Darryl Anka | Bashar

Ghosts are real

Can GHOSTS DRAIN YOUR ENERGY? Bashar on Spirit Encounters and the meaning of COVID | Darryl Anka

Bashar explains that ghosts are real, describing them as people existing on a different frequency level.

When people die, their frequency changes into a non-physical form, which can be perceived as a ghost. However, not every experience attributed to ghosts is actually one, as other phenomena like spacetime recordings or interactions with people from parallel realities can create similar effects.

Ghosts or spirits can sometimes be perceived due to their proximity to the physical realm, and their presence may appear in various forms, from ephemeral to solid.

Many spirits remain connected to physical reality because they have unresolved issues, which could involve sending a message or settling an unresolved matter.

In most cases, these encounters are benign, but sometimes, spirits can exhibit frustration or anger. These emotions often stem from confusion or an inability to resolve their unfinished business. Engaging with them in an understanding and sensitive manner may help them settle and move forward.

Bashar emphasizes that spirits cannot attach themselves to people in the way that some believe.

However, if individuals lower their vibrational state to match that of an upset spirit, it could result in a negative interaction similar to the dynamic of an argument between two living individuals.

While some ghosts may engage in mischievous or negative actions, this behavior is often a reflection of unresolved matters or misunderstandings.

The Vibrational Meaning of COVID-19

COVID-19, according to Bashar, represents a vibrational course correction. It provides individuals and societies with an opportunity to reassess their choices and actions that may have been misaligned with their preferred realities. The virus is viewed as a mechanism for realignment, revealing imbalances and urging responsibility for prior actions.

Bashar explains that viruses and bacteria in general serve as reminders of physical imbalances. When individuals are in balance, these entities pose no significant threat. However, when out of balance, they proliferate and amplify the negative energy, resulting in unpleasant experiences.

Physical Reality as a Temporary State

Bashar elaborates on the idea that physical reality is temporary, likening it to a dream that can fade away. He notes that the deterioration of physical reality serves as a clue that it is not the ultimate reality. This deterioration emphasizes the impermanent nature of the physical realm.

Addressing Fear of Following Passion

Bashar advises those hesitant to pursue their passions due to fear of judgment or failure to confront their negative beliefs. He stresses that feelings of fear or inadequacy are signals of underlying beliefs that need to be addressed. Acknowledging and understanding these beliefs is essential for overcoming obstacles.

Bashar suggests that individuals examine their fears and compare their circumstances to others who are successfully living their passions. By recognizing that others have overcome similar challenges, individuals can begin to dissolve limiting beliefs. Once these beliefs no longer hold meaning, they will naturally fade away, allowing for greater freedom to pursue one’s passions.

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