
One of these nations was effaced from the earth, but the other two have, after terrible vicissitudes, survived till today; of them I will speak later.

I but make it in order to show thee, my friend, that thine own powers are not matters of heritage only, but recollected acquirements from some one, or it may be of all of thy past lives; also to give thee a hint of profit, to wit: that studies today undertaken, no matter how near to the evening of thy days, will surely bear fruit, not alone in thy present earth life, but in the experiences of subsequent incarnations also.

A Dweller on Two Planets


It is hoped that this description is sufficiently perspicuous to give an idea of the tremendous parallelogram, encompassed with steps, guarded by monstrous ornamental, as well as useful, serpent forms, religious emblems, signifying not alone wisdom but also the appearance of a fiery serpent in the skies of the ancient earth, initiating the event of the separation of Man from God.

Surmounting this was the first story of the palace proper, its reptile-entwined peristyle holding aloft great veranda roofs, whereon were enormous vases holding earth to nourish all kinds of tropical plants, shrubs, and many small varieties of trees, a luxuriant garden which perfumed the air, already cooled by numerous fountains playing in the midst.

Nevertheless, it precedes the histories handed down in manuscript, papyrus rolls and rock-inscriptions by many centuries, seeing that Poseid was no longer known in the earth when history's first pages were chronicled by the earliest historian using papyrus; nay, nor even yet earlier, when the sculptors of the obelisks of Egypt and the rock-inscribers of the temples cut pictorial histories in enduring granite.

It will be again with thee, because Our Race is coming again from devachan to earth.

They are central to the development of "Schoolroom Earth," a place where souls learn through the experiences of duality, love, and fear.

Portals and Sacred Sites: Belinda talks about the existence of portals and sacred sites around the Earth, which serve as doorways between dimensions.

These sites allow beings from other realms to visit Earth and assist humanity.

Cuneiform tablets

The Legend of Etana

As they rise, Etana gazes down and sees the earth shrinking below him, eventually reaching the heavens of the gods.

Billy further discusses evidence of ancient nuclear wars on Earth, particularly at sites like Mohenjo-Daro in the Indus Valley.

Experts hypothesize that the Osirion was built using advanced technology, possibly involving sound and water, to transmit cosmic knowledge through the vibrations of the earth and water.

Revelation 18

Thus shall Babylon sink

The First Destruction: The FloodGenesis 6:17: “For behold, I will bring a flood of waters upon the earth to destroy all flesh in which is the breath of life under heaven.

Everything that is on the earth shall die.”

And rain fell upon the earth forty days and forty nights.”

Genesis 7:21-23: “And all flesh died that moved upon the earth, both of fowl, and of cattle, and of beast, and of every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth, and every man: All in whose nostrils was the breath of life, of all that was in the dry land, died.

And every living substance was destroyed which was upon the face of the ground, both man, and cattle, and the creeping things, and the fowl of the heaven; and they were destroyed from the earth: and Noah only remained alive, and they that were with him in the ark.”

The Second Destruction: Yahweh’s Intervention at BabylonGenesis 11:4-8 (The Tower of Babel):"Then they said, 'Come, let us build ourselves a city and a tower with its top in the heavens, and let us make a name for ourselves, lest we be dispersed over the face of the whole earth.' And the Lord came down to see the city and the tower, which the children of man had built.

Come, let us go down and there confuse their language, so that they may not understand one another's speech.' So the Lord dispersed them from there over the face of all the earth, and they left off building the city."

Jeremiah 51:25-26: “Behold, I am against thee, O destroying mountain, saith the Lord, which destroyest all the earth: and I will stretch out mine hand upon thee, and roll thee down from the rocks, and will make thee a burnt mountain.

An Angel's Proclamation: A mighty angel comes down from heaven, illuminating the earth with his glory, and announces the fall of Babylon the Great.

Reason for the Fall: The angel states that all the nations have drunk the wine of the passion of her immorality, the kings of the earth have committed fornication with her, and the merchants of the earth have grown rich from the abundance of her luxury.

Lament by Kings of the Earth: The kings of the earth, who committed fornication and lived luxuriously with her, will weep and lament over her when they see the smoke of her burning, standing far off for fear of her torment.

Lament by Merchants: The merchants of the earth will weep and mourn over her, because no one buys their cargo anymore.

Reasons for Judgment: Babylon’s merchants were the great men of the earth, and by her sorcery, all nations were deceived.

In her, the blood of prophets, saints, and all who were slain on the earth was found.

After this, I saw another angel coming down from heaven, having great authority, and the earth was illuminated with his glory.

For all nations have drunk the wine of the passion of her immorality, and the kings of the earth have committed acts of immorality with her, and the merchants of the earth have grown rich from the power of her luxurious living.”

And the kings of the earth, who committed acts of immorality and lived sensuously with her, will weep and lament over her when they see the smoke of her burning,

And the merchants of the earth weep and mourn over her, because no one buys their cargoes any more—

and the light of a lamp will shine in you no more; and the voice of bridegroom and bride will be heard in you no more; for your merchants were the great ones of the earth, and all nations were deceived by your sorcery.

