Seth Dein

The old system will collapse


Seth Dein, an angel communicator and certified hypnotherapist, shares his experiences working to activate human potential. Through his work with angels, teaching classes, and guiding others, he helps individuals step into their most creative selves.

Seth’s Spiritual Awakening

Seth’s spiritual awakening occurred over 20 years ago, in 2002, while living in Southern California. At the time, he worked as a real estate agent. One day, a series of setbacks unfolded. Several escrow deals were canceled, and a personal relationship ended abruptly when his partner left without warning.

In the midst of these events, Seth fell into a state of panic. In that moment, he prayed to the Creator, asking for relief from life’s difficulties. While he did not wish to harm himself, he desired to leave the challenges of life behind. When he realized that his prayer would not be answered as he expected, he instead asked for tangible communication with his angels. In that moment, he felt a sense of peace, followed by telepathic communication from the angels, assuring him that he would be more than okay.

Opening Communication with Angels

Following this experience, Seth continued to explore this new connection. The next day, he began receiving messages from the angels, including predictions about personal events, such as his sister’s pregnancy. Over time, his communication with the angels deepened. He began receiving guidance about the future of the world and the spiritual changes that humanity would face.

The New Earth

Seth learned from the angels that humanity is undergoing a transformation into what is often referred to as the “New Earth.” This shift involves the dismantling of outdated systems such as the financial system, government structures, and religious institutions.

These systems, which no longer serve humanity, will eventually become obsolete. As people elevate to higher frequencies, disease will disappear, and humanity will collectively awaken.

Seth shared that this transformation has been in progress since 2003. The angels have conveyed that the dismantling of the “old Earth” will continue, while the “new Earth” will emerge, based on higher consciousness and unity.

Phases of the Transformation

The angels described three distinct phases of this transformation.

  1. Revelation Phase – Hidden truths will be revealed as the frequency on Earth increases.
  2. Purging Phase – Systems and structures that no longer serve humanity will be removed or replaced.
  3. Expansion Phase – A new reality will emerge, where unity and higher consciousness become the foundation of life.

Currently, humanity is transitioning from the Revelation phase into the Purging phase, where outdated systems are being deconstructed. The Expansion phase will follow, bringing an era of heightened consciousness and unity.

Events of 2020 and Beyond

In January 2020, Seth was informed by the angels of a significant event that would initiate a global awakening. This prophecy was realized with the onset of the global pandemic in March 2020. While the angels did not provide specifics about this event, it was understood as part of the ongoing transformation process.

Looking ahead, Seth notes that while there will be further events in 2025 that will contribute to the destruction of old systems, the most significant event will be the emergence of unity within humanity.

The Future of Unity

The biggest shift in 2025, according to Seth, will be an internal one. As old systems fall away, individuals will begin to experience a deeper sense of unity with each other, without any external force pushing them towards it. This shift will happen naturally, as people move from conflict towards a desire for connection.

While the external world will continue to experience changes, the internal transformation will be the most profound. This will manifest as a collective awareness of unity and interconnectedness, transcending boundaries such as national borders.

Humanity’s Journey

Seth concludes by emphasizing that humanity will make it through this transition. While the process may not be as swift as some would prefer, the old systems will gradually become obsolete, and new systems based on collective agreement and higher consciousness will emerge. The destruction of the old systems is happening on its own, driven by forces such as greed and misalignment with higher frequencies.

In the end, the “new Earth” will not arrive through apocalyptic destruction, but rather through a gentler process of unity and higher awareness. The negativity and challenges humanity faces are part of the catalysts pushing people towards personal and collective expansion.


Seth reiterates that the ultimate goal of this transformation is for humanity to awaken to its greater potential. As more people embrace their creative power and unity with others, they will contribute to the creation of the “new Earth,” where love and peace prevail.

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