
Time: 10,800 BCE

Time: 11,800 BCE

Therefore, his "own time" would be in this period, specifically during the height of Classical Greece.

Herodotus, the ancient Greek historian, wrote that Egyptian history spanned over 11,340 years before his own time.

"The Egyptians themselves say that their ancestors, in the time of the first king, lived on what the earth produced naturally" (Histories, Book 2, 2.93).

"In ancient times, the Egyptians had no kings, and the country was ruled by the priests" (Histories, Book 2, 2.142).

Herodotus does not specifically mention this period but notes times of strife and disorder.

This event is beyond Herodotus' time, but he sets the stage for Egypt's long history leading up to foreign rule.



He is often associated with time, especially the destructive and all-consuming aspects of time.

He is often associated with time, especially the destructive and all-consuming aspects of time.

Chronos is frequently depicted with a sickle or scythe, symbolizing the passage of time and its inevitable impact.

The story of Chronos reflects the cyclical nature of power and time, highlighting themes of succession and the inevitable overthrow of the old by the new.

Time and Decline: Chronos’s association with time is used to symbolize the rise and fall of civilizations.

Donnelly suggests that the downfall of Atlantis can be seen as part of the broader cycle of time that Chronos represents.

Time and Transformation: Bridgman-Metchum uses Chronos to symbolize the transformative power of time.

Association with Time:

Symbol of Time: Chronos is universally associated with time, particularly its destructive and all-encompassing nature.

Cycle of Rise and Fall: The connection to time also underscores the themes of rise and fall, succession, and transformation.

The fall of Atlantis is framed within the broader context of time and transformation that Chronos represents.

Sickle or Scythe: Chronos is often depicted with a sickle or scythe, symbolizing the passage of time and its inevitable effects.

This imagery reinforces his association with the destructive and cyclical nature of time.



Civilization’s Peak: Bridgman-Metchum highlights the peak of Atlantean civilization under Poseidon’s influence, depicting it as a time of unparalleled prosperity and technological advancement.

Edgar Cayce

Atlantis’ Readings

A vast "island" was in the area in those remote times rather than chains of islands.

Thus I embodied Myself there several times.

“Since that time I have never embodied Myself again.”

Nahuasco and Chanoc: These characters were part of Noah's circle, assisting him in strategic decisions and discussions, especially during times of war and conflict​​.

At the same time, the followers of the Fish-god embody corruption and defiance of true worship.

Ignatius Donnelly

The origin of our alphabet

The transition from ornate hieroglyphs to simplified alphabetic characters illustrates the evolution of writing systems over time.

It was known in Europe before the time of Berthold Schwarz and used in various forms in ancient China, India, and the Arab world.

The art of silk manufacture, known in China and India from ancient times, implies a high level of civilization.

The process was likely passed down from Atlantean times.

Ignatius Donnelly

The Colonies of Atlantis

Over time, these navigators discovered and explored the mouth of the Mississippi River, planting colonies along its fertile and salubrious shores.

The Berbers, an ancient people dating back to the times of Menes and Phoenician navigators, have historically been a dominant force in the region.

These narratives propose a connection between Ireland and Atlantis, emphasizing early settlements that date back to ancient times.

Their name, F'omoraig Afraic, implies an origin from the West (Atlantis), as Africa at that time referred to the western lands.

These towers, some dating back to pre-Christian times, indicate an advanced and shared building tradition.

During a time of plague, Chronos sacrificed his son to Ouranos and circumcised himself, compelling his allies to do the same.

Though we do not know that primitive language from which the Semitic dialects diverged, yet we know that at one time such language must have existed." This highlights the linguistic connections among the ancient civilizations.

The Hebrews are a branch of the great family of which that powerful commercial race, the Phoenicians, who were the merchants of the world fifteen hundred years before the time of Christ, were a part.

The Hebrews carried out from the common storehouse of their race a mass of traditions, many of which have come down to modern times in that oldest and most venerable of human compositions, the Book of Genesis.

After his time in the Americas, he supposedly returned to the East by sea.

About the same length of time was that assigned since the arrival of this nation in Guatemala, by the local historian, Francisco Antonio de Fuentes y Guzman, who wrote in the seventeenth century, from an examination of their most ancient traditions, written and verbal. 

Thus the four nations, whom I have mentioned as the original possessors of the land, are, in the documents of the time, generally spoken of by such foreign titles.

Among the Cakchiquels, who interest us at present, the regal power was equally divided between two families, the Zotzils and the Xahils; not that there were two kings at the same time, as some have supposed, but that the throne was occupied by a member of these families alternately, the head of the other being meanwhile heir-apparent. 

