
Rudolf Steiner

The First, or Polar, Race

In Chapter IX, Steiner explores the earliest phase of human existence on Earth, focusing on the first root race, known as the Polar Race.

This chapter describes a time when the Earth was in its nascent form, undergoing various transformations that laid the foundation for life as we know it today.

Steiner explains that before becoming the bearer of minerals, plants, animals, and humans, the Earth existed in a different state.

The Earth began as an astral germ, containing the embryonic human being and the beginnings of future human souls.

During this phase, the Earth consisted of fine, vibrating, plastic matter known as "astral" in Theosophical literature​.

The evolution of the Earth involved the differentiation of matter into two conditions: a denser, gaseous substance, and a finer substance associated with chemical elements.

This transition marked the development of three types of matter in the physical Earth, with astral human beings influencing and shaping these substances​​.

Over time, as the Earth transformed, a specialized part of the body retained the ability to respond to these vibrations, leading to the gradual development of the organ of hearing​.

They worked upon the etheric Earth and its three kinds of matter, imprinting their astral nature onto the physical plane.

Chapter IX outlines the origins of humanity as astral and etheric beings, living on an Earth composed of subtle, vibrating matter.

Steiner emphasizes the spiritual and material evolution of Earth and humanity, highlighting the complex interplay between astral beings and the physical world during this formative period​.

Rudolf Steiner

The Lemurian Era

Lemurians lived in natural shelters, such as modified caves, and later built such caves in the earth, developing skill in construction.


Mashya and Mashyana

Creation by Ahura Mazda: According to Zoroastrian tradition, Ahura Mazda, the supreme god and creator, created the first human couple, Mashya and Mashyana, to populate the earth.

Progeny: According to the mythology, Mashya and Mashyana had many children, who went on to become the ancestors of various races and peoples across the earth.

He is a primordial figure who represents the creation of humanity and the beginning of human life on Earth.

Gayomart lived on Earth for a period of 3,000 years, embodying the ideal human form and existence.

Gayomart is also associated with the elements and is sometimes depicted in connection with the Earth and plants, highlighting the interconnectedness of all life forms.

Gayomart's association with the elements, the Earth, and plants in Zoroastrian mythology highlights the interconnectedness of all life forms and the cosmic harmony envisioned in this ancient belief system.

In Zoroastrian cosmology, the material world is composed of the seven creations: sky, water, earth, plants, animals, humans, and fire.

Gayomart's body is described as luminous and radiant, made from the purest matter, embodying the Earth's elemental purity.

Upon his death, Gayomart's body disintegrates into the Earth.

This transformation is symbolic of the cycle of life and death and the idea that life returns to the Earth, enriching it and enabling new life to emerge.

Gayomart's bones turned into precious metals and minerals after his death, signifying the Earth’s wealth and the material resources essential for human life.

Environmental Stewardship: Gayomart’s connection to the Earth and plants underscores the responsibility of humans to care for the environment and maintain ecological balance.

The Keys of Enoch

The Brotherhood of Light

They possess advanced spiritual and cosmic understanding, allowing them to assist in the orchestration of divine plans for Earth and other worlds.

Energy Management: The Brotherhood oversees the management of spiritual energies and grids on Earth.

The Brotherhood of Light is intricately linked to the divine plans for Earth and the cosmos.

Higher Evolutionary Beings: Entities that operate across different dimensions and assist in the evolution of consciousness on Earth and other worlds.

The Keys of Enoch

Atlantis and Time Warps

Time warps are described as space-time anomalies created by the Brotherhood of Light, serving specific purposes within the Earth's structure.

These zones are strategically implemented to facilitate specific operations related to the evolutionary development of Earth and humanity.

The time warps are designed to alter the flow of time, allowing for the integration of higher dimensional energies and the execution of divine plans on Earth (Page 320).

These centers are strategically located in areas such as the Bermuda Triangle and the Great Salt Sea, and they are intended to play a crucial role in the re-establishment of divine consciousness on Earth.

The Great Salt Sea will serve as a focal point for the convergence of spiritual energies, aiding in the restoration of divine consciousness on Earth.

The activation of these new Atlantean centers is seen as a crucial step in the re-establishment of divine consciousness on Earth.

In the envisioned future, the new Atlantean centers will play a pivotal role in shaping the spiritual landscape of Earth.

The Keys of Enoch

Altea Region

It is foreseen as a reprogramming area where spiritual freedom on Earth will be established.

The Altea Region, particularly Altea-America, is described as the "new middle land" of the Earth.

This area is seen as the meeting place for the Higher Evolutionary Council on Earth, where significant spiritual guidance and oversight will be provided (Pages 427-428).

