
The discussion shifts to the missing years of Yeshua (Jesus), particularly the period between his childhood and his reappearance in his thirties.

Billy reveals that Yeshua spent this time traveling to Egypt and Tibet, where he learned various mystical and healing arts, such as Reiki and Qigong.

This period, often glossed over in religious texts, is crucial as it shows Yeshua acquiring knowledge from ancient civilizations known for their spiritual practices and healing techniques.

The Dalai Lama is mentioned as having confirmed Yeshua’s presence in Tibet, highlighting the deep, global connections of ancient wisdom traditions.

The name “Jesus” is derived from Greek, aligning Yeshua with Zeus to merge pagan and Christian beliefs.

Teachings of Yeshua: Yeshua emphasized that God is an abstract concept of love within everyone, not a person or deity requiring sacrifices.

Sananda of Merope: Yeshua is said to be an incarnation of Sananda, a Pleiadian soul from the Galactic Federation.

Yeshua and Mary Magdalene had children and were part of a lineage with extraterrestrial genetics, blending Pleiadian, Arcturian, Sirian, Andromedan, and Orion traits.

True Life of Yeshua:

Yeshua spent time in India learning from spiritual masters.

Yeshua survived the crucifixion and continued to live for many years.

Many of Yeshua’s teachings were altered to fit pagan beliefs, creating a deity-centric doctrine.

Yeshua prophesied the “Shift,” a future event where humanity ascends to a higher plane of existence.

The concept of the Holy Trinity (Father, Son, Holy Ghost) is seen as a later addition, originally Yeshua taught about the spiritual connection within everyone.


Revelation 12

17 The dragon was infuriated over the woman and went off to fight the rest of her children, those who obey God’s commands and bear witness to Yeshua.