
The other continent's people killed their God and cut off their head, which is the time of Ulysses.

Our people accumulated knowledge through their language, expressing what they have acknowledged throughout time.

0:36A lot of times when I work with kindergarten kids and young kids, especially, and I tell them that we never called this place Canada, we called it Turtle Island, right?

There was a great flood at some time in our history.

A very long time ago, when God first put people here on Mother Earth, God wanted us to behave a certain way.

But as time went on and more and more people started to fill Mother Earth, those people began to lose their way.

2:14God looked down on the people at that time in disgust.

When the great floods came to Mother Earth, Nana Beaujo was walking on creation at that time.

4:07Most humans, regular humans like me and you, would have died a long time ago because we really need food and water.

5:07The turtle saved Nana Beaujo for the time being.

As time went by and the discussion carried on, none of the animals could figure out what to do.

Mammals need to breathe air, they can hold their breath for a long time, but eventually, they have to come back up.

Don't even waste your time.

Paschal Beverly Randolph

Estimates of human origins

Vast floods of water rushed down from either pole; myriads of peoples, scores of nations, attained immortality in the twinkling of God’s eye; and their souls, in millions, rose to heaven and entered the portals of disbodied glory, while their fleshly forms sunk, food for fishes and for worms, leaving only here and there a fragmentary bone or skeleton, to become in future ages, after other upheavals, mute but eloquent witnesses to the fact that there did exist, once upon a time, Pre-Adamite races of men.

It is known that the Planets of the Solar System are interdependent and mutually connected; and from researches conducted for long years, I conclude that about 58,600 years ago, the planet of this system then revolving on its axis in an orbit between those of Mars and Jupiter, BURST asunder—scattered into a million fragments, the larger ones now constituting the Asteroids, and named Juno, Vesta, Pallas, Ceres, and so on, to the number of a hundred or more, and the smaller bits of which are now revolving at greater or less distances apart, in a track or belt, so situated as to be crossed by the earth from the 11th to the 24th of every November, at which time we are visited by showers of meteoric stones, attracted then by the globe, and which fragments once formed part of the now shattered world.

Paschal Beverly Randolph

Cyclical Time in Ancient Legends

Paschal Beverly Randolph delves into the belief in cyclical time prevalent in antiquity.

Randolph's exploration of these cycles highlights the intersection of mythology and history, suggesting that ancient civilizations used numerical cycles to structure their understanding of time and events.

Each orb was made to grow or to be born at an exact point in time and space as a material.

I was called night, the point in its time zone.

It's time from one moment as a measuring system of duration to become 24 hours.

Three equals eight as three times eight equals 24.

This planet is based on cycles of four, that is four equal time periods of six thousand years each, 24,000 years.

The Supreme Mathematics or Matrix of this planet is 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24, or eight digits times 8 equals 24.

Eight: Speak, read, write, and record time.

Thirteen: Time travel.

The eyes of those who created watched and from time to time sent move also investigators to report back.

By the time you reach a center with 24, which is proton, which means first an elementary particle in the nucleus of an atom carrying a unit of positive charge of electricity and nuclear is nuclear energy and nuclei.

Three times nine equals 27.

Or the time fleece of a club zero space absence of form or shape zero material orb of the planet.

You have and have number one: time dark hole.

Paschal Beverly Randolph

Our history – A Shemitic Myth

I suppose that Time moves in cycles, and that each has its peculiar order of intelligent beings, both like and unlike the present race of men.

Well, on that very day an Arab, in digging a well, found a jug-handle of a form and material so entirely different from any other discovered in modern times, that it attracted the attention of learned men.

Men, nations, civilizations, all, like the seasons, move in cycles, and each round of ages is but a varied repetition, on a larger or smaller scale, upon the same general theatre, of events that have, time and again, been enacted and observed.

The time that has elapsed since Gil-Shah lived must be computed at not less than one hundred thousand years.

Paschal Beverly Randolph

Mahabad – the last survivor

Great Cycles and Intelligent Beings: Randolph discusses the concept of time in Persian tradition, which is divided into a succession of great cycles.

The world relapsed into corruption multiple times but was repeatedly redeemed until a merciful God decided to use the people's evil habits to bring about a significant change.

"According to the authority just named, Time, from all past eternity, has been divided into a succession of cycles.

This account places Mahabad at the center of a mythological narrative that underscores the cyclical nature of time and civilization in ancient Persian beliefs, supporting Randolph’s broader thesis of ancient, pre-Adamite civilizations.

Paschal Beverly Randolph

86 Chaldean Kings – 34,080 years

Randolph references a list of Chaldean kings from ancient records, asserting that these kings ruled over an extensive period of time, indicating a long and complex history of civilization in Chaldea (Babylonia).

