

The Anasazi

There are many stories our people tell about the Anasazi and their actions during their brief time here, probably less than 300 years.

Our traditional stories and ceremonies are structured around the time before, during, and after the Anasazi.

It's very important to know among our people there are so many stories of the evil and demonic way that the Anasazi lived near our people for a period of time.

Paul Wallace

A populated universe

So you know straight away somebody after the time of Moses is retelling an ancient story, and they’ve altered it.

You know there’s an issue here.[7:39] A decade ago, theologians and preachers around the world were challenged by the Roman Catholic Church to go back to the scriptures and recognize that there are ETs in the Old Testament and New Testament alike.[7:51] When that challenge happened in 2009 under the most conservative pope in my lifetime, Benedict XVI, I would have hoped that more books might have emerged since then saying, "Yes, we’ve done that work and we’ve realized there are aliens in the Bible," but in the end, it didn’t happen.[8:09] I thought, "Well, I’ll do it because it’s that important and the time is right for it." So I jumped in, knowing it would alter the shape of my ministry somewhat and perhaps alter my social life a little bit, but feeling it was too important to have seen these things and not shared them.

[8:42] I hear from a lot of people from week to week, sometimes every day, from people who’ve grown up in very tight thought control environments—conservative churches where we all believe these 12 fundamental truths and where thinking out loud isn’t really encouraged, and where they may be fearful for their own salvation if they allow themselves to ask too many questions.[9:12] I hear from a lot of people who’ve come from that and who maybe sat with that for decades but not felt right all that time.

Why don’t you go back and read your Bible, idiot," and comments like that.[10:01] Ninety percent of the time, if I respond by saying, "Thank you so much for your comment.

Ninety percent of the time, we’re giving each other respect by the end of the conversation, and hopefully, they might have something different to think about, and I might have finessed my own thinking in some way.[10:38] It’s only a tiny fraction of those who want to get into an argument who will remain angry and implacable at the end of it.

The reason I think this is this," and they would get into a conversation 120 characters at a time.[13:45] Bit by bit, she realized there was actually truth-seeking outside her church.

Our kids are very happy and secure there, but from time to time they’ll come home, and they’ve been doing this since my oldest was 10, and she and her brother would say something like, "We were doing Bible studies today in school, and the teacher said this, and I wasn’t sure about that."[16:18] I’ll say, "Oh, well, what did you think about it?" and they’ll say, "Well, actually, I thought that was wrong.

They might hear things they’re perfectly happy with, but a lot of the time they come home, and I think, "Wow, their theological compass is pretty good, and they can spot when the teacher is saying something that even the teacher doesn’t really believe."[17:04] The other day, in fact, my daughter said, "I didn’t think our teacher quite had this right when he talked about this text." I said, "What did you think?" She said what she thought.

I think we are.[31:49] I’ve come to the conclusion that by the time you get to Genesis 11, you’ve seen five planetary resets and resets of civilization.

Go to the Vedas, and in that tradition is the idea of cycles of civilization, cycles of life on this planet, that we are not the first civilization to grace the land on this planet.[32:16] There’s enough archaeology to point us to that fact because conventional wisdom is that civilization as we know it began at Karaca Dag in southeast Turkey when farming was invented, when 11 naturally occurring plants were cultivated for the first time by a family who worked out how to genetically modify them so they could be cultivated and at the same time worked out how to do animal husbandry.[32:45] Bit of a miracle, but there you are, that’s the story.

All around the world, we find megalithic remains of places that would have been populated and/or above sea level no more recently than 10,000 years ago.[33:31] So we can find objective material evidence of at least one pivot of a previous civilization to the current, and our ancient texts say that has happened several times.

You go to Ecclesiastes, and it says, "In time, there will be no memory of us or anything we did, and we have no knowledge of what went before us." Now, that was written when there was writing, so he’s not talking about us individually or empires; he’s talking about civilizations coming and going and being forgotten and obliterated.[35:08] I think that is the pattern.

