Darryl Anka | Bashar

Tuning In – Angels & Aliens


In this recording, Bashar addresses several themes about the nature of existence, human perception, and the relationship between humans, angels, and extraterrestrial consciousness.

Key Concepts Discussed

Unity with Love

Bashar states that humans are not separate from love; they are love itself. He explains that humans can connect with this love by figuratively resting in the lap of angels, the lap of life.

The Concept of God

Bashar describes God as “all that is”—present in everything, including humans, objects, and the natural world. He asserts that all things are made of God because there is no other substance from which to create.

Immortality of Consciousness

Bashar touches on the concept of death, explaining that it holds no true power over humans. He suggests that even after leaving the physical body, consciousness continues. Those who do not return to Earth will exist in another form of reality.

Technological Advancements

Bashar forecasts that over the next three to four decades, advancements in technology will drastically alter the nature of human reality, potentially dismantling the concepts of time and space.

Abundance and Perception

He suggests that the abundance individuals experience in life is directly related to their perception and belief systems. By recognizing the abundance they already possess, individuals can manifest more of what they desire.

Human Responsibility for Creation

Bashar emphasizes that humans are responsible for creating their world. Negative emotions like blame, hate, or unforgiveness generate corresponding energy, which shapes their reality.


Bashar’s message focuses on self-awareness, the infinite nature of consciousness, and the power of human perception in shaping individual and collective realities.

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