At times they exercised a sovereignty over the others, and levied tribute from them.

I propose, in a future work, to discuss the methods of reckoning time in use in Central America; but a brief explanation of that adopted by the Cakchiquels is essential to a comprehension of their Annals.

Time Period: Circa 900 CE to 1470 CE.

Religious Practices: Included human sacrifices, particularly during times of crisis, such as El Niño events.

Over time, some people separated further, moving in various directions and sometimes never being heard from again.

Man: Whence, How and Whither

The Fourth Root Race

Formation of Future Societies: The Theosophical Society is an example of the Clan's gathering in modern times.

The Toltec was at this time the ruling Race, by virtue of its great superiority.

At this time arrived on Earth a ship-load of egos, in a group of whom — which kept much together — we are specially interested, as it contained many old friends, Sirius, Orion, Leo and others; some of these were ear-marked on their arrival by Vaivasvata Manu — the Manu of the fifth Eace — as part of His future materials.

The interval between death and re-birth was at this time naturally somewhat shorter, for the material gathered in these primitive lives was not enough to make a long interval, however thinly spread out.

In the intuitional sphere, these 700-year people were in touch with the 1,200-year group, but it was only when the former arrived on the Earth that there was a time of general rejoicing among the egos in the higher mental sphere, due chiefly to the arrival of those who were the most deeply loved and revered — the future Masters.

Glancing forward, we saw him once incarnated among the Rmoahls, in order to be with Ursa and others, then several lives were passed in the Turanian, the fourth sub-race — a Chinese stage — and a number in the Akkadian, the sixth; he was observed trading among a people who resembled the Phoenicians of later times.

Later on these folk plotted to assassinate him, and he had them executed; thus began again, this time on earth, a long series of antagonisms not yet exhausted.

It may be noted, as bearing on the closeness of ties set up between individuals and enduring for hundreds of lives, that from this time forward a set of persons within the large groups of 1,200-and 700years' people — a set which we may, for the sake of distinction, dub 'the Clan' — while visiting almost every country in the world, kept generally together, and Sirius, Especially, was rarely found to marry outside this little group.

The Theosophical Society is another instance of the gathering of this same Clan, and people are coming into it all the time, who turn out to be old friends.

The ship-loads continued to come in for a long time, only ceasing with the catastrophe of 75,000 B.

Noteworthy also is the fact that we never saw Mars in a woman's body, whereas Mercury did take one from time to time.

There was quite a gathering of the Clan at this time.

The Emperor Mars had placed in the Captain's hands the care of his son Vajra, a daring, reckless lad ; for the times were dangerous, conspiracies were rife in the Golden City, and the capture of the person of the Crown Prince would have been a great triumph for the conspirators.

The lives of Herakles were not remarkable in any way for a long time.

The seven Schemes are shown in Diagram I, around the central sun and at any one period of time only one of the rings in each Scheme will be active ; each ring of each of these seven Schemes is composed of seven globes; these are not figured separately but form what we here have drawn as a ring, in order to save space.

The human beings who, in any Chain, do not reach by a certain time the level appointed for the Humanity of the Chain, are its * failures'; the 'failure' may be due to youth and consequent lack of time, or to lack of due exertion, and so on; but, whatever the cause, those who fail to reach a point from which they can progress sufficiently, during the remaining life of a Chain, to attain the required level by its end, drop out of its evolution before that evolution is completed, and are obliged to enter the succeeding Chain at a point determined by the stage already reached, that they may complete their human course.

In a single Chain the evolutionary wave sweeps from A to G, using each globe in turn as the field of growth; this circling round the Chain is appropriately named a Round, and seven times the wave sweeps round, ere the life of the Chain is over, its work complete.


Bishop Leadbeater

During his time in India, he claimed to have developed clairvoyant abilities and studied various Eastern religions, philosophies, and occult practices.

"For the first time among occultists, a detailed investigation had been made of the Astral Plane as a whole, in a manner similar to that in which a botanist in an Amazonian jungle would set to work in order to classify its trees, plants and shrubs, and so write a botanical history of the jungle.

In the chapter "Clairvoyance in Time: The Past," Leadbeater claims that a historian with full possession of this clairvoyant power would encounter remarkable possibilities:

Despite the controversies, Leadbeater's contributions to Theosophy and the broader spiritual movement of his time remain significant.

Man: Whence, How and Whither

Beginning of the 5th Root Race

600,000 Years Later: Manu picked additional suitable candidates, narrowing the selection process over time.

Of these, numbers would be dropped out on the way, and the selection would be thus narrowed down from time to time.

