
Disciple Dojo

The Baal Cycle

Understanding the cultural and religious background of the time aids in interpreting biblical texts.

This exploration into the Baal Cycle is intended to illuminate the world into which the Old Testament was revealed and to demonstrate how the biblical text engages with and subverts the prevailing mythologies of the time.

It was part of the broader religious landscape of the time, which included a variety of mystery religions and cults offering personal salvation and mystical experiences.

The Minoans on Crete, contemporaneous with the proposed time of Atlantis, practiced bull-leaping, a ritualistic and possibly religious ceremony involving bulls.

Beltane, marking the beginning of summer, was a time of celebration and fertility rites.

It became especially prominent during medieval times across Europe.

The summer solstice, or Litha, was a significant time for druids who conducted ceremonies under sacred oaks to honor the peak of the sun's power and the life it brings.

Sayce's interpretations of the AST and its connections to the Biblical Tree of Life and Tree of Knowledge have influenced subsequent research, although these interpretations have evolved and been debated over time​.

Cult Object Theory:The interpretation of asherah as a cult object has evolved over time.

Its interpretations have evolved over time, reflecting the dynamic nature of religious practices and iconography in the ancient world.

In modern times, necromancy is often depicted in literature, films, and games as a form of dark magic used by sorcerers or witches.

In contemporary times, direct accusations of necromancy are rare, but related practices can still lead to legal issues, especially in countries with strict laws against witchcraft or occult practices.

The Witchcraft Act of 1735 was enacted during a time when belief in witchcraft was waning, and Enlightenment thinking was promoting more rational and scientific views.

Outcome: Despite being acquitted in her initial trial, Katharina was attacked and drowned by a mob incited by local authorities and the church, reflecting the intense fear and suspicion of witchcraft at the time.

2 Then Solomon summoned to Jerusalem the elders of Israel, all the heads of the tribes and the chiefs of the Israelite families, to bring up the ark of the Lord YHWH’s covenant from Zion, the City of David. 3 And all the Israelites came together to the king at the time of the festival in the seventh month.

Anne Baring

The Lunar Period

Anne Baring's discussions of the Lunar period often focus on prehistoric times, particularly during the Paleolithic and Neolithic eras, which span approximately from 2.5 million years ago to around 2000 BCE.

During this time, the Moon's cycles were crucial for agricultural practices, and feminine deities associated with fertility and the Earth were widely venerated.

She emphasizes the need to revive and integrate the wisdom of the Lunar period in contemporary times to address modern spiritual and ecological challenges.

I'm looking for elements that were attributed to the female part of God but eradicated by YHWH over time.

Over time, however, it became an object of veneration and was destroyed by King Hezekiah as part of his religious reforms to eliminate idolatry (2 Kings 18:4).

Josiah's reign occurred during a time of significant political changes in the Near East.

Canaanite Pantheon


The Hebrew Bible mentions Asherah several times, often in a negative context.

He broke into pieces the bronze snake Moses had made, for up to that time the Israelites had been burning incense to it.

Ashira is referenced 40 times in the Old Testament, often negatively, as part of efforts to suppress her worship in favor of monotheism.

Despite these efforts, Ashira's worship persisted for a considerable time, reflecting her deep-rooted significance in the culture.

These tales describe a time when our ancestors were ruled by entities that were not human, had no empathy for us, and governed through terror and overwhelming power.

He might have learned about the existence and significance of the Ark during his time in Egypt.

Yeshua spent time in India learning from spiritual masters.

She explains that during their time, they were aware of the Christ Consciousness technology, which emerged approximately midway through the Atlantean-Lemurian wars.

She explains that during their time, they were aware of the Christ Consciousness technology, which emerged approximately midway through the Atlantean-Lemurian wars.

Leanna explains that the Atlanteans operated outside the construct of time and that their existence and activities cannot be pinpointed to a single geographic location or specific historical timeline.

She emphasizes that Atlantis was not confined to one place or one time.

Instead, the Atlanteans were active in various places on Earth and at different times.

The Atlanteans' activities occurred simultaneously across multiple locations and times, making it impossible to identify a singular geographic location for Atlantis as traditionally conceived.

She explains the Atlanteans' timeless nature, existing outside of the construct of time.

Leanna explains that at the time of their intervention, Earth had precisely 144,000 beings, referred to as the original humans.

Over time, the dynamics of power and control emerged, causing internal conflicts and external pressures, contributing to the rise of a new, more aggressive human race.

Leanna recounts that during the time of the Atlantean and Lemurian conflicts, Earth experienced multiple natural disasters.

Use of Natural Healing Technologies: Leanna advises using Hathorian healing technologies, such as sound instruments and crystals, to promote balance and healing in modern times.

