Robert Nelson

BIRTHRIGHT series (#2 part 1) Robert Nelson

Birthright Series Session 2: Jesus’s Relationship with the Old and New Testament


  • Robert Nelson
  • Paul (Host)


  • July 15, 2016


Paul introduced the session as the second in the Birthright series, with Robert Nelson as the speaker. This session focused on the relationship between Jesus and the Old and New Testaments, particularly in regard to eligibility for entering heaven, the concept of the 144,000, and other religious teachings.

The Bible’s Nature and Interpretation

Robert Nelson discussed how the Bible is often misunderstood. He explained that:

  • The word “Bible” comes from the Greek term “biblos,” meaning “books.”
  • It is a compilation of various stories and writings, some divine and others human.
  • He emphasized that the Bible is not entirely the “Word of God.” Some sections reflect divine inspiration, while others are human accounts of relationships, conflicts, and extraterrestrial interactions.
  • He highlighted that approximately one-third of the Bible involves extraterrestrial and metaphysical themes, especially in the Old Testament.

Nelson referenced his own experiences, recalling instances where people claimed that every word in the Bible was directly from God. He disagreed, arguing that the Bible has been translated and altered over time, which means it cannot represent the exact words of God.

Differences Between the Old and New Testament

Nelson clarified the differences between the two parts of the Bible:

  • The Old Testament includes stories from ancient Middle Eastern civilizations, particularly from Sumeria, which predates Abraham.
  • He noted that the real Old Testament comprises three core writings: the Torah, the Talmud, and the Zohar (the mystery teachings or Kabbalah).
  • The New Testament focuses on the life, crucifixion, and resurrection of Jesus, reflecting divine intervention and guidance.

Nelson emphasized that the New Testament, based on his life, was intended to fulfill the promises of the Old Testament, while also offering salvation and guidance to humanity.

The 144,000 and The Elect

Robert Nelson clarified misconceptions about the 144,000 mentioned in religious teachings. He explained:

  • The “elect” refers to those who do the choosing, rather than a divine selection of specific individuals.
  • The number 144,000 is symbolic, originating from the 12 tribes of Israel (12 multiplied by 12).
  • He suggested that the number had extraterrestrial origins, specifically linked to the Anunnaki, an extraterrestrial race.

Nelson explained that God does not play favorites and that the concept of a selected group of 144,000 was not a divine decision but rather a symbolic reference tied to ancient extraterrestrial influences.

The Anunnaki’s Influence on Humanity

Nelson discussed the Anunnaki, an extraterrestrial reptilian race, and their impact on Earth’s history. Key points included:

  • The Anunnaki were involved in creating the Hebrew bloodline in the Middle East and exerted control over humanity through their influence on families and tribes.
  • They were also linked to the Zionist (or Sionist) control, which is often mistakenly labeled as purely human elitism.
  • The Anunnaki were responsible for various developments, including the Tower of Babel and Sodom and Gomorrah, both of which involved advanced technology and extraterrestrial warfare.
  • The Anunnaki’s home world, referred to as Nibiru, orbits on a wide elliptical path, coming close to Earth every 3,600 years, causing cataclysms and influencing human history.

Nelson explained that human genetic development was influenced by several extraterrestrial races, with the Anunnaki being one of many groups that had a role in shaping humanity.

Jesus’s Life and Mission

Nelson reflected on his life as Yeshua ben David (Jesus), describing his purpose on Earth as being part divine, part human, and part extraterrestrial. He said:

  • His crucifixion and resurrection were acts to remind humanity of its worth and potential.
  • The true message of salvation is that every human being is an incarnation of God, and recognizing this truth can transform the world.

Nelson stressed that fear and control, often used through religious and political systems, are powerful forces that prevent humanity from realizing its true potential. He encouraged people to embrace their divine nature and work towards a future where they can be healers, teachers, and leaders in the multiverse.


Nelson concluded by addressing the concept of the 144,000 again, stating that it is not a divine mandate but a symbolic number tied to ancient extraterrestrial influences. He also emphasized the importance of human choice in shaping the future, arguing that humanity has the potential to create a better world if it embraces its divine nature and Birthright.

This session concluded with an open discussion about human potential, extraterrestrial influences, and the importance of understanding the true nature of religious teachings.

Home > BIRTHRIGHT series (#2 part 1) Robert Nelson

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