He made them distinguish the seeds of the earth and showed them how to collect fruits; in short, he instructed them in everything which could tend to soften manners and humanize their lives.

And he blessed him and said, 'Blessed be Abram by God Most High, Creator of heaven and earth; and blessed be God Most High, who has delivered your enemies into your hand.' And Abram gave him a tenth of everything."

Creator of Heaven and Earth

And he blessed him and said, 'Blessed be Abram by God Most High (El Elyon), Possessor of heaven and earth.'"

Context: A psalm celebrating God's kingship over all the earth.

Verse: "For the Lord Most High (Elyon) is awesome, a great King over all the earth."

And he blessed him and said, 'Blessed be Abram by God Most High, Creator of heaven and earth; and blessed be God Most High, who has delivered your enemies into your hand.' And Abram gave him a tenth of everything."

Disciple Dojo

The Baal Cycle

The Opening of the Window: Once the window is installed, Baal unleashes his divine voice, symbolizing thunder, causing the earth to tremble.

Baal sends messengers to Mot, instructing them to journey to the edge of the world, to the mountains of Targhizizi and Tharumagi, which mark the borders of the earth and the entrance to Mot's realm.

The journey evokes imagery from the Psalms, where descending into the earth symbolizes death.

However, Athtar is unable to fit on Baal's throne on Mount Zaphon and descends to the earth, acknowledging his inadequacy.

From this chaos emerged Uranus, the sky, who enveloped Gaia, the Earth, in his vast expanse.

Uranus, fearing the potential of his offspring, cast the Cyclopes and Hecatoncheires into the deepest abyss of Tartarus, a dark, dungeon-like prison far beneath the earth, where they were to remain for eternity.

With Gaia's encouragement and a mighty sickle forged from the earth, Cronus rose against Uranus.

In a climactic battle, Cronus overthrew Uranus, severing the sky from the earth and taking his place as the ruler of the cosmos.

The battle raged across the heavens and the earth, shaking the very foundations of the cosmos.

In the beginning, El, the wise and omnipotent creator, ruled the heavens and the earth.

Among their children was Baal, the storm god, master of rain and fertility, who brought life to the parched earth.

YHWH, the burning sun, clashed with Baal's dark clouds in a battle that shook the heavens and the earth.

With blinding light and fierce flames, YHWH overcame Baal, asserting his dominance over the skies and the earth.

Oceanus: The Titan god of the ocean, represented as a great river encircling the earth.

Result: The creation of Midgard (Earth) and the establishment of a world inhabited by gods and humans, governed by a more structured pantheon.

Primordial State: In Aztec mythology, the earlier gods, including the Earth goddess Coatlicue and her offspring, represented older, more chaotic forces.

Transition: The Great Turtle and other animals brought earth from the depths to create land, and Sky Woman's descendants, including her twin sons, brought order to the world.

Result: The establishment of the earth and the creation of human beings, with the twins representing the duality of good and evil, order and chaos.

The Phrygians depicted her as a mountain goddess, embodying the fertile earth and wild nature.

Greek Adaptation: The Greeks identified Cybele with their own earth and fertility goddesses, such as Rhea, the mother of the Olympian gods.

The Taurobolium was also associated with fertility and the renewal of the earth, reflecting the agricultural aspects of the Cybele and Attis mythos.

Mariana Giovino

Asherah and the May-pole

This practice resonates with the ritualistic use of the AST in ancient Near Eastern cultures, where it was often represented as a central pole in religious ceremonies, symbolizing the connection between heaven and earth and the divine presence in the natural world.

However, Birger Pering and others expanded this view to include the concept of asherah as both a cult pole and a cult place, representing a sacred space that connects heaven and earth.

Anne Baring

The Lunar Period

During this time, the Moon's cycles were crucial for agricultural practices, and feminine deities associated with fertility and the Earth were widely venerated.

In the Bible, particularly in Genesis 6, the Beni Elohim are described as beings who descended to Earth and interacted with human women, resulting in a race of giants known as the Nephilim.

"When human beings began to increase in number on the earth and daughters were born to them, the sons of God (Beni Elohim) saw that the daughters of humans were beautiful, and they married any of them they chose.

Then the Lord said, 'My Spirit will not contend with humans forever, for they are mortal; their days will be a hundred and twenty years.' The Nephilim were on the earth in those days—and also afterward—when the sons of God went to the daughters of humans and had children by them.

This aligns with various ancient mythologies where gods or divine beings descended to Earth and mingled with humans.

