Darryl Anka | Bashar

Longevity and Living in the Now

Discussion on Ascension and Physicality

Bashar begins by discussing ascension, clarifying that raising one’s frequency is part of the ascension process. This involves taking one’s physical body into higher dimensions, specifically into the fourth density. Beyond that, it is more non-physical, but there can still be representations of physicality.

Longevity and Living in the Now

Basher mentions that living in the present moment, or “the now,” reduces the creation of time, which paradoxically allows people to experience longer lives. The lifespan in the future could be extended to 200-300 years and possibly beyond. Some beings on the Bashar’s planet live for up to 1,000 years.

Technological Influence on Lifespan

Bashar indicates that in this lifetime, it may not be common to reach such longevity. However, it is possible to live longer than average, depending on technological advancements and individual circumstances.

Future Selves and Incarnations

Future selves, according to Bashar, generally refer to other incarnations in what humans perceive as the future. These incarnations do not necessarily exist on Earth or within the same time frame as one’s current life.

Dream Encounters with Interdimensional Beings

The questioner shares a dream where they met two interdimensional beings. These beings had advanced technology, including a rod-like device that measured and amplified the questioner’s energy. Bashar confirms familiarity with this technology, explaining its function.

Memory and Lucid Dreaming

Bashar confirms that the questioner has had repeated interactions with these beings, and the ability to remember these experiences indicates increased awareness and control over the interactions.

Interactions with Other Versions of Oneself

Bashar explains that in some encounters, individuals may interact with other versions of themselves from different societies. This is because all versions are extensions of the same oversoul.

Symbolism of Pregnancy in a Dream

In another dream, the questioner experienced being pregnant with an extraterrestrial baby. Bashar clarifies that this symbolizes the creation of a new connection with an alien society, reflecting a decision to engage with another reality. This symbolic “pregnancy” represents the beginning of a new phase in the questioner’s journey.

Connection to an Extraterrestrial Race

Bashar mentions knowing the race involved in this new connection but suggests it is premature to discuss it further at this moment. The information will be available in the future.

Health Issue with the Dog

The conversation shifts to the questioner’s dog, who is experiencing itchy spots. The Bashar recommends exploring colloidal silver, though they advise further research before trying it.

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