
The first time I heard the Adam and Eve story it didn't make much sense.

They unleash a series of plagues and disasters, including famine and drought, but each time Atrahasis makes offerings to the gods, and Enki advises him on how to counter these disasters.

And this time his guest was Mathias de Stefano.

At the time of writing, Aubrey Marcus has half a million subscribers to his YouTube channel and over 700 videos.

It was during this time that she introduced me to the story of Zé Arigó, a Brazilian man with a remarkable story that further expanded my views on the possibilities of human experience and history.

The dream happened many times.

The first time I was introduced to Darryl Anka was through his channeling of Bashar, a multidimensional being, a friend from the future who has spoken for the past 35 years through Darryl Anka.

This journey back in time is more than a history lesson—it’s a guide to understanding timeless wisdom that impacts our health, our connection to the stars, and the mysteries that surround us.

Astrology in ancient times was more than just fortune-telling.

Except this time the new toxic waste is Treasuries themselves.

This allows for an extended learning period but also means that human offspring are dependent on adults for a longer time.

Written Communication: Humans are the only species that has developed a system of written communication, allowing for the storage and transmission of information across time and space.

During normal times, the engine runs smoothly with the right amount of fuel.

Here's another thing to consider: when there's a lot of new money and higher inflation, the value of the money in your savings account can decrease over time.

On one side, if your income goes up with inflation, then paying back a fixed-rate loan might become easier over time.

He throws in a lifeline - this idea that if we can get our act together, show some love and respect for each other, and make choices that lift us up instead of tearing us down, we might just dodge the bullet next time disaster decides to roll in.

Implications for Understanding UFOs and Time: The story of Thomas Townsend Brown is posited to have deep implications for our understanding of gravity, time, UFOs, and possibly extraterrestrial technology, with hints at CIA involvement in related research.

The Dreamtime (Australian Aboriginal Mythology) Describes a timeless time of creation when ancestral spirits formed the landscape, laws, and cultural practices.

Augustine: This Christian theologian and philosopher wrote extensively on the concept of creation, particularly in "The City of God" and "Confessions," interpreting the Biblical creation story and discussing the nature of God and time.

Mircea Eliade: A historian of religion, Eliade studied and wrote about the sacred and the profane, including creation myths, in works like "The Myth of the Eternal Return," exploring the significance of these myths in understanding time and existence.

This interaction between Reich and Einstein is noteworthy not only for its illustration of Reich's efforts to engage with the scientific establishment but also for its reflection of the broader historical and political context of the time.

They initiate key processes in each stage and delegate tasks to subordinate beings like the Archai or Time Spirits.

In this ritual, people would weep for Tammuz, who was "killed time after time in horrible ways," during the month of the same name.

Atlantean Consciousness and Evolution: The text begins with a description of the consciousness prevalent in Atlantean times.

Methods of Initiation and Evolution of Consciousness: Different methods of initiation used in post-Atlantean mysteries are detailed, including how they evolved up to Christian times.

Need for Anthroposophy in Understanding Christ: Finally, the text argues for the necessity of anthroposophy in contemporary times to understand the Christ figure and its evolving significance in human consciousness and spiritual development.

This experience contrasted with the growing materialistic focus of the time, rekindling an understanding of and connection to spiritual realities.

After his baptism, Jesus is said to have spent 40 days and nights fasting in the Judean desert, during which time he was tempted by Satan.

Moses was born at a time when Pharaoh ordered the death of Hebrew male infants, and his mother hid him to save his life.

Jesus also had confrontations with the religious and political authorities of his time, challenging their interpretations of the law and their moral authority.

Connection to the WildernessBoth spent time in the wilderness.

Reformers of Existing PracticesBoth were seen as reformers in their time.

Messianic ExpectationsIn some interpretations, Zarathustra is seen as a messianic figure who will return at the end of time, similar to the Christian belief in the second coming of Jesus.



The text states: "While I was speaking in prayer, the man Gabriel, whom I had seen in the vision at the first, came to me in swift flight at the time of the evening sacrifice.

There's a story about how the bat helped in a time of great need.

