Darryl Anka | Bashar

Holographic recordings of Earth

The Concept of Physical Reality

Anka relates physical reality to a simulation, where each person has their own adventure based on their soul’s purpose. He describes it as a co-created reality by consensus. Bashar’s perspective on this reality views it as a set of challenges and puzzles designed to help individuals grow spiritually. This simulation is unique to each person but shared with others by agreement.

40 Years of Channeling Bashar

Anka has been channeling Bashar for 40 years, a period Bashar refers to as a complete cycle. In this new cycle, the focus is on preparing for contact with extraterrestrial civilizations. Bashar, described as a first-contact specialist, is helping Earth avoid destructive paths similar to those experienced by other civilizations. The key to this transformation, according to Bashar, lies in letting go of fear and negative beliefs and focusing on commonalities among people.

Raising Vibrational Frequency for Contact

One of Bashar’s primary teachings is the importance of raising one’s vibrational frequency by following one’s passion. This, according to Bashar, helps individuals become better receivers of higher-frequency information from spiritual guides, extraterrestrials, and other dimensional beings.

When people act on their highest passion, they become aligned with their soul’s path, making contact with higher beings more feasible.

The Evolution of Humanity and Open Contact

Anka shares Bashar’s view that humanity is on the threshold of contact with interstellar species. This contact is expected to occur within the next few years. The past 40 years of Bashar’s transmissions have been aimed at preparing humanity for this moment. Humanity’s evolution includes the introduction of hybrid children, beings who will help guide Earth’s future development both socially and technologically.

The Role of Children in Future Contact

Bashar has noted that children born in recent decades are part of an evolved species, genetically more attuned to spiritual frequencies. These children remain strongly connected to their spiritual origins and are more open to the concept of extraterrestrial contact. Anka predicts that they will lead the way toward a future where humanity is part of a galactic community.

Extraterrestrial Influence on Human History

Bashar’s teachings also touch on gaps in human history. According to him, extraterrestrial civilizations have been observing humanity for thousands of years. When open contact occurs, these civilizations will provide holographic recordings of Earth’s past, offering insights into lost civilizations like Atlantis and even the time of the dinosaurs.

Conclusion and Future Projections

Darryl Anka anticipates a future where extraterrestrial contact will significantly shift humanity’s mindset. He emphasizes that these changes are part of a broader evolutionary reset occurring between 2020 and 2050.

This period will bring massive changes, including the splitting of parallel realities, with individuals navigating their paths based on their vibrational frequency.

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