
Regardless of its precise location, Tarshish is consistently portrayed in the Bible as a distant, wealthy, and influential place, significant in maritime trade and symbolic of the far reaches of the known world during biblical times.

Context: In this well-known narrative, the prophet Jonah attempts to escape God's command by fleeing to Tarshish, which is thought to represent the farthest known location west of Israel at the time, possibly corresponding to a region in modern-day Spain.

Monkeys: Numerous species of monkeys are native to Africa, contributing to their export in ancient times.

The idea that the mention of "once every three years" in 2 Chronicles 9:21 could indicate a journey time of 18 months each way by boat is a reasonable interpretation, particularly when considering the logistics of ancient maritime trade.

In ancient times, long-distance sea voyages were complex and time-consuming, requiring careful planning, favorable weather conditions, and stops for resupply.

A round trip of three years could feasibly include 18 months of travel in each direction, with the remaining time spent in trade, loading, and unloading cargo, and waiting for optimal sailing conditions.

The timing of these winds would have been critical, potentially dictating a large part of the travel schedule, leading to extended wait times and contributing to the overall length of the journey.

The three-year cycle might also reflect the time needed to navigate complex trade networks.

These long voyages were necessary due to the vast distances, the need to navigate around entire continents, and the time required for trade negotiations and loading cargo.

Duration: Each leg of the journey could take six months to a year, and the entire round trip, including time spent in Manila, could take around two to three years.

Resupply Stops: Ships needed to stop at multiple ports along the way for fresh water, food, and repairs, adding to the overall time.

Previously, it was believed that maritime trade at that time was conducted safely by sailing from one port to another, always keeping the coast in sight.

He highlights that the Bible mentions islands 32 times, including references to distant islands and those on the way to Tarshish.

Mauro Bigloni

The Laws for Humans

Biglino emphasizes that more than half, or perhaps almost two-thirds, of these rules have a sanitary and hygienic character because the Elohim needed to prevent the spread of diseases that could decimate their populations in a short time.

A Dweller on Two Planets

Atlantis, Queen of the Wave

While others may have known of the place, I never found a companion brave enough to stand by my side on the horrid brink where I had stood several times in the past.

For a time, fear held me fast, gazing into the hellish depths of the blazing elements.

But it was a greater treasure than I had ever possessed or seen at one time, and so I was content.

Passengers can also use the naima, a technology that allows for real-time visual and vocal communication with distant people, appearing life-sized in mirrors.

Poseid: The narrator’s homeland, referred to several times.

For several days we remained in the capital, and during this time were escorted over it by no less a person than Rai Emon himself.

Thousands of years later, in the time of Jesus of Nazareth, these were called "Essenes." But Atla, which possessed such a wealth of literature, had, with a single exception, no books on the subject.

It grew still more when the Rai remarked later on that "the girl Anzimee would one day be an Incalenu." But the growth was not great in that olden time; it was reserved for a life to come, when decades upon decades of centuries had flown, till now!

And in that day thou shalt suffer until the time of him who shall be called Moses.

Then, giving the Governor his commission, a document which he received with the remark, "Thou art a man, indeed, not longer a boy,"—words which, though so kindly meant, fell on heedless ears at the time, for as I made my return to the vailx I felt actually heartsick at what I feared had been the acme of indiscretion on my part.

He was troubled at the effect of his words upon me, an effect not intended, as he told her, and one which would never have occurred if he had not at that time been engaged in solving the very abstruse political problem presented by the new aspect of affairs through the decease of Rai Emon.

The remaining two thousand miles would occupy some three hours for transit, a length of time that seemed to my impatient desire so long, that I paced the floor of the salon in very fretfulness.

I have seen, since the days of Poseid, a time when a vastly slower progress would have seemed swift, but then the past had a veil obscuring it so that comparison was impossible—

These automatic writing spells continued for several years; he would write a few pages at a time.

The Atlanteans possessed machinery and devices far beyond what was known at the time of writing, including flying machines called "vailxi" and other forms of advanced transportation and communication.

