Darryl Anka | Bashar

Create beliefs that work for you

Published: 9 Oct 2024

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Bashar: Create beliefs that work for you | Motavation Speech | Darryl Anka

Letting Go of External Beliefs

Many individuals believe it is simple to be true to themselves. However, many are raised in societies where they adopt belief systems that reflect others’ values rather than their own. These systems often serve the purpose of allowing individuals to explore the theme of letting go of beliefs that are not aligned with their true selves. Through this process, individuals can replace those external beliefs with ones that resonate with their core essence, thus experiencing self-empowerment.

These external beliefs are not irrelevant—they help people discover their true selves by identifying beliefs that do not serve them. By consciously creating definitions and beliefs that align with one’s true self, individuals can tap into their core frequency, thereby empowering themselves.

Signs of Misalignment

When people hold beliefs that do not belong to them, they feel weighed down. Resistance in life, such as excuses for not pursuing one’s passions, is a clue that those beliefs are not aligned with the individual’s true self. In contrast, beliefs that align with one’s core self feel light and energizing, driving a person forward.

Acting on one’s highest passion generates energy and enthusiasm. It helps individuals approach life with excitement, no matter how that excitement is expressed.

Self-Awareness and the Path of Self-Empowerment

The journey of self-empowerment begins with self-awareness. It is crucial to investigate who one truly is and distinguish between beliefs that belong to oneself and those that do not. Many will attract experiences they do not prefer as a way to clarify what they do prefer. Observing these non-preferred experiences can serve as a tool for growth.

It is not about what happens, but how one responds. Remaining in a state that reflects one’s core essence enables individuals to transform every situation into a positive experience, regardless of its origin.

The Process of Surrender

Surrender does not mean giving up control. It involves letting go of preconceived notions of control and recognizing the control one already has. Each person has a natural flow, a current of energy that will take them exactly where they need to go. Surrendering to this flow allows individuals to align with their true path.

Sometimes, what a person wants in life coincides with what they need, but often desires stem from belief systems that do not serve them. It is more important to focus on what one truly needs to be themselves, rather than what they think they want.

Trusting the Flow of Life

By trusting in the way life unfolds, individuals can stay in a positive state regardless of external circumstances. Each experience contains a lesson or benefit that will become evident when one remains aligned with their core self. The key is not to worry about missing opportunities. As long as one remains in their preferred state, everything that needs to happen will manifest at the perfect time.

The concept of synchronicity plays an important role. By following the flow of excitement and trusting in synchronicity, individuals can navigate life with ease, walking the path of least resistance.

Reality as a Structure

The information shared here is not just a philosophy, but an instruction manual on how reality operates. By understanding these principles, individuals can utilize the structure of existence to their advantage. The process of waking up to one’s true power involves recognizing that each person deserves to experience their authentic self. This journey of self-awareness leads to joy, empowerment, and synchronicity.

Understanding how creation is structured allows individuals to apply these principles across all areas of life. As they embrace their true selves, they fit perfectly into the broader context of existence, like a puzzle piece among others.


Self-empowerment aligns individuals with what they need in life. By trusting the process and surrendering to the natural flow, they allow their true essence to guide them. This leads to experiences unfolding in perfect timing, with a deeper appreciation for the journey. Even when faced with challenges or experiences they do not prefer, individuals can extract valuable lessons and remain aligned with their core essence. The process of self-awareness, trust, and surrender allows each person to experience life in the most beneficial and empowering way possible.

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