From a paleo-contact perspective, the Beni Elohim are interpreted as extraterrestrial beings who visited Earth and interacted with early human societies.

The older family tells of dragons who came and terraformed Earth because they took pity on human beings living on a planet that had been devastated by some cataclysm.

Paul Wallis

Earth as a Project

Wallis provides a perspective on the concept of "Project Earth," suggesting that Earth is a collaborative project involving various extraterrestrial stakeholders.

The idea is rooted in ancient texts and myths from different cultures, which consistently depict Earth as being influenced by advanced beings from other parts of the cosmos.

This challenges the traditional view that Earth is solely the domain of humans and portrays a long history of extraterrestrial involvement.

Ancient Greek Thought: Plato's concept of the Demiurge, a being who terraformed Earth, influencing early Christian thought.

Indigenous Narratives: Stories from the Iroquois, Yoruba, Edo, and Zulu people, which describe advanced beings shaping and populating Earth with life.

The overarching theme is that Earth's development involves various extraterrestrial agendas, ranging from genetic hybridization to resource extraction and strategic positioning.

The unique qualities of Earth and humans make them of particular interest to these cosmic visitors.

Proponents argue that such beings have come to Earth to aid in its spiritual evolution.

Channeling and New Age Lore: Various New Age channels and authors, including those contributing to the "Family of Taygeta" site, claim that Jesus (often referred to as Sananda in these contexts) was a Pleiadian who came to Earth with a mission to teach love and enlightenment.

Instead, the Atlanteans were active in various places on Earth and at different times.

The Atlanteans initially visited Earth to assist humanity in their Ascension games, introducing dualistic modalities of masculine and feminine energies.

Many Atlanteans retreated to inner Earth locations or back to their home planets.

Some migrated to places on Earth like Ireland, Scotland, and Wales.

Leanna emphasizes that Earth was created for learning through duality, and this experience will always remain.

Leanna explains that at the time of their intervention, Earth had precisely 144,000 beings, referred to as the original humans.

During the conflicts and subsequent natural disasters, many Atlanteans retreated to other parts of Earth or returned to their home planets.

Leanna recounts that during the time of the Atlantean and Lemurian conflicts, Earth experienced multiple natural disasters.

Leanna specifies that Earth endured not one, but three major floods.

The floods were a reaction from Gaia (Earth) to the destructive behaviors and the imbalance caused by the new aggressive human race, as well as the technological manipulations by the Atlanteans and their allies.

These wildfires were widespread and devastating, contributing further to the chaos and destruction on Earth.

Some Atlanteans returned to their home planets or other parts of the cosmos, while others migrated to different regions on Earth, such as Ireland, Scotland, and Wales.

The Lemurians, on the other hand, moved to inner Earth locations like Agarthia or returned to their original planet, Mu.

Aztec mythology

The 5 Suns

End: Nahui-Ocelotl ended when Tezcatlipoca transformed into a jaguar and caused jaguars to descend upon the earth, devouring the giants and bringing the world to its end.

According to the myth, Quetzalcoatl caused a massive windstorm that swept away the people and everything on the earth.

Chinese: Pangu created the world by separating heaven and earth; Nuwa created the first humans from yellow clay.

Iroquois Sky Woman: Sky Woman's descent from the Sky World and the creation of the earth on the back of a turtle form the basis of Iroquois cosmology and genealogy.

Creation from Earth: Many myths involve the first humans being created from the earth, similar to the Hawaiian myth of Kumuhonua.

Migration and Emergence: Stories of migration through different worlds or emergence from the earth are common.

Responsibility to Maintain Harmony: There is an emphasis on living sustainably, respecting the earth, and adhering to moral and spiritual principles to avoid the fate of the previous worlds.

Ice Ages: The Earth has experienced several glacial and interglacial periods during the last million years.

Cosmic Impacts: There have been significant asteroid impacts in Earth's history.

Volcanic Eruptions: Major volcanic events have had profound effects on the climate and life on Earth.

While the Hopi myths speak to spiritual and moral causes of world destruction, the specific descriptions (fire, ice, flood) can be correlated with major natural events in Earth's history:

This correlation suggests that ancient peoples might have encoded their observations of natural disasters into their mythologies, reflecting a deeper understanding of the cyclical nature of Earth's environment.

Many mythologies from around the world describe events that can be correlated with significant natural disasters and environmental changes in Earth's history.

Conflict: Galileo supported the Copernican theory that the Earth orbits the sun, which was deemed heretical.


The Ark of Nuu

Soon after, a great flood came and covered the entire earth.

However, Kane noticed Nuu's mistake and descended to Earth on a rainbow to correct him.