He implies that many souls who lived during the time of Atlantis have reincarnated in the modern era, carrying with them both the positive and negative consequences of their past lives.

Central Greece

Mount Helicon

In ancient times, Mount Helicon was an important cultural and religious center.

Another legend tells of the time when Mount Helicon itself began to grow in height due to the Muses' singing.

It sounds like, and let's address the elephant in the room—the elephant in the room is that last time we had a beautiful teaser saying, "The winner will be Joe Biden." But now, you and I both discuss and talk about simultaneous reality, alternate timelines, shifts, awakening, and all these things.

hasn’t had a situation like that in a very long time, and it shifted our central point of awareness.

Dean Radin, and others were studying random number generators, and during 9/11, these numbers were skewed because so many people were focused on the same event at the same time.

It’s also a time for divine intervention, needed for the most peace and love on our planet.

Over time, the idea of ley lines evolved beyond Watkins' original concept.


Abuna Yemata Guh

They suggest that Ethiopians built their churches on top of cliffs because, at the time, Christianity was still largely practiced in secret.

Traditionally, it’s seen as a time of heightened spiritual energy.

Personal Reflections: Several individuals share their experiences of spiritual growth, challenges, and the intense energies being felt during these times of cosmic and spiritual alignment.

It's a time of revealing hidden truths and dismantling the structures that have been used to control humanity, making way for a new era of freedom and abundance.

This cycle represents the time it takes for the solar system to orbit around the center of the galaxy.

The arrival of this pulse introduces new frequencies of healing and enlightenment, influencing human consciousness and altering our perception of time.

Time Perception: Due to changes in vibrational frequencies, people may perceive days as shorter, feeling like 16 hours instead of 24.

G.I. Gurdjieff

The world’s beginnings

Dynamic Equilibrium: The laws ensure that dynamic equilibrium is maintained, allowing for both stability and change as the solar system evolves over time.

Description: Reflects the influence of cosmic and planetary cycles on the passage of time and seasonal changes.

Description: Reflects the influence of cosmic and planetary cycles on the passage of time and seasonal changes.

Description: Governs the process by which species adapt and evolve over time through survival and reproduction.

Description: Governs the Moon's reflection of sunlight, influencing Earth's night-time illumination.

Description: Governs the Moon's lack of geophysical activity, resulting in a stable surface over time.

Laura mentions that time for Atlanteans was not linear, making it challenging to pin them down in a specific timespan.

She suggests that they existed thousands of years before our written history but explains that their perception of time differed significantly from ours.

Hurtak Time warps are described as space-time anomalies created by the Brotherhood of Light, serving specific purposes within the Earth’s structure.

These anomalies allow for the manipulation and transcendence of conventional time, enabling the synchronization of various spiritual and cosmic activities.

“In that day the Lord will reach out his hand a second time to reclaim the surviving remnant of his people from Assyria, from Lower Egypt, from Upper Egypt, from Cush, from Elam, from Babylonia, from Hamath and from the islands of the Mediterranean.”

Around 10,835 BCE

Taurid meteor stream

Time: Around 10,835 ± 50 BCE

Time: Approximately 10,785 ± 50 BP (Before Present)

Time: Around the onset of the Younger Dryas

Time: Coincides with the Younger Dryas onset

Historical Emanation: During the time of Göbekli Tepe, expected to have emanated from the direction of Capricornus–Aquarius–Pisces, with less dispersion than today.

Lemurians became aware of shifts in Atlantean energy and experienced trauma for the first time when Atlantis attempted to infiltrate Lemuria, which grounded them more in the third-dimensional reality.

Laura mentions that time for Atlanteans was not linear, making it challenging to pin them down in a specific timespan.

She suggests that they existed thousands of years before our written history but explains that their perception of time differed significantly from ours.

She discusses how Atlanteans had advanced tools and technologies, far surpassing what we have today, and that their society gradually evolved over time.

