power caused an imbalance that ultimately contributed to Atlantis’ destruction.

Mind Control and DNA Manipulation

The negative Anunnaki placed an electromagnetic net around the planet to control minds and disabled certain strands of human DNA. These strands, which are now beginning to reawaken, connect individuals with their psychic abilities and multi-dimensional aspects.

Atlantean Use of Mind Power

Atlanteans had the ability to generate power using their minds, a concept referred to as the “Mind Light Generator.” This technology was also present in ancient Egypt and will likely be rediscovered in the future.


The session concludes with gratitude to Erik, Courtney Dillon, and the audience. The exploration of Atlantis, its origins, and the beings involved provides valuable insights into this ancient civilization and its ongoing influence on the world today.

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