The voyage was performed three times, and the little nation, made up to nine thousand men, women and children by the additional few from elsewhere, set forth eastwards on foot.1 They had with them a number of animals also, looking like a cross between a buffalo and an elephant with something of the pig, reminding one rather of a tapir, a half-anahalf sort of beast.

The whole process of embarkation, debarcation, settling down to wait for their comrades, and preparing for the journey on foot, occupied some years, and the Manu, with some other great Officials, was then sent by the Head of the Hierarchy to lead them to the high plateau of Arabia, where they were to remain for a time.

After this there was peace for a time for the colonists, and they cultivated their valleys, which were rather cold in winter, and blazingly hot in summer.

From time to time emigrants left the main body, some settling in the south of Palestine and some in the south of Egypt ; and these movements were encouraged by the representatives of the Manu, for the plateau was limited in size and became crowded to an uncomfortable extent.

Suggestions were made from time to time that a caravan of settlers should go off, make a colony, or found a city; among one of these the horse was developed.

The Lemurian Star was much broken up by this time, and its nearest point was about a thousand miles to the north.

Soon after the removal of the aboveoamed children, the Turanians swept down on the community like a devastating flood, for this was the event of which the Manu had forewarned His lieutenants and from which the children were saved; the assailants were bravely beaten back several times, but horde succeeded horde.

Our old friends were there among the pioneers, Herakles, this time, as the son of Mars.

After a time, strong walls were built round villages and round towns, as additional defences, for the savage Turanians were constantly hovering on the outskirts of the community, terrify, ing the inhabitants by their wild yells and sudden onslaughts.

Man: Whence, How and Whither

Turanian, in Ancient Chaldaea.

Special calendars dictated times for various activities and personal prayers.

Apparently the warning given thousands of years ago is no less necessary now ; for it was just in this way that the Parisians in 1870 were moved to rush about the streets crying "A Berlin !" and just so also has arisen many a time the fiendish yell of "Din!

it seems to us that what Astrology could do, then or now, is to warn the man of the circumstances under which at such and such a time he would find himself ; but any definite prophecy of his action under those circumstances can, theoretically, only be based upon probabilities — even though we fully recognise how nearly those probabilities become certainties in the case of the ordinary will-less man in the street.

The calculations of these priests of the old time enabled them to draw up a sort of official almanac each year, by which the whole life of the race was largely regulated.

They decided the times at which all agricultural operations could most safely be undertaken; they proclaimed the fit moment for arranging the breeding of animals and plants.

But, quite apart from these observances, which seem to have been common to all, each person had his own special prayers to offer to the particular Deity to whom by birth he was attached; and the proper time for them varied constantly with the motion of his planet.

It might, however, be invoked at any time while above the horizon; and even while below it the Deity of the planet was not entirely out of reach, though in this case he was addressed only in some great emergency, and the whole ceremonial employed was entirely different.

It followed, therefore, that the religious man of old Chaldoea had not a regular hour of prayer or worship which was always the same, day after day, as would be the case now; but instead of this, his time for meditation and religious exercise was movable, and would occur sometimes in the morning, sometimes at noon, sometimes in the evening, or even at midnight.

The inner surface of the great dome was painted to represent the night-sky, and by some complicated mechanism the principal constellations were made to move over it exactly as the real stars were moving outside, so that at any time of the day, or on a cloudy night, a worshipper could always tell in the temple the precise position of any of the signs of the zodiac, and of the various planets in relation to them.

Though children passed many years in the schools, the whole of their time was spent in familiarising themselves (not only theoretically, but as far as might be practically also) with the teachings of this unwieldy Book of Duty, as it was called.

The far later Babylonian sculptures which we know give us a fair idea of this royal type, though at that date the Aryan blood had permeated almost the entire race, whereas in the time of which we are speaking it had scarcely tinged it at all.

As it grew, however, it became more and more strongly affected by the mixture of Aryan jlood, first from the Arabian (Semitic) and then From the Iranian sub-races, until when we come to jvhat are commonly called historical times there is scarcely a trace of the old Turanian left in the faces that are pictured for us in the sculptures and mosaics of Assyria.

Man: Whence, How and Whither

Atlantean Peruvian Civilization

Granaries were built and kept full to provide for the nation in times of famine or emergency.

Some centuries before, however, a well-conceived attempt to revive — though of course on a much smaller scale — the life of that ancient system had been made by the Monarchs of the country afterwards called Peru, and at the time of which we are speaking this revival was in full working order, and perhaps at the zenith of its glory, though it maintained its efficiency for many centuries after.

