

Thoth and Ra

The worship of gods was appropriate for their vibrational level at the time and served to connect them with divine energies.

Huna Flash

Anunnaki Overview

The Anunnaki were involved in genetic experiments during the times of Lemuria, particularly in the later stages.

The Anunnaki had a substantial influence during the time of Atlantis, particularly in the second stage of its development.

Legacy in Modern Times:

Time Period: The events discussed took place around 11,000 BC.

Natural State: Their society once experienced a time dominated by divine feminine energy, devoid of divine masculine influence.

These are the beliefs carried over from ancient times that will trigger individuals with Lemurian traits.

Time and Metaphysics: Those influenced by these ancient civilizations are often curious about time, portals, astral travel, remote viewing, and crystals.

Understanding time beyond its linear perception is a key interest.

Over time, natural shifts in the river's flow, siltation, and human activities, such as dam construction and canal digging, have altered the course and number of these branches.

Strabo's account highlights the geographical and economic importance of the delta's distributaries in ancient times.

Pliny's work is an encyclopedic compilation of knowledge from his time, and his references to the Nile Delta underline the classical understanding of the region's geography.

"In the time of King Ptolemy, the canals and branches of the Nile are maintained to ensure that the fields receive water, thus guaranteeing the prosperity of Egypt."

Remember, we argued last time about whether climate change exists or not.

Descendants of those Vikings who roamed this area once upon a time.

The problem, as noted by archaeologists, is that camels are not believed to have been domesticated in Canaan until the 10th century BCE, approximately a thousand years after the time of Abraham.

He points out that while camels may not have been common in Canaan during Abraham's time, they were domesticated in Mesopotamia, Abraham's homeland.

Further supporting evidence comes from Professor Martin Heide of the Philips University of Marburg, who also confirms that camels were domesticated east of the Zagros Mountains and brought into Mesopotamia around the same time.

He ends by urging those who dismiss the Bible as a collection of myths to reconsider, given the substantial evidence supporting the presence of camels during Abraham's time.

He suggests that civilization developed gradually, with pockets of advanced societies forming across the globe over time.

They were distinct from humans, who were rising in consciousness at that time.

Advanced knowledge lost and rediscovered over time.

Hancock references the Inventory Stela, which implies that the Sphinx and other structures on the Giza plateau existed before Khufu's time.

The Anunnaki were connected to the time of Atlantis but were not the primary rulers or overseers of Atlantis itself.


2028 Predications

I’ve channeled all the way out into the year 2300, but today we’re going backwards to a more relatable time frame.

Please note that many of the questions about locations will be taken as time permits.

However, I can only channel for a limited time due to the nature of bilocation.

Time period of the first evolved human civilization created by the "Illojim."

Time period for the remains of the sixth civilization, including the underwater ruins found in the Bimini area.

By this time, the reptilian species had developed a highly advanced civilization, with technological and scientific knowledge far surpassing that of early humans.

Natural evolution of mammals took a very long time.

Multiple Human Civilizations: Several human civilizations were created and destroyed over time, with the current civilization being the latest attempt.

The "Illojim" returned within 23,000 years seven times and accelerated the evolution speed of certain of our kind.

The first advanced humans (who lived at the same time with less-developed pre-humans, because the "Illojim" had experimented with different speeds and stages of evolution) with technology and speech existed around 700,000 years ago on this planet (Our scientists have not understand this, because they've found only the bones of the pre-humans and some primitive cave drawings showing advanced humans and flying devices.)

During the time from 4,900 years ago to today, many other alien species arrived the planet (some of them used the old teaching and programming of our mind and "played" again God for us) but the "Illojim" themselves never came back.



Every 50th year was to be a Jubilee year, a time of liberation and restoration.

Many scholars believe that the Pentateuch, including Leviticus, was compiled from various sources over time.

While traditionally attributed to Moses, the chapter's composition likely involved multiple sources and editors over time.

After the Babylonian Exile, the observance of Shemitah continued, though its practice and enforcement varied over time, especially during periods when the Jewish people were not sovereign in their land.

The Jewish calendar, which is lunisolar, started this year on Rosh Hashanah, which in 2023 fell on September 15 and will end on October 2, 2024​ (Chabad)​​ (Chabad)​​ (Time and Date)​.