And in her was found the blood of prophets and of saints and of all who have been slain on the earth.”

In Genesis 1:24 (Creation narrative): The term רֶמֶשׂ is used to describe creatures that God created to "creep upon the earth." Here, it represents a broad category of small land animals, distinct from larger animals or birds.

They are often seen as guardians of treasures and are associated with the earth and the underworld.

The Fall of Atlantis

Atlantis in the Old Testament

The term is often used to refer to distant lands, typically in the context of God's judgment or His glory being proclaimed to the farthest reaches of the earth.

Isaiah 42:4: "He will not falter or be discouraged till he establishes justice on earth.

Zephaniah 2:11: "The Lord will be awesome to them when he destroys all the gods of the earth.

Genesis 28:17: Jacob refers to the place where he had a divine vision as "the gate of heaven," suggesting a portal between heaven and earth.

Isaiah 24 (The Judgment of the Earth): Isaiah speaks of the earth being devastated because of its inhabitants' transgressions.

But the rock that struck the statue became a huge mountain and filled the whole earth."

Establishment of a Divine Kingdom: The stone that destroys the statue then grows into a "huge mountain" that fills the entire earth, symbolizing the establishment of God's eternal kingdom.

The mountain that fills the earth is seen as the messianic kingdom that will be established on earth, a reign of justice, peace, and righteousness.

Their hubris led to their downfall when the gods, displeased with their corruption, caused Atlantis to sink into the ocean, wiping it from the face of the earth.

Abel became Guardian of the flocks, but Cain (Qayin) became a cultivator of the earth.""

[109b] Once upon a time the gods were taking over by lot the whole earth according to its regions,—not according to the results of strife1: for it would not be reasonable to suppose that the gods were ignorant of their own several rights, nor yet that they attempted to obtain for themselves by means of strife a possession to which others, as they knew, had a better claim.

Atlantean Colonial Wars

The Catalogue of Ships

Thus they gathered in a pell-mell of mad confusion, and the earth groaned under the tramp of men as the people sought their places.

Nephilim and Titans: Many myths describe a time when the Earth was populated by giants, often born from the union of gods and humans.

The divine queen of heaven and earth, the lady of all the lands, Inanna, the exalted mistress, made known her grandeur to the world.

Inanna, the exalted mistress, the queen of heaven and earth, instructed Enmerkar on what to do."

Lines 96-100: "Inanna, the queen of heaven and earth, looked upon Uruk with favor.

Etemenanki means "Temple of the Foundation of Heaven and Earth" in Sumerian.

The Tower of Babel story in the Hebrew Bible (Genesis 11:1-9) describes a tower built by humanity in an effort to reach the heavens, which led to God confusing their language and scattering them across the earth.

There are no known Greek stories that specifically refer to the Etemenanki by name or describe a structure called the "Temple of the Foundation of Heaven and Earth." However, the ancient Greeks were aware of Babylon and its monumental architecture, and some Greek writers and historians mention Babylon and its impressive buildings, including what might be interpreted as the ziggurat.

Although Herodotus does not explicitly mention a "Temple of the Foundation of Heaven and Earth," his descriptions of Babylon align with the grandeur of the city's religious and architectural significance.

While the Greeks were aware of Babylon and its impressive architecture, there is no direct reference in surviving Greek literature to the Etemenanki as the "Temple of the Foundation of Heaven and Earth." The concept of a towering structure or ziggurat, however, might have influenced Greek perceptions of foreign wonders, contributing to the broader Hellenistic understanding of the world.

Moreover, later Greek and Roman writers might have conflated or mythologized their accounts of Babylon, but these are not directly linked to a story about the specific foundation of heaven and earth, as found in Mesopotamian tradition.

The flood lasts for seven days and seven nights, covering the earth and wiping out all life.

Revelation 17:5: She is called "Mystery, Babylon the Great, the Mother of Prostitutes and of the Abominations of the Earth."



Isaiah 54:5-6 (Literal Translation):"For your Maker is your husband; YHWH of hosts is His name; and the Holy One of Israel is your Redeemer; the God of the whole earth He is called.

1 This is what YHWH says:“Heaven is my throne,and the earth is my footstool.Where is the house you will build for me?Where will my resting place be?

1 "Thus says YHWH: The heavens are My throne, and the earth is the footstool of My feet.

22 “As the new heavens and the new earth that I make will endure before me,” declares YHWH, “so will your name and descendants endure.

22 "For as the new heavens and the new earth, which I will make, shall remain before Me, says YHWH, so shall your seed and your name remain."

Isaiah 66:1-2:Isaiah 66:1-2 emphasizes God's sovereignty over all creation, declaring that "The heavens are My throne, and the earth is the footstool of My feet." This imagery highlights the vastness of God's authority, which cannot be contained within a physical temple or limited to human constructs.

You have been cast down to the earth, you who once laid low the nations!

Verse: "The Lord, the LORD Almighty, he who touches the earth and it melts, and all who live in it mourn—the whole land rises like the Nile, then sinks like the river of Egypt; he builds his lofty palace in the heavens and sets its foundation on the earth; he calls for the waters of the sea and pours them out over the face of the land—the LORD is his name."

