Bonni McCliss

MAXIMUM Solar Storms in 2025

Bonni McCliss

MAXIMUM Solar Storms in 2025

TOP Psychic Predicts MAXIMUM Solar Storms in 2025: STIRRING UP the New Earth?

Solar Maximum and Eclipse Season

Bonni McCliss begins by discussing the current state of the solar maximum, explaining that we are in a period of peak energy right before the solar poles flip. This moment, as we approach the eclipse season, mirrors what took place on April 8th.

She explains that during this time, the “veil” between dimensions is extremely thin, amplifying people’s intentions and authenticity.

McCliss emphasizes that there is no right or wrong; rather, everything we wish to create can be expanded, and any wounds may be inflamed to help people align themselves as they move forward.

The days surrounding the eclipse are powerful, and McCliss notes that the week of October 22nd 2024 will be particularly significant.

Sound, Memory, and Vibration

In discussing the power of sound, McCliss explains that sound opens memories beyond this life, bringing forth teachings from the collective consciousness and elements of the Earth. She notes how sound can simplify spiritual growth, as participating in vibration and memory can help people achieve their goals more easily.

Emerging Spiritual Truths and Authenticity

McCliss speaks about the collective journey toward spiritual truth. She observes that in the past, spiritual journeys were limited by family and social circles, but now, individuals feel a strong call to connect with their true selves.

This collective movement pushes people to live authentically and align with their purpose. She emphasizes that the spiritual shift happening now is an unavoidable call, prompting people to focus on being rather than doing.

She discusses the need for education on how to cultivate a container for deep vision and creativity. Moving from action-oriented living to being-centered living requires guidance and intentionality.

Higher Beings and Navigating the Unknown

McCliss explains that higher beings are currently delivering messages to humanity, providing guidance on how to move from a state of “doing” to a state of “being.” As humanity enters the “unmanifest,” a space of unknowns, McCliss states that foundational belief systems and intentions become crucial.

She urges people to decide whether they trust life, nature, and divine organization or subscribe to chaos and entropy. According to McCliss, humanity is experiencing one of the greatest shifts the planet has seen in thousands of years.

She draws parallels to warnings from ancestors about this “shift of the ages,” noting that humanity is transitioning from an external focus to an internal one, a shift that can be unsettling.

Forgiveness, Purification, and the Journey Within

McCliss discusses the importance of forgiveness and self-compassion during this period of transformation. She encourages people to forgive themselves for being swayed by illusion, fear, or anger and to ask for grace to begin anew. This act of forgiveness, according to McCliss, is like taking the first step on a path to greater consciousness.

Challenges of Religious Trauma

McCliss acknowledges the complexities of religious trauma, noting that certain words, such as “forgiveness,” can be loaded for individuals with such experiences. She explains that these words are meant for everyone, as part of the process of detoxing the mind and opening the heart.

The Solar Maximum’s Impact on Human Biology

McCliss returns to the theme of the solar maximum, emphasizing its importance to human biology and electrical systems. The solar maximum, which occurs every 11 years, affects human consciousness and can cause disruptions in the mind and daily life. McCliss encourages reverence for these cosmic events and advises people to adapt their lifestyles accordingly.

McCliss speaks about the ongoing coronal ejections and blackouts caused by the sun’s activity, reminding her audience that humans are creatures of light, and that these cosmic changes can significantly affect human consciousness.

Preparing for Eclipse Season

McCliss advises listeners to treat the solar maximum as a constant eclipse, urging people to focus on finding an inner light source.

She introduces a technique known as the “60/40 split,” where individuals focus 60% of their attention inward and 40% outward.

This practice, she explains, helps open the upper chakras and allows for better reception of cosmic information.

Thinning Veils and Uncovering Past Memories

McCliss also discusses the thinning of the veil during eclipse seasons, suggesting that this period will bring up memories not only from this lifetime but also from parallel lives.

McCliss states that the thinning veil can either bring forth past traumas or awaken latent talents. While acknowledging that some may fear the resurfacing of painful memories, she believes this is a key period for personal growth and healing.

Avataric State and Spiritual Evolution

As the conversation progresses, McCliss speaks about her experience with the “avataric state,” a way of channeling that integrates higher consciousness into daily life. This state is not reserved for special individuals but is accessible to everyone.

She shares her own childhood experiences with belief in magic and how those beliefs led to her spiritual awakening, despite early struggles with being institutionalized and medicated for schizophrenia.


Throughout the discussion, McCliss emphasizes the importance of belief, trust, and cultivating inner stillness. She encourages people to reconnect with their true purpose, embrace moments of darkness as part of their growth, and take steps to align with their highest selves as humanity navigates this profound shift in consciousness.

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