15,000 years

Turin King list

List of Kings: The papyrus originally contained a comprehensive list of Egyptian rulers from mythical times up to the period in which it was compiled.

Dynastic Pharaohs: The list then proceeds to record the names and reigns of pharaohs from the First Dynasty through to the time of its creation in the Nineteenth Dynasty.

The Turin Royal Canon, also known as the Turin King List, is believed to cover a span of time that reaches back into the mythical past, extending into historical periods.

Current human understanding of space travel requires vehicles, such as spacecraft, that take considerable time and energy to traverse vast interstellar distances.

This method bypasses the constraints of distance and time, offering a radically different approach to interstellar travel.

This family is portrayed as watching over humanity, waiting for the time when humans mature into a compassionate race.

During this time, Type B mtDNA spread to the Philippines, Borneo, Madagascar, and Polynesia, with movements continuing until about 1,000 years ago.

During this stage, humans had not yet developed dense physical bodies, which only emerged gradually over time.

Rudolf Steiner

Man’s First Ancestors

Steiner describes a time when human ancestors existed as astral beings in a spiritual world.

Rudolf Steiner

The First, or Polar, Race

This chapter describes a time when the Earth was in its nascent form, undergoing various transformations that laid the foundation for life as we know it today.

Over time, as the Earth transformed, a specialized part of the body retained the ability to respond to these vibrations, leading to the gradual development of the organ of hearing​.

Steiner describes how, over time, humanity began to undergo a gradual division into male and female forms.

This regulation was instinctive rather than conscious, reflecting the mental life of the time.

Over time, the perception of external light evolved, leading to the development of new organs of sight, such as the two eyes, and a separation from the surrounding astral world.

Rudolf Steiner


Physical Abilities: Atlanteans could use water and other natural elements in ways that modern humans cannot due to changes in the environment over time.

The findings included potential architectural structures and artifacts related to the time of Gilgamesh​.

The Keys of Enoch

Atlantis and Time Warps

In The Book of Knowledge: The Keys of Enoch, the concept of time warps is intricately linked to the legacy of Atlantis.

Time warps are described as space-time anomalies created by the Brotherhood of Light, serving specific purposes within the Earth's structure.

These anomalies allow for the manipulation and transcendence of conventional time, enabling the synchronization of various spiritual and cosmic activities (Page 320).

The Brotherhood of Light, utilizing advanced spiritual and cosmic knowledge, created artificial time warp zones.

The time warps are designed to alter the flow of time, allowing for the integration of higher dimensional energies and the execution of divine plans on Earth (Page 320).

The time warps are directly connected to the Atlantean legacy, reflecting the advanced scientific and spiritual understanding possessed by the Atlanteans.

In Atlantis, crystalline technologies were used to create and manipulate these time warp zones, enabling the civilization to engage in activities that transcended ordinary temporal limitations.

The Atlanteans' ability to control time and space was a significant aspect of their advanced technological prowess (Page 320).

These space-time anomalies are crucial for various spiritual operations conducted by the Brotherhood of Light.

By utilizing time warps, the Brotherhood can coordinate efforts to uplift human consciousness and implement higher spiritual teachings across different eras and civilizations (Page 320).

The existence of time warps and their manipulation by the Brotherhood of Light have profound implications for human evolution.

Time warps allow for accelerated spiritual growth, offering humanity the opportunity to align with cosmic cycles and divine plans more efficiently (Page 320).

The knowledge of time warps and their application is suggested to be rediscovered in future cycles, as humanity progresses and reconnects with the Atlantean legacy.

The book envisions a time when these principles will be harnessed responsibly, contributing to a new era of spiritual enlightenment and technological advancement.

The understanding and use of time warps will play a pivotal role in the future spiritual evolution of humanity (Page 320).

This allowed them to create shifts in time-space, effectively enabling them to control or alter reality at a fundamental level (Page 319).

From that time, so universal were his instructions, nothing material has been added by way of improvement."