His people are angry and thirsty; they’ve been on emergency rations for I don’t know how long with this manna that they’re provided with—they don’t even know what it is.[47:25] They come to Moses and complain a couple of times, saying, "We cannot live like this." When they come back to him one time, they’re presented with a stone—"Get water from the stone." They come back another time—stone.

He would quote something from the Hebrew text and then turn it against the Hebrew text-believing audience in order to show that he had transcended it.[51:51] There were many times when he said, "Moses said this, but I say this.

In the past, it said this, but I say this." Each time, he is putting an end to that old story because a better story has arrived.

If what they wanted people to know is that you shouldn’t be running around worshiping things that claim to be gods because there is only one cosmic source—the source of all things in the cosmos, that in which we all live and move and have our being—I think they’re right.[53:33] That’s actually a very liberating thing to know, and there are plenty of clues that there was other information they were lacing into the texts in the way they reshaped it at that time.

There’s real information that goes in at that time.

[54:11] I feel I’ve spent a long time in the top layer, in the most recent edit, and in this season of my life, I actually want to go to the primitive versions of these stories and the ancient and the forgotten and the suppressed material.

Significance: A time for maintenance and construction, often associated with rituals for health and wellbeing.

It was also a time for purification ceremonies.

Significance: A time of mourning and remembrance, continuing the themes from Du'uzu.

It was a time to reflect and make amends.

It was a time for rest and recovery.

It was a time for celebrating the renewal of order and light.

The onset of winter was also a time for community gatherings and feasts, strengthening social bonds and sharing resources.

Large communal meals, sharing of food and drink, and storytelling were common practices during this time.

Light and Darkness: The festival coincided with the winter solstice, the darkest time of the year, and celebrated the return of light.

It was a time of reflection, renewal, and celebration, ensuring the well-being and prosperity of the community in the year ahead.

Winter Solstice: Celebrated around the time of the winter solstice.

While Akitu and Zagmuk share many elements and themes, they are distinct festivals celebrated at different times of the year, each with its unique focus and significance.

The reason we are delivering this at this time is because your transition from October to November marks the anniversary of its destruction.

Let us go back in time approximately 12,800 years ago, or what you typically refer to as 10,800 BC.

Before the final destruction, the Atlanteans, observing the comet and understanding their time was running out, migrated to preserve their culture, knowledge, and civilization in South America, Africa, Europe, and eventually Egypt.

Comets in ancient times were also referred to as dragons due to their fiery tails.

Imagine yourselves connected to those times, walking the streets as the indigenous population, and reconnecting with nature deeply.

The cycle has begun anew, and you are in both the end and beginning times, experiencing the glory and grace of the highest days of the Atlantean civilization.

Cosmic Renewal: The Akitu Festival was seen as a time to renew the cosmos, ensuring the continued order and stability of the world.

Continuity and Change: While the Akitu Festival persisted through various political changes, its details and emphasis evolved over time, reflecting the shifting religious and political landscape of Mesopotamia.



He narrates that when the phoenix's time of death approaches, it builds a nest of aromatic wood and sets it on fire.

Ovid's account emphasizes the symbolism of the phoenix as a metaphor for eternal life and the cyclical nature of time.

When it is time for the phoenix to die, it builds a nest of frankincense, myrrh, and other fragrant materials.

Pliny notes that only one phoenix exists at any given time.

Once upon a time, in a faraway land, there was a mystical island named Buyan, hidden away in the depths of a vast ocean.

Every time I heard a statement like this, the information seemed to fit the new narrative that our civilization is much older.

Greek mythology


The concept evolved over time and was eventually seen as a realm of reward for the virtuous, rather than only for heroes and the divinely favored.

This arduous task took yet another 18,000 years, signifying the immense effort and time required to shape the cosmos.

Some fragmentary tablets reference a time before the gods, when only Earth (Sumerian: ki) and Heavens (Sumerian: an) existed.

At that time, the ocean waters, Tiamat, and her husband, the freshwater Apsu, mingled, resulting in the emergence of several gods in pairs.

At this time, Enlil asks the gods what should be accomplished next.