Aztec mythology

The 5 Suns

The people of this time were turned into birds.

6th Dimension

The Weaver or Spiders

4th Dimension: Emotional energy, time, and the astral plane.

Children have been learning history in schools for centuries, though the nature, content, and purpose of history education have evolved significantly over time.

He suggests that the entire planet's continents rose and fell, and the land distribution in Atlantis' time was extensive.

Note: No time - Direct manifestation 4th dimension?

Some time went by, and Sky Woman gave birth to a baby girl.

When it was time for them to be born, the right-handed twin was born in the usual way.

She reflects light at night, helps the people keep track of time, controls the rise and fall of waters, and keeps company with the stars and the left-handed twin, the Keeper of the Night.

At one time he is a conjuror molding earth in his hands or uttering an incantation to stabilize the forms he has molded, at another time a god sending his essence into the rock Tumu-nui that it may unite with Papa-raharaha and upset the condition of equilibrium that has prevented growth and change.

Allowing a shift from Tu to Kane in Hawaii, both gods of artisans in Tahiti, the Tahitian story of man’s origin corresponds in time, place, and function with the first Kumulipo trilogy.

A further factor entering into the position of Kanaloa in Hawaiian accounts of creation, but not apparent in the Kumulipo, shows strife to have arisen at some time either before or after the migration into the Hawaiian group between followers of the Kanaloa priesthood and that of Kane, with Kane eventually triumphant, Kanaloa repudiated, and god Ku set up in his stead as agent with Kane in the creation story.

Certainly by the time of the American mission in 1820 the idea prevailed that Kanaloa was rebellious against Kane and worked against him.

In New Zealand it is Tane son of Rangi by Papa-tu-a-nuku, originally Tangaroa’s wife, who takes his own daughter to wife, and it is she who, learning of her relationship to him, escapes to the lower world “to drag our offspring down.” “And now,” says one version of the tale, “from this time onward the flow of the ‘current of death’ of mankind to the ‘everlasting night’ became permanent.” 

And because Kane made the darkness he was called Kane-in-the-Long-Night (Po-loa), because he alone dwelt at that time and he made it.

Hawaiians generally represent Po as a period of darkness and give the word the meaning of night as opposed to day (ao). So my translator in a passage from Kepelino: “There was Deep-intense-night (Po-nui-auwa’ea), a period of time without heaven, without earth, without anything that is made.

Only gods (he mau akua wale) lived at that time.

Kukahi goes on to explain the Po as a time of nonhumans when there were no “souls” (’uhane) of men living in the flesh but only strange fairy-like beings called ’e’epa and many-bodied beings called laumanamana. 

Laying aside the teachings and beliefs of this people (Hawaiians) in this new time, let our thoughts go back to where the very beginning was thought to be of the growing up of the generations of these islands, to the actual birth of the first person and those born with her out of the enclosures biting hard so as to be felt of the Po (paia ’a’aki konouli o ka Po).

It was said that in this life in Po some people were born without bones (’alu’alu) and from that time birth began to change in Po until human bodies came into being.

At the time when the mother gives birth, those of the Po show the signs of a chief.

This is scarcely straight personification but rather a doctrine of souls corresponding to and animating material bodies and grouped in succession in time as a means of reaching a system of classification corresponding to the Hawaiian approach to the universe and to society as a whole.

Probably about the same time that the Vikings of Scandinavia were roaming along the Atlantic coasts the Pacific seamen were passing from group to group among the Pacific islands.

The stories told by the old natives of the present time do not give anydetails of the meeting between the strangers and the people residing inthe village.

By the time they reached Kaena, the northwestern cape of Oahu, they were evidently anxious concerning their missing companions.

These gods had their home in the place where the old man continually worshipped them, but they loved to go away from time to time for a trip around the island.

The people cheered the priest as he returned to the beach and a second time approached the whale.

According to his dialogues, Timaeus and Critias, Atlantis was a powerful and advanced civilization that existed around 9,000 years before his time.

These studies suggest movements of peoples over time, although specific migrations linked to the Popol Vuh are challenging to pinpoint.

Description: Plato’s "Timaeus" and "Critias" describe Atlantis as a powerful island civilization that existed 9,000 years before Plato’s time and was submerged due to divine retribution.



Kupihea was told by his grandfather, who served in a temple on Hawaii, that dogs were not used for sacrifice until Kalaniopu’u’s time, but this may not hold true for other islands.

Pokini would doubtless refer the passage to the bestowal of the burning taboo upon Keawe's first-born at the time when he was officially introduced by name in the heiau to the rank of a high taboo chief.