So excellently suited to the country was this unique arrangement, that the far inferior race which, thousands of years later, conquered and enslaved the degenerate descendants of our Peruvians, endeavoured to carry it on as well as they could, and the admiration of the Spanish invaders was excited by such relics of it as were still in working order at the time of their arrival.

Whether such a scheme could be as successfully carried out in less fertile and more thicklypopulated countries may be doubtful, but at any rate it was working capitally at the time and place where we thus find it in action.

Naturally the idea will at once occur that a tax which is equivalent to half a man's income, or which takes up half the time and energy that he expends (which in this case is the same thing) is an enormously heavy and most iniquitous one.

Thus a married man without children would have twice as much as a single man; a widower with, say, two adult unmarried daughters would have three times as much as a single man; but when one of those daughters married, her portion would go with her — that is, it would be taken from her father and given to her husband.

At the same time the best advice of the experts was always at his service for the asking, so that he could not plead ignorance if his selection proved unsuitable.

A man not belonging to our technical 'labouring class' — that is, a man who was making his living in some other way — could either cultivate his plot in his leisure time, or employ a member of that class to do it for him in addition to his own work : but in this latter case the produce of the land belonged not to the original assignee, but to the man who had done the work.

How did this body employ their vast revenues, equal in amount to those of the King when his were at their highest point, and far more certain than his not to be diminished in time of distress or scarcity?

It will be of interest to us to examine the religious ideas of these men of the olden time.

But indeed at the time of which we are writing suicide was practically unknown, for the people as a whole were a most contented race.

He pointed out that both these actions were absolutely continuous — that though sometimes the Sun was hidden from the sight of His child the earth, yet the cause of such temporary obscuration was to be found in the earth and not in the Sun, for one had only to climb far enough up the mountains in order to rise above the overshadowing clouds, and discover that their Lord was shining on in glory all the time, entirely unaffected by the veil which seemed so dense when seen from below.

Most of them easily gained this level by the time they were twelve years old; a few of the less intelligent needed several years longer.

This characteristic was prominent all through the scheme of instruction; there was comparatively little theoretical teaching; but, after being shown a thing a few times, the boys or girls were always set to do the thing themselves, and to

patiently conducted experiments, extending over many generations, the capabilities of the various kinds of soil which were to be found in the country had been thoroughly ascertained, so that at the time with which we are dealing there already existed a large body of tradition on this subject.

Man: Whence, How and Whither

The Civilisation of Atlantis

The government was designed to benefit everyone, leading to a higher standard of living compared to modern times.

Most of the houses of the court officials also lay on this belt, and here also was an institution of which we have no parallel in modern times.

The term 'Strangers' Home' amongst us suggests a mean appearance and sordid surroundings; but this was a palace where all strangers who might come to the city were entertained as long as they might choose to stay — being treated all the time as guests of the Government.

The whole formed a practically impregnable barrier against the spears, swords, and bows and arrows which were the usual weapons of the time.

James Croll

Climate and Time

Professor James Croll's seminal work, "Climate and Time in Their Geological Relations: A Theory of Secular Changes of the Earth's Climate" (published in 1875), presents a groundbreaking theory on the long-term changes in the Earth's climate.

Ignatius Donnelly

The Destruction of Atlantis

The Hebrews are a branch of the great family of which that powerful commercial race, the Phoenicians, who were the merchants of the world fifteen hundred years before the time of Christ, were a part.

Father Seán ÓLaoire

Seven Levels of Existence

Astral Body: Experienced during dreaming, where there is no time or space.

Father Seán emphasizes the importance of practices that help alter states of consciousness, such as meditation, spending time in nature, and other spiritual practices.

Father Seán ÓLaoire

Jesus a reincarnation of the Buddha?

This concept means that a soul can have multiple incarnations simultaneously, as time does not exist in the same way beyond our physical reality.

He questions the traditional narrative that omits Jesus’s life from age 12 to 30, suggesting that during this time, Jesus was likely learning and growing just like anyone else.

If you imagine this land with a kind of tropical temperature, you get a rough idea of what it was like at that time.

They undertook migrations southward, and these migrations continued long into the times when the Lemurian race emerged in the south.

We are talking about a time when higher animals already existed.

All these peoples mixed at that time in present-day Europe.

In the north, there developed what I would call a kind of mist world, and the three chief initiates that we must look for on this island of humanity were called, even still in the time when Christianity was first emerging, Odin, Vili, and Vé.

This lodge continued to exist into much later times and was only dissolved during the reign of Elizabeth I.

They fought, and as they battled, they came down into this part of the area, which at that time was vegetated and flat.

There were times when only relatives of the patient could attend the ceremony.

There is also a covering over our minds to shut out our memory of the time when we existed as air beings in the second world before being born into this world.