Silvia Suryodaya

Earth’s Transformation

2025: They Are Preparing Us for Something BIG

Silvia Suryodaya begins by addressing her audience with a formal greeting, indicating that the end of 2024 marks a significant period in Earth’s evolution. The speaker intends to guide and prepare people for the major transformations ahead, as a significant energetic shift approaches at the close of 2024.

The Energetic Transformation

As December 2024 progresses, a series of intense energies will ripple through personal, collective, and planetary realms. Silvia explains that this will manifest as the breakdown of outdated systems, including financial institutions, political structures, and societal norms. This collapse is not an end but a precursor to a new beginning.

As December 2024 progresses, a series of intense energies will ripple through personal, collective, and planetary realms. Silvia explains that this will manifest as the breakdown of outdated systems, including financial institutions, political structures, and societal norms. This collapse is not an end but a precursor to a new beginning.

Personal and Cosmic Realignment

According to the speaker, the events taking place are part of a larger cosmic plan aimed at raising humanity’s consciousness. Individuals are urged to remember that their identities, shaped by past experiences and societal conditioning, are not their true selves.

Rather, people are pure consciousness, observing thoughts and feelings without being bound by them. Silvia emphasizes the importance of releasing the ego’s control as this time of transformation approaches.

Multi-Dimensional Karma

Silvia touches on the concept of multi-dimensional karma, which spans across parallel incarnations and realities. Every decision individuals make now impacts not only their personal timelines but also the collective karma of the planet. The speaker urges people to make choices rooted in love and conscious action to resolve karmic patterns.

The Role of Higher Beings

Silvia mentions the presence of a Pleiadian mothership near Earth, providing waves of light and healing energy to assist humanity through these turbulent times. These energies are said to support the dissolution of karmic patterns and the elevation of consciousness.

The “Energetic Bang” of 2024

As the year concludes, Silvia foresees a climax of energy, described as a “bang,” which will shake the foundations of existing systems. This event is characterized not as a cause for fear but as a catalyst for new beginnings. Silvia explains that this energetic surge will dismantle outdated structures, making way for a world built on principles of love, unity, and compassion.

End 2024, Silvia foresees a climax of energy, described as a “bang,” which will shake the foundations of existing systems. This event is characterized not as a cause for fear but as a catalyst for new beginnings. Silvia explains that this energetic surge will dismantle outdated structures, making way for a world built on principles of love, unity, and compassion.

The Call to Action

Individuals are asked to choose between the old ways of fear and separation or the new path of unity and freedom. Silvia reiterates that humanity has played a significant role in creating the current challenges through fear-based decisions, but it also holds the power to shape a different future.


As 2025 approaches, Silvia assures her audience that many illusions and barriers will dissolve, leading to a collective awakening. She reminds everyone that the power of change lies within, both at the individual and collective levels. Silvia concludes by affirming that higher-dimensional beings are providing guidance and support, even if this is not always consciously perceived.

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