
It can travel fast enough to match the rotation of the earth, allowing it to hover over a location while the planet moves beneath it.

Altitude Flexibility:The vailx can fly at various altitudes, from close to the ground for better sightseeing to as high as 21 kilometers above the earth’s surface.

out of it ye gather forces which open the penetralia of the sea, and of the air, and subject the earth.

It was, as I reflected upon it, something of a novelty to be piercing the air at the rate of seventeen miles each minute, a mile above the earth.

As we traveled westward, the sun seemed to remain as it was when we left Ganje, for its speed, or that of the earth, rather, was the same as our own.


Mount Tmolus

The mountain’s rugged landscape made it a fitting site for the veneration of this powerful earth goddess.


Mount Lycaeus

This legend underscores the sacred nature of the site and its deep connection to Zeus, reinforcing the idea that the mountain was a place where the divine touched the earth.

Sicily, Italy

Mount Etna

The cultural significance of Mount Etna continued into the Christian era, where the mountain was often viewed as a manifestation of divine will or a symbol of the earth’s power.

Central Greece

Mount Parnassus

They were instructed by an oracle to repopulate the earth by throwing stones over their shoulders, which transformed into people.

Crete, Greece

Mount Ida


Mount Olympus

According to these beliefs, ley lines are thought to be channels or pathways of earth's natural energy.


Abuna Yemata Guh

Yang ley lines represent potent Earth energy and are especially powerful when they cross through mountainous or rocky terrain.

It is said that where two Yang lines cross, the Earth's power is very easy to absorb, and if three lines cross, it is extremely rare.

The Lion’s Gate is a well-known spiritual event that occurs around August 8th, linked to the alignment of the Earth, the Sun, and the star Sirius.

The speaker contrasts the Lion’s Gate with what he calls the "Futura Stargate," which is part of a new spiritual framework or system associated with the New Earth (Matea) and the new age of Lemuria.

These range from first density, associated with basic elements like earth, air, fire, and water, up to the eighth density, which is the return to the source of all creation.

In the context of humanity, Ra suggests that Earth is on the cusp of transitioning from third density to fourth density, where love and understanding will be more prevalent.

G.I. Gurdjieff

The world’s beginnings

Solar System: The solar system, including Earth, is formed as part of the universal process initiated by His Endlessness.

Earth's Role: Earth is designed as a unique planet meant to support the evolution of beings capable of achieving higher consciousness.

Life on Earth: Life on Earth is introduced and developed as part of the larger cosmic plan.

The Fall: According to Beelzebub, a significant event known as "The Fall" disrupts the original harmony intended for Earth.

Characteristics: Comprises the planets and celestial bodies orbiting the Sun, sustaining life and processes on Earth.

Description: The Sun as a source of light and heat regulates energy distribution throughout the solar system, supporting life and driving climate and weather patterns on planets like Earth.

Influence on Life: These laws directly and indirectly affect conditions on planets like Earth, influencing climate, ecology, and the potential for life.

Characteristics: Includes Earth and other planets, each contributing to the overall balance and harmony of the solar system.

Level: The planet Earth, the focus of human existence and evolution.

Laws: Governed by forty-eight laws, illustrating the complexity and multiplicity of influences affecting life on Earth.

Description: Maintains the cohesion and integration of Earth's ecosystems and systems, ensuring that all components function together as a unified whole.

Description: Governs the movements and cycles of Earth's systems, including the rotation and revolution of the planet.

Description: The fundamental force that holds Earth's components together and influences the interactions between masses.

Description: Reflects the periodic nature of Earth's phenomena, such as seasons, tides, and ecological cycles.

Description: Governs Earth's magnetic field and its interactions with solar and cosmic forces.

Description: Maintains equilibrium between Earth's systems, preventing drastic changes and ensuring stability.

Description: Governs the processes of change and evolution within Earth's systems, including geological and biological transformations.

Description: Governs the interactions between Earth's components, including the interplay of ecosystems and biogeochemical cycles.

Description: Ensures the conservation and transformation of energy and matter within Earth's systems.

Description: Establishes the hierarchical order within Earth's systems, with complex interactions and dependencies.

Description: Guides the evolutionary processes of life on Earth, including adaptation and speciation.

Description: Governs the forces that influence the formation and stability of Earth's structures and life forms.

Description: Governs the chemical interactions and reactions that occur within Earth's systems.

Description: Governs the processes of mineral formation and distribution within Earth's crust.

Description: Governs the evolution and adaptation of life forms on Earth, influencing biodiversity and ecosystems.

Description: Governs the movements and interactions of gases within Earth's atmosphere, influencing weather and climate.

Description: Governs the geological processes that shape Earth's surface and interior, including tectonics and volcanism.

Description: Governs the movement and distribution of water within Earth's systems, influencing climate and ecosystems.

Description: Governs the flow and transformation of energy within Earth's systems, supporting life and ecological processes.

Description: Governs the principles of energy transformation and entropy within Earth's systems.

Description: Governs the influences of cosmic forces, such as solar radiation and cosmic rays, on Earth's environments.

Description: Governs the complex interactions between Earth's climate systems and their impacts on life and ecosystems.

Description: Governs the process by which plants convert solar energy into chemical energy, supporting life on Earth.

Description: Governs the intricate interactions and dependencies within Earth's systems, contributing to resilience and adaptability.

Description: Governs the impact of human activities on Earth's systems, influencing climate, ecosystems, and biodiversity.

Complexity and Constraint: The forty-eight laws reflect the complexity and constraints of life on Earth, emphasizing the intricate interactions and dependencies within and between natural systems.

Interconnectedness: These laws illustrate the interconnectedness of all components within Earth's systems, highlighting the importance of balance, harmony, and resilience.