1 This is the account of the family of Aaron and Moses at the time the YHWH Elohim spoke to Moses at Mount Sinai.

This highlights a thematic consistency across time—the importance of carefully handling powerful forces, be they divine or electromagnetic.

Prolonged exposure or direct contact with such materials could lead to radiation poisoning or other harmful effects, which might not be immediately evident but could be deadly over time.

Toxic Heavy Metals: Some metals and their compounds, which might have been known and used in ancient times, are highly toxic.


The Holy Seven

Saturn-associated wise leaders such as Utuabzu and David represent time, discipline, and enduring legacies.

Zengzi, a disciple of Confucius, contributed to Confucian teachings, which while often focused on peace and ethics, also addressed the proper conduct of rulers, including in times of war.

Fortitude is a virtue representing courage in pain or adversity, crucial for leaders and sages when guiding others through times of conflict or when making tough, strategic decisions.

Saturn, the Roman god of time, harvest, and discipline, symbolizes the overarching themes of time management, wisdom acquired over long periods, and the harsher aspects of rule or authority.

This text is considered one of the oldest known works on agriculture, detailing farming techniques and practices that were advanced for its time.

Specific actions performed at certain times, including planting seeds in a particular pattern, using specially prepared soils, or performing rituals at certain phases of the moon or planetary alignments.

Over time, the character of Lilith evolved in various mythologies and folklore, especially in Jewish traditions, where she became known as a demoness and a figure associated with the night and unholy powers.

At various times, Iblis also mated with other beings to produce a number of demons.

Half male, half female

Adam Stories

After some time, humans violate this divine condition.

In those times, the inhabitants of Abhaswara, one of the heavenly mansions, frequently visited the earth and thence speedily returned.

and with one of his fingers having touched the earth, he put it to the tip of his tongue and perceived the same to be deliciously sweet; from that time, all the Brahmas ate of the sweet earth for the space of 60,000 years.

Ancient Chinese legends speak of Ten Legendary Kings, ruling during a golden age long before recorded history, sometimes considered pre-human or at least belonging to a time of semi-divine beings and culture.

The myth of Atlantis, as described by Plato, speaks of an advanced island civilization that existed thousands of years before classical Greek times and supposedly sank into the sea.

He pointed out the diversity of human populations, which he argued could not have all descended from a single pair (Adam and Eve) in the time frame the Bible seemed to suggest.

The Mark of Cain: God places a mark on Cain to protect him from being killed by others, which again suggests the presence of other people at the time.

Historical Populations: The existence of ancient civilizations with well-established cultures, languages, and technologies at times that seemed too close to the biblical timeline of Adam and Eve or Noah's Flood.



“Now have come the salvation and the powerand the kingdom of our God,and the authority of his Messiah.For the accuser of our brothers and sisters,who accuses them before our God day and night,has been hurled down.11 They triumphed over himby the blood of the Lamband by the word of their testimony;they did not love their lives so muchas to shrink from death.12 Therefore rejoice, you heavensand you who dwell in them!But woe to the earth and the sea,because the devil has gone down to you!He is filled with fury,because he knows that his time is short.”

When the wheat was sprung up, Gabriel gave Adam fire from hell, which however he had previously washed seventy times in the sea, or it would have consumed the earth and all things thereon.

In the beginning, wheat-grains were the size of ostrich eggs, but under Edris (Enoch) they were no bigger than goose eggs; under Elias they were the size of hen's eggs; under Christ, when the Jews sought to slay him, they were no larger than grapes; it was in the time of Uzeir (Esdras) that they diminished to their present proportions.



Seth is mentioned as the ancestor of Noah, linking the genealogy from Adam to the time of the flood.

Nag Hammadi Codex I

The third Adam is earthly

Then he will no longer ruin our work, but we shall make those who are born from the light our servants through all the time of this age.”

So all of the remaining time amounts to nine hundred thirty years, and these are spent in grief and weakness and in evil distractions.

The secret book of John

Adam in Yaldabaoth’s Paradise

They wear it as they look forward to the time when they will meet up with those who will remove it.

There they will stay until the time when those who blasphemed against the spirit will be tortured and subjected to punishment forever.”

