Robert Nelson

Birthright (#3 part 1) the Life of Robert Nelson

Part 3: Robert Nelson’s Early Life and Experiences

In this third part of the “Birthright” series, Robert Nelson (also known as Bob) recounts key events from his early life, leading to his awareness of his identity as Jesus in a previous life. This section covers his earliest memories, unusual experiences, and encounters with extraterrestrial beings.

Early Memories and Childhood

Robert Nelson was born in Central Florida on May 2, 1949. He recalls his earliest memory, from less than a year old, when his father carried him down a fire escape in Central Florida, singing “Yankee Doodle.” He remembers being sickly as a child, often ill with common diseases, and believes that his weakened immune system had a deeper cause, which he would come to understand later in life.

At around three or four years old, Nelson experienced vivid visions of what he described as large, glowing, brown spheres rolling toward him in slow motion. He referred to them as “Watchers,” although he did not understand the meaning of the word at the time. These experiences made him fearful, particularly of a reptilian-like presence that he sensed watching him constantly. He often felt pursued by this presence, which he described as resembling a small dinosaur.

Extraterrestrial Encounters

At the age of four, Nelson began to experience night-time abductions by what he called “doctors who don’t come from here.” He was taken into a dome-shaped, lit-up room above his house. The room had smooth walls with depressions, but no obvious tools or equipment. The beings in charge of his abductions appeared to be a cross between insects and humans, hovering in the air, and they allowed smaller doctors to perform painful procedures on him. Nelson remembers feeling that these larger beings were complicit in his suffering.

On one occasion, he was shown a bright silver spindle that was to be implanted in his head. Despite his protests, the procedure was completed, leaving him with a sharp pain behind his eyes. He threatened to tell his parents, but the beings warned him that if he did, they would harm and abduct his family. Out of fear, he kept this secret for over 40 years.

Encounters with Spiritual Beings

At age four, Nelson’s mother assured him that he had a guardian angel watching over him, to help him feel safe from his fears. That night, he saw a tall figure made of white light with wings extending through the ceiling. This figure, later identified as the Archangel Michael, stood holding a sword, and Nelson perceived him to be nearly divine, similar to God. This angelic encounter stayed with him throughout his life.

Medical Evidence of Implant

When Nelson was 15, he woke up with a physical anomaly on his chest. A semicircular raised area appeared, approximately 7.5 cm (2.95 inches) long and 4-5 cm (1.97 inches) wide, with a small brown mark in the center. His parents were concerned and sought medical advice, though the exact cause remained a mystery. Nelson later had an x-ray in 1991, which confirmed the presence of a metallic spindle in his head, as he had described from his childhood abduction. The attending doctor was astonished and could not explain the presence of the foreign object.

Spiritual Awareness and Identity

From a young age, Nelson felt an inherent connection to biblical figures and spiritual teachings. In kindergarten, during lessons about Jesus, he instinctively felt that he was the reincarnation of Christ. As he grew older, he had a strong sense of destiny and believed that he was meant to be a spiritual leader, even though he kept this realization private.

Throughout his youth, Nelson also became interested in psychic phenomena, practicing telepathy and other extrasensory abilities. He felt a connection to ancient places like Atlantis and believed that he did not originally come from Earth. He suspected that his father might be an extraterrestrial, although he never asked him directly.


As Robert Nelson’s experiences continued into his teenage years, the unusual phenomena in his life increased. His frequent abductions by extraterrestrial beings, spiritual encounters, and mysterious medical events all contributed to his growing awareness of his unique identity and his role in a much larger cosmic plan. Nelson’s recollections, though extraordinary, set the foundation for understanding his claims of a divine and extraterrestrial lineage, which he believes will impact not only Earth but the entire multiverse.

In future segments of this series, Nelson will continue to share more about his life, his role as a nexus of change, and his ongoing encounters with otherworldly beings.

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