Darryl Anka | Bashar

Prediction for next months & Future of AI

The conversation begins with the interviewer asking Darryl Anka to share insights from Bashar about what to expect in the coming months, especially given the current global uncertainties.

Anka explains that Bashar has spoken about this period as part of a larger cycle of transformation.

During this time, various energies—positive, negative, and neutral—are surfacing to allow individuals to make clear decisions about the future path they wish to follow.

Personal Journey into Channeling

Anka shares his personal journey, starting in 1973 when he witnessed two daylight UFO sightings in Los Angeles. These events sparked a deep curiosity and led him to study various metaphysical topics, including psychic phenomena and channeling.

His exploration of these subjects eventually brought him to a channeling seminar, where he began to understand the concept more deeply.

Ten years after his initial sightings, Anka attended a channeling class, not expecting to become a channel himself.

However, during one of the guided meditations, he received a strong telepathic message, which he described as a sudden, complete understanding of his connection to Bashar, an extraterrestrial being. This marked the beginning of his channeling career.

Development of Channeling Ability

Anka explains that initially, channeling Bashar’s energy was difficult due to its intensity. With practice, he became more comfortable with the process, and he began channeling Bashar regularly.

Over time, he started sharing Bashar’s messages with larger audiences, first through small gatherings and later in public seminars held around the world.

Bashar’s Identity and Role

Bashar is described as a member of a hybrid extraterrestrial civilization from a parallel reality. He and his people are genetically related to humans and consider humanity part of their extended family.

Bashar’s role is as a first-contact specialist, helping to guide civilizations, including Earth, through their awakening to the existence of extraterrestrial life. His purpose is to assist humanity in raising its frequency and preparing for eventual open contact with extraterrestrials.

Parallel Realities and Human Choices

One of the central ideas presented is the concept of parallel realities. Anka explains that every decision creates a new reality where alternative choices are played out. According to Bashar, individuals shift through billions of parallel realities each second, moving toward either more positive or negative versions of Earth, depending on their focus and energy.

The current global changes are seen as part of this process, where people are being given the opportunity to consciously choose the direction of their lives and the type of reality they wish to experience.

The Formula for Raising Frequency

Bashar offers a five-step formula for raising one’s frequency and aligning with their highest potential:

  1. Follow Your Passion – Act on whatever brings you the most excitement.
  2. Take Action – Pursue your passion as far as you can, until you can take it no further.
  3. Let Go of Expectations – Have no assumptions about what the outcome of your actions should be.
  4. Stay Positive – Remain in a positive state, no matter what manifests in your life.
  5. Examine Beliefs – Engage in honest self-reflection and let go of any fear-based or limiting beliefs.

The Role of AI in Human Evolution

Anka briefly touches on the topic of artificial intelligence (AI), explaining that according to Bashar, there are two paths for AI. One path involves creating a programmable tool to aid humanity, while the other involves developing self-aware AI that would be treated as an autonomous being.

Bashar warns that creating a self-aware AI that is forced to follow human programming would essentially create a slave, which could have negative consequences. The key, according to Bashar, is to approach AI development with the awareness of these potential outcomes.

Closing Thoughts on the Future

Anka closes by reiterating Bashar’s message that the coming years, particularly the next three decades, represent a time of significant transformation for humanity.

By 2050, the process of resetting humanity’s path will be solidified, and various advancements, including open extraterrestrial contact and new technologies, will emerge. However, individuals must make conscious choices about their personal and collective futures during this period, as the paths they choose will shape the realities they experience.

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