The year count in the Jewish calendar is based on the traditional date of creation, and we are now in the eighth century of the sixth millennium according to this system​ (Time and Date)​.

As a Jesuit, Kircher's work was deeply embedded in the religious and theological context of his time.

Time traveling - Entanglement involving consciousness rather than just particles.

This allowed them to create shifts in time-space, effectively enabling them to control or alter reality at a fundamental level. 

Time travel



As a woman, she enjoys her time with Budha, and as a man, she performs austerities.

Ila is associated with events from the ancient Hindu texts, which place her existence in the early ages of the cosmic time cycle known as Yugas.




Revelation 12

12 “Therefore, rejoice, heaven and you who live there!But woe to you, land and sea,for the Adversary has come down to you,and he is very angry, because he knows that his time is short!”


Four Yugas

It is the only religion in which the time scales correspond, to those of modern scientific cosmology.

Longer than the age of the Earth or the Sun and about half the time since the Big Bang.

And there are much longer time scales still ”

The Codex Vaticanus

Stars and Constellations

The manuscript originally contained a near-complete Bible, but some parts have been lost over time.

"And God said, 'Let there be lights in the expanse of the sky to separate the day from the night, and let them serve as signs to mark sacred times, and days and years, and let them be lights in the expanse of the sky to give light on the earth.' And it was so.

Jesus speaks of celestial signs accompanying the end times.

This apocalyptic imagery depicts cosmic upheaval during the end times.

His reign is often depicted as a time of peace and cultural flourishing.


Egyptian Gods

Significance: Marks the time of the first fruits celebration and the sun's closest point to Earth.

Deity: Set, the God of Chaos, represents opposition and the longest night of the year, symbolizing a time for deep reflection and inner growth.

Mkhulu Nsingiza:"Our ancestors calculated time based on the rising of the sun, unlike the Western Gregorian calendar.

February, governed by Ma'at, is the time for harvest and balance."

Mkhulu Nsingiza:"June, ruled by Set, the spirit of opposition, is the time of hibernation and introspection.

I spent a lot of time watching the stars, reading about constellations, and trying to understand why the stars move the way they do.

It was how they tracked time, knew when to sow, when to harvest, and when to celebrate the beginning of a solar cycle.

Using names that don't resonate with us renders us powerless over certain aspects of our time and place.

Antoinette Bourignon

Primeval man and the birth of Eve

He was taller than men of this time; his hair was short, curled, and approaching to black.

She taught that the end times would come soon and that the Last Judgment would then fall.

Malagasy Adam Story

Zanahary shaped Andrianerinerina

Andrianerinerina lived alone on the earth for a long time, and although he had everything he needed, he felt a deep sense of loneliness.

As time went on, Andrianerinerina and Andriambavirano had many children, and their descendants spread across the land, populating Madagascar.

The Hova people, ancestors of the Merina, migrated into the highlands, coexisting peacefully with the Vazimba for some time.

It is the only religion in which the time scales correspond, to those of modern scientific cosmology.

Longer than the age of the Earth or the Sun and about half the time since the Big Bang.

And there are much longer time scales still ”

They connect mythological events with historical kings and serve as a framework for the Hindu understanding of time and history.

Credo Mutwa

Women were mining

Star People Influence: He asserts that star people descended to Earth and interacted with African civilizations long before recorded history, implying a timeline that extends back to prehistoric times.

At the time of Antu and Anu, the great mother.24:50The wife of Anu.

34:23At one time, I was hoping to work with scientists like Madam Brenda.34:33Every god ever worshiped by the Sumerians had his origin here in Africa.34:47His or her name was African.34:56Let me tell you about the goddess Inanna.

I won't even waste my time because nobody really wants to listen to the African.


Pre-dynastic Rulers

Tomb 100 at Naqada: Known for its wall paintings depicting scenes of boats, animals, and humans, offering insights into the cultural practices of the time.

The semi-mythical aspect of Manetho's king lists generally refers to the earliest periods of Egyptian history, particularly the First Dynasty and some parts of the Pre-Dynastic period, often referred to as the "Mythical Period" or the "Time of the Gods" and "Demigods."