Because of imprisonment in forgetfulnessThey are unaware of their sins,They are bound into periods of time and seasonsBy fate who is lord of it all.

I descended a third time.



I have killed a man for wounding me, a young man for injuring me.24 If Cain is avenged seven times, then Lamech seventy-seven times.”25 Adam made love to his wife again, and she gave birth to a son and named him Seth, saying, “God has granted me another child in place of Abel, since Cain killed him.”26 Seth also had a son, and he named him Enosh.

At that time people began to call on the name of the LORD.

At that time people began to call on the name of the LORD.

In contemporary times, initiation can also symbolize personal growth and learning.

And from the time Adam left the garden until he wedded Eve, were two hundred and twenty-three days, that is seven months and thirteen days.

The mention of Atlantis contributes to the idea that there was a widespread initiation practice in ancient times, where knowledge was passed through structured paths, often involving tests and ceremonies.

Its name can be interpreted from Old Norse as "yawning gap" or "gaping void," reflecting its conceptualization as a vast, empty expanse at the beginning of time.



Within Islamic tradition Seth holds wisdom of several kinds; knowledge of time, prophecy of the future Great Flood, and inspiration on the methods of night prayer.

375), Sethians were in his time found only in Egypt and Palestine, but fifty years earlier, they had been found as far away as Greater Armenia.

The stone pillar survived into the time of Josephus.



The Beginning of WorshipOne significant aspect of Enosh’s time, mentioned in Genesis 4:26, is that “then began men to call upon the name of the Lord.” This phrase has been interpreted in various ways.

Drunvalo Melchizedek

Birth of a New Humanity

This is contrary to all known engineering methods and suggests a reversal of time or the application of advanced and unknown technologies.

The illuminator of knowledge saves the pure for the third time, leaving Sakla disturbed and wondering where the higher power comes from.

If we assume Ezekiel was around 30 years old at that time — since 30 was a common age for beginning a ministry or significant work in ancient Israel, much like it was for priests to start their service (though Ezekiel was a prophet, not a priest acting in the temple due to being in exile) — we can make some educated guesses.

From 900 to 120 years

Human lifespan declines

In the Turin King List, the figure connected with the Great Flood is Zep Tepi, also known as the "First Time." This term doesn't correspond to a single king but rather to a mythical epoch in ancient Egyptian chronology that is said to have preceded the Great Flood.

So all of the remaining time amounts to nine hundred thirty years, and these are spent in grief and weakness and in evil distractions.

If you add up the ages, starting with the birth of Adam to the birth of Noah, and then add Noah’s age at the time of the flood (600 years), the total time from the Garden of Eden to the flood is:

After that, he must be set free for a short time.

This passage describes the binding of Satan and the reign of Christ with his followers for a thousand years, an event that occurs at the end of time according to Christian eschatology.

In 5:31 the second Lamech’s lifespan is 111 times seven years; in Hebrew, שׁבע שׁבעים שׁנה ושׁבע מאות שׁנה [sheba‘ shib‘im shanah usheba‘ me’ot shanah], “seven and seventy years and seven hundred years.” The 77 part comes first, in opposite order to that in 4:24.

Then God blew the spirit against Adam with such force that it entered his nose, and ran up into his head, and as soon as it reached his eyes Adam opened them, and saw the throne of God with the inscription upon it: "There is no God but God, and Mohammed is His prophet." Then the soul ran into his ears, and Adam heard the song of the angels; thereupon his tongue was unloosed, for by this time the soul had reached it, and he said, "Praise be to Thee, my Creator, one and only!" And God answered him: "For this purpose are you made.

The text describes how the gods bore the noise and toil of humanity for this lengthy span of time.

A synodic period refers to the time it takes for a celestial body (like a planet) to return to the same apparent position relative to the Sun and Earth.

Based on these years, the time between the creation story (creation of humans) and the flood is 12,000 years.

The remains of this ancient civilization can be found in recollections of the time of Atlantis and Lemuria, and some highly advanced constructions that survived the flood.

What is odd about Goblike Tepe is that it was buried or covered, like the people at that time wanted it to protect for something that was coming.