Influence on Life: Many of these laws directly affect the conditions for life on Earth, influencing ecological processes, climate, and the potential for biodiversity and adaptation.

Description: The Moon is entirely dependent on the Earth and Sun for its existence and influence, lacking independent action.

Description: Governs the gravitational interaction between the Moon and the Earth, affecting tides and ecological rhythms.

Description: Influences the Moon's gravitational pull on Earth, contributing to its mechanical interactions.

Description: Governs the Moon's synchronized rotation and revolution, resulting in the same side always facing Earth.

Description: Governs the Moon's synchronous rotation with its orbit, always showing the same face to Earth.

Description: Governs the Moon's reflection of sunlight, influencing Earth's night-time illumination.

Description: Governs the alignment of the Sun, Earth, and Moon, resulting in solar and lunar eclipses.

Description: Reflects the gravitational binding between Earth and the Moon, influencing their relative motion.

Description: Governs the Moon's albedo, or reflectivity, affecting its brightness as seen from Earth.

Description: Governs the Moon's gravitational pull, causing tides on Earth.

Description: Governs the gravitational interaction between the Moon and Earth, influencing tides and orbital motion.

Description: Reflects the Moon's role in shielding Earth from some celestial impacts.

Description: Reflects the effects of tidal friction on the Earth-Moon system, influencing rotational dynamics.

Description: Reflects the minimal erosion processes on the Moon compared to Earth.

Description: Reflects the Moon's stabilizing effect on Earth's axial tilt and rotation.

Description: Reflects the limited geological activity on the Moon compared to Earth.

Description: Reflects the gravitational locking that keeps the same side of the Moon facing Earth.

Description: Governs the Moon's influence on Earth's orbit and rotation.

Description: Reflects the Moon's weak magnetic field compared to Earth.

Description: Governs the orbital dynamics of the Moon around Earth.

Description: Governs the tidal interaction between the Moon and Earth.

Complexity and Constraint: The ninety-six laws illustrate the high degree of mechanicalness and constraint on the Moon, emphasizing its lack of life and dynamic processes compared to Earth.

Influence on Earth: Despite its mechanicalness, the Moon plays a crucial role in influencing Earth's tides, stability, and ecological rhythms.

Human Role: Humans, residing on Earth, have the potential to ascend the Ray of Creation through conscious effort and spiritual development.

Project Earth The overarching theme is that Earth’s development involves various extraterrestrial agendas, ranging from genetic hybridization to resource extraction and strategic positioning.

In 2014, the oldest permanent structure on Earth, dated to 70,000 years ago, was discovered in Sudan.

Hurtak Time warps are described as space-time anomalies created by the Brotherhood of Light, serving specific purposes within the Earth’s structure.

In the envisioned future, the new Atlantean centers will play a pivotal role in shaping the spiritual landscape of Earth.

Around 10,835 BCE

Taurid meteor stream

The Younger Dryas impact hypothesis (YDIH) suggests that a cosmic event around 10,835 BCE, involving Earth's interaction with a fragmented comet, initiated the Younger Dryas mini ice age, led to the extinction of numerous megafauna species, and ended the Clovis culture in North America.

It is the largest meteor stream affecting Earth, although currently not the most intense.

Description: A fragmented comet impacted Earth, triggering the Younger Dryas mini ice age, leading to the extinction of many megafauna species, and ending the Clovis culture in North America.

Current Characteristics: Largest meteor stream affecting Earth, although not currently the most intense due to its age and dispersion.

She was the wife of Tlaloc, the rain god, and played a crucial role in purifying the earth and preparing it for a new cycle of creation.

In 2014, the oldest permanent structure on Earth, dated to 70,000 years ago, was discovered in Sudan.

The Lemurians were highly attuned to the Earth's energies and operated in harmony with nature.



Her absence causes all fertility on Earth to cease until she is eventually released.

Slavic mythology


While there are limited medieval sources that describe her role in detail, she is generally regarded as a goddess associated with earth, fertility, moisture, and women’s activities, such as spinning and weaving.

Goddess of Fertility and Earth: Mokosh is often considered the Slavic equivalent of an earth mother goddess, similar to Gaia in Greek mythology.

She embodies the earth's fertility, nurturing and sustaining life.

Overall, Mokosh represents the archetype of the earth mother, embodying fertility, sustenance, and protection, particularly for women, reflecting her significant role in ancient Slavic belief systems.

Mokosh, Perun, Svarog

Slavic Paganism

Mokosh: A goddess mentioned in Eastern Europe, possibly representing earth and fertility, similar to other Indo-European earth mother goddesses.

The Book of Job, considered one of the oldest parts of the Bible, mentions regions of space, including Sirius, Orion, and the Pleiades, as having a dynamic influence over Earth.

This suggests that they had an intrinsic understanding of the earth’s energies.

Hesiod's Theogony

A genealogy of the gods

Gaia (Earth): The solid foundation of the world and the mother of many gods.

Pleiades and Orion

Pleiades and Orion

According to myth, Orion boasted that he could kill all the animals on Earth, which angered the Earth goddess Gaia.

Orion became infatuated with the sisters and pursued them across the earth for many years.

This concept challenges the traditional view of human evolution, which posits that humans evolved naturally from earlier life forms on Earth.

Cosmic Origins: Kryon posits that humans are not a product of Earth's natural evolutionary processes alone but have cosmic origins.

Scientists believe that all 7.5 billion people on Earth today are descended from a woman known as Mitochondrial Eve, who lived around 200,000 years ago in eastern Africa.

The earth's cooling allowed for the condensation of matter, contributing to the development of more complex physical bodies.

Rudolf Steiner

Man’s First Ancestors

This chapter delves into humanity's origins during an era when the Earth was composed of fine etheric matter and humans existed in a spiritual, non-physical form.