Frank Ontario

The Great Separation

In the Hindu concept of time, the Satya Yuga era, spanning both ascending and descending periods of 6 to 7,000 years or more, represents the Golden Age of Humankind.

Individuals possessed the ability to travel by bending space and time, enabling them to move anywhere on or off the planet without external machinery.

Frank Ontario

The 12 Elohim

The term "Elohim," originating from Hebrew scriptures and translating to "God," appears over 2,500 times in the Old Testament.

The mythological figure Hercules is suggested to be a remnant of ancient encounters with the Elohim, with his image evolving over time due to the degradation of human soul faculties and a tendency towards idolatry.

Time and Space are illusions.

(But your experiences within Time/Space are “real”.) There is only Here/Now.


Golden objects

In the Ark of the Covenant, there was a golden urn holding the manna, as a reminder of the Israelites' time in the wilderness (Hebrews 9:4).

Herod's Temple, which existed during Jesus' time, famously had a golden vine on the front of the Holy Place (mentioned in historical texts such as those of Josephus).

The Anunnaki never occupied or inhabited the earth for any length of time, but they were taken to another world and had a technology in that sense that allowed them to visit our world from time to time, in a sense of coming back to their old homestead.

As a result, it is improbable that the absence of references to cats in the Bible can be attributed to their non-existence in the region during the biblical times.

Instead, the omission is more likely due to the Bible's focus on other aspects of the cultures, histories, and religious beliefs of the time, as well as the specific animals and events that were more significant in the context of the biblical narratives.

The reason for this absence could be that domesticated cats, as we know them today, were not common in the regions mentioned in the Bible during the biblical times.

The Bible primarily focuses on animals that were more relevant to the cultures and environments of the time.

Over time, they became companions, valued for their hunting skills and their roles in controlling rodent populations in human settlements.

Early Association with HumansOver time, some wildcats became more tolerant of human presence, and humans may have started to encourage their presence as pest controllers.

Religious SymbolismMany animals in the Bible have symbolic and ritualistic significance in the religious practices of the time.

Cultural DepictionsOver time, Moloch has become a symbol of any practice or institution that demands a high human cost, such as war or certain forms of exploitation.

The symbolism of Saturn, who consumes his own children, is interpreted as an allegory for the destructive nature of time and material obsession.


Valley of Hinnom

Its historical, cultural, and religious significance has evolved over time, especially within the contexts of Jewish, Christian, and Islamic traditions.

Use in Ancient Times: In ancient periods, particularly during the time of the Kingdoms of Israel and Judah, the valley had various uses.

It was, at times, a place where certain pagan rituals, including child sacrifices, were allegedly performed to deities like Moloch or Baal, as mentioned in the Hebrew Bible.

Over time, it became a symbol of moral corruption and divine judgment.

Modern Times: Today, the Valley of Hinnom is part of Jerusalem's landscape, with historical and archeological significance.



In terms of age and birth, the concept is quite different in Hindu mythology compared to human notions of time and life.

Hindu mythology often describes the gods as eternal and beyond the human concepts of time and age.

As they spend time together, a deep bond forms between them, alarming the captive jinn who fear their servitude might extend if the pair were to marry and produce an heir.

It is a valley in Jerusalem that, in ancient times, was used for a variety of purposes, including as a place of idolatrous sacrifice and as a waste disposal site.

Over time, it gained notoriety and a dark reputation, particularly in Jewish and Christian traditions.

Polarity to move time and space - a movement of polarity

No time and space

This is a time of intense emotional learning, where we begin to understand the complexities of human connections.

“During the Second World War, International Communism must become strong enough in order to balance Christendom, which would be then restrained and held in check until the time when we would need it for the final social cataclysm.”

“This manifestation will result from the general reactionary movement which will follow the destruction of Christianity and atheism, both conquered and exterminated at the same time.”

Space/Time dimension

4th dimension is forever (no time).

4th dimension is about knowing how to manage the shapes of that dimension (no time, no space).

Fabric of space/time - matrix

And they will live in a certain time, in a certain space.