Connection to Atlantis: The imagery of the earth melting, rising, and then sinking, along with the waters of the sea being poured out over the land, can be symbolically linked to the destruction of Atlantis.

Philo, of Byblos

The Phoenician history

A sister, who was called Ge (Earth), was born for him from the previously mentioned individuals.

Because of her beauty," he says, "they call the earth by the same name after her.

Afterwards, Kronos began to suspect his own brother Atlas, and on the advice of Hermes, he cast him down and buried him in the depths of the earth.

The egg is heaven, for it is said that when it was broken in two, Heaven and Earth came into being, each from one of the halves.

Ignatius Donnelly

The Deluge of the Chaldeans

Then Xisuthros understood that the earth was bare.

He then descended with his wife, his daughter, and his pilot, who worshipped the earth, raised an altar, and there sacrificed to the gods; at the same moment he vanished with those who accompanied him."

I stopped up the chinks through which the water entered in;--I visited the chinks, and added what was wanting.--I poured on the exterior three times 3600 measures of asphalte,--and three times 3600 measures of asphalte within.--Three times 3600 men, porters, brought on their heads the chests of provisions.--I kept 3600 chests for the nourishment of my family,--and the mariners divided among themselves twice 3600 chests.--For [provisioning] I had oxen slain;--I instituted [rations] for each day.--In anticipation of the need of] drinks, of barrels, and of wine--[I collected in quantity] like to the waters of a river, [of provisions] in quantity like to the dust of the earth.-[To arrange them in] the chests I set my hand to.--.

"'Mu-sheri-ina-namari--rose from the foundations of heaven in a black cloud;--Ramman thundered in the midst of the cloud,--and Nabon and Sharru marched before;--they marched, devastating the mountain and the plain;--Nergal the powerful dragged chastisements after him;--Adar advanced, overthrowing;--before him;--the archangels of the abyss brought destruction,--in their terrors they agitated the earth.--The inundation of Ramman swelled up to the sky,--and [the earth] became without lustre, was changed into a desert.

of the surface of the earth like .

the living beings of the surface of the earth.--The terrible [Deluge] on men swelled up to [heaven].The brother no longer saw his brother; men no longer knew each other.

No man shall be preserved from the abyss!"--Adar opened his mouth and said; he said to the warrior Bel:--"What other than Ea should have formed this resolution?--for Ea possesses knowledge, and [he foresees] all."--Ea opened his mouth and spake; he said to the warrior Bel:--"O thou, herald of the gods, warrior,--as thou didst not master thyself, thou hast made the water-spout of the Deluge.--Let the sinner carry the weight of his sins, the blasphemer the weight of his blasphemy.--Please thyself with this good pleasure, and it shall never be infringed; faith in it never [shall be violated].--Instead of thy making a new deluge, let lions appear and reduce the number of men;--instead of thy making a new deluge, let hyenas appear and reduce the number of men;--instead of thy making a new deluge, let there be famine, and let the earth be [devastated];--instead of thy making a new deluge, let Dibbara appear, and let men be [mown down].

Islands & Coastlines

Islands mentioned in the Bible

Mauro Biglino

The Riddle of Samson

He emphasizes that when referring to the Judges, the Bible never uses the term "Elohim." Instead, it uses terms like "shoftim" or "malché-eretz" (Lords of the Earth) and "roznim" (rulers).

These sandals enable the gods to fly close to the surface of the earth and sea without touching them, implying the use of advanced flying devices.

Iron is taken from the earth, and copper is smelted from ore."

As for the earth, from it comes bread, but underneath it is turned up as by fire; its stones are the source of sapphires, and it contains gold dust."

Greek Myths


Source: Hephaestus' forge is referenced in Homer's Iliad (Book 18, lines 369-376) where the god works beneath the earth, and in Theoi Greek Mythology: "Hephaistos, the divine blacksmith, is said to work his forge beneath Mount Etna, where the fire and smoke from the mountain's vents were believed to be evidence of his labor" (Theoi Greek Mythology).

Source: While specific references to mines in Tartarus are sparse, the notion of Tartarus as a place of dark labor is implied in Homer’s Iliad (Book 8, lines 478-481), where Zeus speaks of Tartarus as a place deep beneath the earth, "as far beneath Hades as heaven is above the earth." The labor of the condemned in Tartarus can be interpreted metaphorically, relating to mining.

Eastern Türkiye

Mount Ararat

It signifies the gradual return of the earth to a habitable state.


Mount Ekur

Ekur, as Enlil’s sanctuary, was viewed as the most sacred mountain, a cosmic axis connecting heaven and earth.

Role in Creation Myths: Some Sumerian texts suggest that Ekur played a role in the creation myths, where Enlil, residing in Ekur, organized the cosmos, separating the heavens from the earth and establishing order in the world.

A Dweller on Two Planets

Atlantis, Queen of the Wave

To rule in Poseid is to rule over all the earth.

The earth trembled fearfully, and repeated shocks caused me to grasp the rocks in desperate fear of being thrown over the edge.