Deepak Chopra

Break Free from the Time Continuum

Deepak Chopra begins by discussing his daily video content and his intent to share ideas, acknowledging that if the audience no longer finds his content useful, they should inform him, and he will stop. He introduces the theme of the talk as “The Eternal Now” and the related concepts of time and entropy.

Theme: The Eternal Now

Chopra explores the idea that in the “Eternal Now,” there is neither an arrow of time nor entropy. He suggests that both time and entropy are mental constructs created by a mind burdened by memory and an imagined future.

According to Chopra, these concepts only arise when the mind is divided, trapped between past and future. He proposes that the true reality exists not in the present moment but in the presence of the present moment.

The Nature of Time and Entropy

Chopra asserts that the arrow of time and entropy, traditionally considered fundamental aspects of time, are instead creations of the human mind. He references various philosophical and spiritual traditions that challenge the linear progression of time and describe a timeless state of being. He emphasizes that time is not linear but an ever-present state of being, and the idea of timelessness questions established concepts of time.

Time, Causality, and Entropy

Chopra explains how the mind creates both space and time, projecting them as the theater of causality. He refers to conventional physics, where the arrow of time is associated with the flow from past to future and increased entropy as described by the second law of thermodynamics.

He suggests that the conditioned mind is a closed system, burdened by imagination and conceptual thinking, which imposes the notions of past, present, and future onto reality.

Pure Awareness and the Eternal Now

In a state of pure awareness or the Eternal Now, Chopra argues that concepts of time, causality, and entropy cease to exist.

Chopra acknowledges that this idea challenges scientific understanding but offers it as an alternative perspective on reality.

Chopra encourages exploring the concept of timelessness as a way to gain a deeper understanding of the nature of existence.

Practical Exploration of the Eternal Now

Chopra invites the audience to question the concept of linear time and explore the idea that true reality exists in the Eternal Now, a timeless state that contradicts the everyday perception of time as a linear progression.

Chopra suggests that in the Eternal Now, entropy may not apply in the same way, challenging the second law of thermodynamics and even questioning the process of aging.

Rethinking Causality and Consciousness

Chopra encourages a rethinking of causality by proposing that past, present, and future coexist in the Eternal Now, potentially altering the conventional understanding of cause and effect.

Chopra also highlights the role of consciousness in perceiving time, suggesting that the experience of time’s passage may be a mental construct rather than an objective reality.

Chopra connects this idea to Eastern philosophies and quantum mechanics, which challenge Western scientific views of time and physical laws.


Chopra concludes by emphasizing that embracing the Eternal Now can lead to a shift in daily life, promoting mindful awareness and altering the relationship with past regrets and future anxieties.

Chopra encourages his audience to consider the Eternal Now as a key to a deeper understanding of identity, beyond the constraints of space and time.

Chopra ends by inviting the audience to engage with him through his platform,, and reiterates that they should inform him if they no longer find his content useful. He finishes by reaffirming the importance of the Eternal Now as a path to an immortal identity beyond space and time.

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