
Epic of Gilgamesh: Tablet I

      Gilgamesh in Uruk had dreams about you.""

Gilgamesh got up and revealed the dream, saying to his mother:

      "Mother, I had a dream last night.

      Your dream is good and propitious!"

A second time Gilgamesh said to his mother:       "Mother, I have had another dream:

      "You have interpreted for me the dreams about him!"

After the harlot recounted the dreams of Gilgamesh to Enkidu the two of them made love.

Genesis Apocryphon

Before entering Egypt, Abram receives revelation in the form of a dream.

Abram dreams of a cedar tree and a date palm growing from a single root.

Sarai was very distressed by this dream as they entered Egypt, and for five years was exceedingly careful so that the Pharaoh of Zoan would not see her.


As for the bolt that bars the sea,Ea with his lahmu-creatures shall keep it locked'He ordered, and Anu and Adad kept the (air) above(earth) locked,Sin and Nergal kept the middle earth locked.As for the bolt that bars the sea,Ea with his lahmu-creatures kept it locked.Then the very wise man Atra-hasisWept daily.He would carry a massakku-offering along theriverside pasture,Although the irrigation-water was silent.Half-way through the night he offered a sacrifice.As sleep began to overtake him (?)He addressed the irrigation-water:'May the irrigation-water take it, may the rivercarry it,May the gift be placed in front of Ea my lord.May Ea see it and think of me!So may I see a dream in the night.'When he had sent the message by water,He sat facing the river, he wept (?),The man wept (?) facing the riverAs his plea went down to the Apsu.Then Ea heard his voice.[He summoned his Lahmu-creaturesl and addressedthem.(jar the next 36/ines see Supplement 1.

(gap of about 10 lines)Atrahasis made his voice heardAnd spoke to his master,'Indicate to me the meaning of the dream,[ J let me find out its portent ( ?)'Enki made his voice heardAnd spoke to his servant,'You say, "I should find out in bed (?)" Make sure you attend to the message I shall tellyou!Wall, listen constantly to me!Reed hut, make sure you attend to all my words!Dismantle the house, build a boat,

The great flood stories

"When the gods decided to send a flood, Enki, the god of water, warned Ziusudra in a dream to build a boat to save himself, his family, and the seed of all living creatures.

Cronus appeared to Xisuthrus in a dream and revealed that on the fifteenth of the month Daisios mankind would be destroyed by a great flood.

Anunnaki gods list

Geshtinanna - Goddess of agriculture, fertility, and dreams

Amanita Muscaria and Sinterklaas

In his 1812 revisions to A History of New York, Irving inserted a dream sequence featuring St.