Robert Nelson

Keys 1: Faith


On December 26, 2018, Paul Power introduces a channeled book titled Keys: Love Letters from God. He explains that there are few copies of this book, and it contains messages that were spiritually transmitted to him. The book’s short title is Keys, and he describes it as a collection of letters designed to reconnect readers with God through reminders of divine love.


The book’s dedication is brief:
“From my son on the cross, it has been said that I offered the world a love affair—not so, my promised marriage. The proposal still stands. God.”

Introduction to the Letters

Paul Power shares an introductory message to a “troubled and frightened world” from God. In this message, God emphasizes the importance of communication between Him and humanity, not just in spoken words but through actions and inactions. The message focuses on the difficulty people have with listening to God, explaining that fear often arises because they worry the message might not align with their desires. Despite these fears, God assures that what He wishes for humanity is a fulfilling and abundant life.

God emphasizes that He does not take away from humanity but instead offers opportunities for individuals to remember their true nature and relationship with Him. According to the message, the world suffers from amnesia, and God is the author of sanity. The message ends with a reminder that God’s love for humanity is eternal and that each individual is a reflection of Him.

First Letter: Faith

The first letter is titled “Faith.”
In this section, faith and fear are presented as two opposing perceptions. Faith is a commitment to truth, while fear represents separation and irrationality. God emphasizes that in faith, there is freedom, while fear leads to bondage. He describes faith as the perception of reality, with fear being the opposite, which leads to division and guilt.

God further explains that faith is not just a feeling but a conscious choice made in every event, thought, and action. Faith and fear are described as being of equal strength, but their quality differs greatly. Choosing fear leads to separation, while choosing faith fosters unity.

He encourages the reader to see innocence in others, stating that innocence is not something that can be earned—it is eternal. God asserts that seeing innocence in others is essential, as it reflects one’s ability to see God within others and themselves.

The Process of Receiving the Letters

Paul Power provides insight into how the letters in Keys were channeled through him. He initially found the process overwhelming, as it required a deep altered state of mind. However, over time, he became more accustomed to receiving the messages. Paul describes the experience as involving two minds—his own thoughts and God’s words, which were often different but harmoniously aligned.

The process of writing Keys took approximately three and a half months. Paul compares it to other spiritual works like A Course in Miracles but mentions that Keys has a unique simplicity that encourages self-transformation more quickly.

Impact of the Book on Readers

Paul Power recounts how readers have experienced profound changes after reading Keys. Some individuals, after reading the letters, reported significant personal transformations. He shares the story of a young man with a rebellious attitude who softened after reading Keys, even expressing gratitude toward a police officer who had given him a ticket—an act that was out of character for him.

Others have reported that the book helped them make long-delayed decisions and improve relationships. Paul emphasizes that Keys is not magical but miraculous in the way it reminds people of who they are and reconnects them with their inner selves.


Paul Power concludes by expressing his hope that Keys will eventually be published and widely shared, though he acknowledges the possibility that it may only happen after humanity faces significant challenges. He envisions Keys as a tool to foster a relationship with God, rather than adhering to the strict doctrines of religion.

Paul believes that Keys offers readers a chance to redefine their understanding of humanity and themselves, and he invites others to join him on this journey of spiritual discovery. He ends by promising future discussions on the topic.

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