Humanity’s Coming Timeline Split in 2025

The Alchemical Transformation of Powerlessness and Timeline Vision for 2025

In this conversation, Sarah Elkhaldy reflects on significant personal transformations and the future shifts humanity may face. When asked what aspect of herself she purified to achieve the most profound alchemical change, she highlights powerlessness. Sarah explains that she embraced parts of herself that appeared weak or vulnerable, recognizing these moments as representations of powerlessness. By holding space for these aspects, she experienced her greatest alchemical transmutation, transforming weakness into empowerment.

Sarah also discusses the upcoming timeline split in 2025, foreseeing a period where both the third and fifth densities will coexist temporarily. This shift reflects the culmination of humanity’s collective choices and spiritual growth, with the opportunity for a significant leap in consciousness. She emphasizes that humanity itself drives this shift, not external forces or revelations. The collective’s rising spiritual awareness will cause the optimal timelines to manifest, bringing forward long-awaited changes.

The Time Capsule for Future Leaders

The conversation shifts to Sarah’s thoughts on creating a time capsule for future leaders. This capsule, to be opened in 20 years, would provide wisdom, teachings, and resources to support the next generation of leaders. Sarah suggests including all her YouTube videos, which she sees as time capsules in themselves, designed to offer enduring insights on spiritual awakening and personal empowerment.

Additionally, Sarah would include The Kybalion, a key text on hermetic philosophy that conveys the essential laws of reality. Despite debates over its true origins, Sarah considers it a profound and timeless guide. She also recommends other resources like Stellar Man and The Fractal Universe, which help explain the holographic nature of reality. These works, she believes, will equip future leaders with the necessary tools to navigate the coming changes and lead with wisdom.

The Role of Hermes and Channeling

During the interview, Sarah speaks about her connection to Hermes, the ancient figure central to hermetic teachings. She explains that she channels Hermes, rather than calling on him directly. Hermes’ wisdom has come through her during key moments, including a collaboration with After Skool, where she shared insights on the seven hermetic laws. Hermes revealed knowledge that had never been previously articulated, and Sarah emphasizes the importance of this transmission as humanity enters this new era of spiritual evolution.

In closing, Hermes leaves a final message: he was the one who came through during Sarah’s Hermetic Law video, underscoring the importance of these teachings as humanity navigates profound transitions.


The interview concludes with gratitude between Sarah and the host, acknowledging the profound exchange of ideas. Sarah’s insights into alchemy, spiritual sovereignty, and the 2025 timeline split serve as guiding principles for those looking to navigate the shifting energies of the world. Her work emphasizes the importance of personal transformation, discernment, and the collective creation of optimal timelines for the future.

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