Ada Andromeda

How We Built Pyramids in Atlantis

Source: How we built pyramids in Atlantis (sharing through experience in a soul journey

Overview of Soul Journey

The video begins with the speaker explaining a soul journey, a trans-like state where one can relive memories from past lives. These experiences are often linked to one’s present life. The speaker suggests that memories are stored in the body’s cellular structure, which can bring up memories from past lives. People often return to past lives where they had significant spiritual experiences. The aim of reliving these memories is to clear energy blockages and allow individuals to live more fully in their physical bodies.

The Transition into the Aquarian Age

The speaker discusses the current shift towards the Aquarian age, a time characterized by living fully in the body with heightened awareness and presence. As the energy of this new age unfolds, manifestations occur more quickly due to the acceleration of time. The speaker highlights the importance of living from within the body, in alignment with one’s true self. The emergence of light language is presented as one expression of this new way of being, where individuals connect to divine energy and channel it through sound.

Soul Journey to Atlantis

The speaker shares a specific soul journey facilitated for a friend, described as a “galactic soul brother” with Arcturian gifts. In this session, the friend experienced anxiety before the journey, which was later linked to an energy blockage in his body. The soul journey took them back to Atlantis, where the friend and the speaker lived together in a higher frequency state. The planet was described as existing in another dimension and functioning as a galactic station where humans and various galactic beings coexisted.

In this memory, the speaker and their friend were able to fly over mountains and valleys, demonstrating the high-frequency state of existence in Atlantis. They arrived at a hidden valley, a place frequently revisited in soul journeys. While in the valley, they channeled sounds both in the memory and during the present-day soul journey, which helped clear the energy blockages in the friend’s body. This sound channeling was done in conjunction with Arcturian beings.

Building with Sound and Crystal Technology

The speaker explains that in this memory, they built structures, including pyramids, using sound and crystal technology. The friend in the soul journey was an architect in this past life, constructing buildings in geometric shapes that were aligned with sacred geometry. The blocks of stone were moved and assembled using the power of sound and the energetic collaboration with Arcturian beings.

These structures were formed through a combination of human and galactic energies, creating an expression of light that made building possible. The use of sound to build pyramids and other structures in Atlantis highlights the advanced spiritual and energetic capabilities of the beings at that time.

Connection to the Present

The speaker concludes by linking the experiences of Atlantis with the present day, emphasizing that humanity is returning to a state of unity consciousness. They suggest that the memories of Atlantis are being awakened in people during this time. Additionally, the speaker mentions a song that channels light language, invoking a connection to the “Holy Mothers,” and invites listeners to experience a soul memory through the music.


The speaker closes by encouraging viewers to continue shining their light and living authentically. They emphasize the importance of each person’s unique soul essence in contributing to the collective energy of the planet during this transformative time.

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