Robert Nelson

Andromedans 10th Ylo Pt.1/3. Protection. Earth splits. Magic. More on atoms.

February 16, 2019 – Communication with the Andromedans

Bob’s Journey to Meet the Andromedans

Bob begins his journey to meet the Andromedans in space over the Antarctic. His soul connects with the Andromedan ship, where he is in a room with simple, rounded walls. After making contact, a conversation begins between Bob and an Andromedan being named Coran Ganache.

Andromedan Language and Culture

The Andromedans use multiple languages, which they describe as closely tied to music and intonation. They explain that languages, including those on Earth, are connected by similar sounds arranged differently. Some Earth languages, such as certain Indian languages, have origins in the stars, but this is a topic for another discussion.

Earth as an Andromedan Protectorate

The Andromedans view Earth as their “Protectorate,” a role they have held for some time. Despite various challenges, they have decided to assert their protection of the planet. They note that while some human governments are assisting in removing threats like “black satellites,” the Andromedans are working towards a peaceful outcome for humanity.

Upcoming Events and the Role of the Sun

The Andromedans mention an impending event they call the “Grand Enlightening” connected to solar activity. This process, which has already begun, will be gradual and will aim to help humanity without harming the planet.

They emphasize that the choice has already been made between two options: destruction from the Sun or a gentle spiritual upliftment. The latter will result in a split between the current Earth and a better version in another dimension.

Split of Dimensions

The split between dimensions will divide humanity based on their spiritual alignment. Those with love and light in their hearts will move to a higher-dimensional Earth, while others will remain in a lower-dimensional realm. These dimensions will no longer interact, but the Andromedans assure that no one will be permanently excluded from the opportunity to advance.

Mysticism and Magic in Daily Life

The Andromedans discuss a future Earth where mysticism and spiritual practices, akin to magic, will become a natural part of daily life. People will reconnect with nature spirits and other beings as they once did, with such phenomena becoming more commonly accepted and expected.

Atoms and Sacred Geometry

The conversation turns to the nature of atoms. The Andromedans explain that each atom contains a tiny black hole at its center, surrounded by waves and energy fields that keep it stable. They stress that atoms are not composed of solid particles but are formed by wave fronts coming together, a concept tied to sacred geometry. This structure is consistent across all levels of the universe, from subatomic particles to the largest cosmic bodies.

The Role of Energy in Atoms and the Universe

The Andromedans emphasize that energy, not solid matter, is at the core of all creation. What humans perceive as solid objects are actually energy waves moving in patterns. This understanding of matter as energy is crucial for humanity’s evolution towards merging science and spirituality.

Timeline for the Split of Dimensions

The Andromedans suggest that the split between dimensions may occur within the next two to eight years. This event is tied to humanity’s collective decision to get its affairs in order and embrace spiritual evolution. The Andromedans express optimism about humanity’s future, noting that the collective decision to evolve has already been made.


The communication ends with a brief mention of a symbolic evil located in the Antarctic, which the Andromedans are monitoring. This discussion leaves room for further exploration in future conversations.

Home > Andromedans 10th Ylo Pt.1/3. Protection. Earth splits. Magic. More on atoms.

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