Ivan Teller

Atlas King of Atlantis


Ivan Teller begins the session by introducing the topics for the evening: Atlas, the king of Atlantis, the Hall of Records, the Sphinx, and Mother Earth. The focus is on channeling these energies to explore the wisdom of ancient Atlantis, uncover hidden knowledge, and discuss the state of human spiritual awakening.

Overview of Atlantis

Ivan connects to Atlas, describing him as the “king of Atlantis” responsible for spreading knowledge across the world. Atlas’s role involved learning from the world and passing on information that would aid in spiritual growth. In ancient times, there were premonitions about the eventual fall of Atlantis, and its people knew they had a limited time to preserve their legacy.

The Atlantic Ocean, metaphorically described as the blood of Atlantis, is said to hold the essence of this ancient civilization. Atlantis was heavily involved in the advancement of societies such as the Greeks and Babylonians, with the assistance of extraterrestrial beings like the Anunnaki. Despite their knowledge, Atlantis could not avoid its downfall, which came in the form of natural disasters and internal conflicts.

The Role of Dreams and Spiritual Awakening

Ivan explains that as humanity awakens spiritually, memories and knowledge from Atlantis will resurface, especially through dreams. Lucid dreaming will become more common, with many experiencing visions of floods and other significant events from the past.

Ivan also mentions the ongoing influence of the Anunnaki, who are present but remain quiet. Human dreams will increasingly reveal timelines from Atlantis, both positive and negative, as part of a spiritual process to remember ancient knowledge.

The Hall of Records and the Sphinx

Ivan transitions to the topic of the Sphinx and the Hall of Records, areas rich with hidden knowledge. They claim there are tunnels beneath the Sphinx that contain important information, more so than beneath the pyramids. Egyptian authorities are said to be aware of these secrets but are restricted from revealing them.

The Hall of Records is accessible on a spiritual level, and humans can unlock their personal and collective histories. Ivan emphasizes that these sacred sites will gradually reveal their mysteries as more people become spiritually aware.

Future Shifts and Human Evolution

The discussion shifts to the future of humanity and the earth. Ivan predicts that more people will connect to their higher selves, leading to a gradual dismantling of old systems and belief structures. Starseed children, with heightened spiritual abilities, will play a role in activating ancient sites such as the pyramids and the Sphinx, ushering in a new era of spiritual growth.

Africa and the Middle East are highlighted as regions where significant spiritual healing will occur in the future. Ivan notes that the United States, compared to these regions, is undergoing a more complex healing process, influenced by its modern-day technological advancements, which have roots in Atlantean knowledge.

The Rebellious Nature of Spiritual Growth

Ivan touches on the concept of rebellion, both at the human and spiritual levels. Many souls choose Earth as a place to experience rebellion, which leads to deeper self-exploration.

This rebellion manifests in various forms, including resistance to religious or societal norms. Despite this resistance, religion is expected to persist, as it remains an important identity for many souls.

Healing and the Role of Archon Energies

The session explores the presence of Archon entities, who are described as service-to-self beings causing disruptions in the world. These entities thrive on attention and feed on the negative emotions they incite in humans. However, Ivan suggests that Archon energies, like all beings, have a purpose and can be healed over time.

As humanity progresses on its spiritual journey, these energies will gradually lose their influence. The speaker urges listeners to be patient, as the healing process takes time, particularly for large systems like religion and governments.

Spiritual Awakening and Timelines

The speaker explains that humanity exists on multiple timelines, and individuals can choose which ones they feel most connected to. History books only provide a limited view of the past, and people are encouraged to trust their own spiritual insights when uncovering their personal timelines.

As humanity becomes more spiritually awakened, it will begin to transcend the control imposed by the elite and external forces, allowing people to access their true selves and gain greater autonomy over their destinies.


The session concludes with Mother Earth speaking about the planet’s ongoing evolution. Earth has its own challenges and is learning alongside humanity.

The planet’s energy shifts as humanity ascends and descends in its spiritual development. Mother Earth expresses a deep connection to human experiences, acknowledging that the path to collective healing is slow but inevitable.

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