This pottery was attributed to civilized men who lived in Egypt around that time​​.

Paa Taraq

Their 3 Abodes

The intention of this demigod of evil will be live as you wish, do as you please, which will include sensual lust and visions of grandeur like never before for his time.

These tricks are intended to misguide others as to the truth and in times of who I, as your mother Warner Harman, really is and make himself look innocent of the activities the man of sin puts on others, even his own race.

If he says hate one of your own and they speak out on that, they get more air time and that means more money.

If you preach his religions with his images, that means air time, make a church or mosque, and more money.

He will give you TV time, the master deceiver.

For every one of them on TV, movies, commercials, posters, billboards, all day, all night, they are giving their own Salah race money, be it lotto or gambling, bank loans, one of ten, they find ways to give their race money all the time, around the clock.

It's time to return home.

It's time to accept, protect your own, not them and theirs, or believe in their religious foolishness, false hopes, spooks, spirit, or ghosts.

for that time ended in 1914 A.D.

As their time comes to an end, will you still follow after them?


Creation Story

From the depths of Time and Space came the union of Chaos and Order.


Co-Creation of Mū

The listener is encouraged to spend more time in Kawai’i, as their connection to this place is strong and holds significant spiritual importance.

The speaker discusses the involvement of extraterrestrial beings in these civilizations and the role of the listener's soul in these times.

The speaker refers to a time when Earth had no clouds, which aligns with some ancient periods shown in AI-generated images.

Over time, this DNA was hybridized into what humans are today.

By the time the speaker reached Australia, they were fully human.

They had a connection to Seychelles in Africa during the time of Atlantis, suggesting an energetic or cultural link between these locations.

They emphasize the importance of confirming information multiple times to ensure accuracy and avoid personal bias.

The speaker confirms having an incarnation as a mer-person, with specific ties to the time of Atlantis.

They mention that during their time in Atlantis, they also had a significant connection to Seychelles.

This connection indicates that beings from Atlantis, including the speaker in their mer-person incarnation, spent time in Seychelles.


Inner Earth

The concept of night in inner Earth is more like a shaded area behind mountains rather than a traditional sunset or night time.

The speaker has a soul history tied to these ancient civilizations and mentions having acted as a bridge between different cultures and times.

Participants are guided to travel through an interdimensional tunnel, moving backwards in time to ancient civilizations.

Lemuria is depicted as a time when physical continents and the planet were different, with more oceans and less distinct landmasses.

These temples were places of sacred mystery training, where higher-dimensional beings were visible, similar to times in ancient Egypt.

Participants are encouraged to spend time in nature to re-establish communication with plants and animals, fostering a telepathic connection.

The guide instructs participants to return to their present time and place, feeling the wonder and ability of astral travel, realizing that they have journeyed through both past and future.

In this long ago time, all the animals spoke the same language.

Maang dove into the water and was gone a long time.

"We do not have time for your nonsense."


Mount Shasta

Over time, the idea of Lemuria evolved beyond a simple land bridge.

As time passed, the world flourished with various creatures and plants.

He sent visions and dreams to the shamans and spiritual leaders of the Modoc tribe, guiding them in times of need.

In Japanese folklore, the Pleiades are associated with the god of agriculture and the seasons, reflecting their importance in marking time and guiding planting cycles.

The Pleiades’ appearance in the night sky was used by the Norse for navigation and to mark the passage of time.

The heliacal rising of the Pleiades marks the beginning of the new year and is a time of remembrance, celebration, and planning for the future.

"Science, especially Astronomy, requires a long time for development, and yet in this exceedingly old book we read passages that indicate a close acquaintance with it.

This passage illustrates that the Book of Job, an ancient text, contains references to various astronomical phenomena, indicating that the people of that time had a considerable understanding of astronomy.

Over time, the worship of Baal declined with the rise of monotheistic religions like Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.



This suggests a continuity of spiritual entities across time and cultures, merely under different names and forms.


The bull

In contemporary times, the bull continues to be a symbol of strength, resilience, and determination.

Taurus season, which spans from late April to mid-May, corresponds with the height of spring in the Northern Hemisphere, a time of growth and fertility.

Great Flood Story

Cherokee Flood Story

A long time ago, a man had a dog that began to behave strangely.

The rain continued for a long time, and the water rose higher and higher until even the mountains were submerged.



Elijah's return is anticipated as a sign of the end times and the coming of the Kingdom of God.

He believes there is more to be said about how people can survive through challenging times and what God is calling them to do.

The story takes place during a time of severe drought and famine in the land of Israel.

Elijah took the boy, prayed to God, and stretched himself upon the child three times.

This period marked a time of confusion and fear among the locals, as they were unaccustomed to the advanced energies and wisdom that Thoth and his group brought.