Robert Nelson



On February 12, 2019, Paul Power reads from Robert Nelson’s book Keys: Love Letters and God. The focus is on the 70th key, titled “Home.”

Key 70: Home

The session opens with the statement, “Home is where the heart is.” The discussion shifts towards the idea of home as something intrinsic to individuals rather than tied to physical locations. The concept of home is explored as a state of being, where the individual carries home within themselves.

Paul reflects on the metaphorical aspects of home, suggesting that it goes beyond a place and becomes a part of one’s existence. He emphasizes the interconnectedness of all hearts, suggesting that reality and home are found within the shared experiences and unity of human hearts. The idea of separation, which is likened to a dream, is described as an illusion, and Paul encourages the audience to recognize that home was never left behind.

The Invitation

Paul Power reads a passage that serves as an invitation to the audience. The book suggests that each individual is a part of the whole, connected through shared hearts and thoughts. This connection heals the illusion of separation and completes the journey. Home is not a destination but a recognition of being.

The passage ends by asking readers to sign their names in place of “God,” signifying that each person embodies the divine. It conveys a message of self-recognition and peace, urging the audience to accept their identity as part of a unified whole.

Final Reflections

Paul notes that this letter brings the reader to a point of recognition, where thought patterns begin to shift, leading to a greater understanding of self. The book has been a tool for guiding this transformation, not through external magic, but through the miracle of inner realization. Each individual is encouraged to see themselves as a complete incarnation of the divine.

The session ends with the message that although this is the final letter in the book, it is only the beginning of a deeper journey toward self-awareness.

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