
Varaha (The Boar): Rescues the Earth (personified as the goddess Bhudevi) from the demon Hiranyaksha.


Varaha (The Boar): Rescues the Earth (personified as the goddess Bhudevi) from the demon Hiranyaksha.

Atlantean Connection: The concept of human gods on Earth originated in Atlantean times, guided by beings from Arcturus and Orion.

Nature as Code: Nature serves as the first code to comprehend the universe, with various elements (water, fire, earth, air) representing divine aspects.

Sky Deities: The sun, moon, and stars are primary divine concepts, believed to create realities on Earth.

Divine Path: The new celestial beings taught humans to achieve divinity on Earth, leading to the establishment of priesthoods in ancient civilizations like Mu, Hem, and Atlantis.

She is called Mother Earth, and to this day, she supports all the people, animals, and plants.

Note: Again here the moon apears after the creation of live on earth

Ta’aroa made the great foundation of the earth (te tumu nui o te fenua) to be the husband, and the stratum rock (te papa fenua) to be the wife .

“Roots (a’a) were born for growth in the world.” Ta’aroa fixes the dome of the earth upon pillars (pou) brought forth by Tumu-nui as male, Papa-raharaha as female parent.

Atea is above in space—“Earth had become land and it was filled with living creatures.

At one time he is a conjuror molding earth in his hands or uttering an incantation to stabilize the forms he has molded, at another time a god sending his essence into the rock Tumu-nui that it may unite with Papa-raharaha and upset the condition of equilibrium that has prevented growth and change.

They stress the period of darkness during which the shaping of earth and sea took place and their filling with living forms before man appeared.

In Maori myth one cosmogonic account takes the form of a family group like that in the Hawaiian “Chief-who-opened-heaven” to come down to earth and make the beautiful La’ila’i his wife.

Here it is the Wide-sky itself, Ranginui, who takes Papa-tu-a-nuku to wife, “sets” (hikaia) vegetation to cover her and “places” (makaia) small creatures “to animate the earth and the waters thereof.”

Wyatt Gill describe under a different symbol the change from life within the Po to that of the world of the Ao, the world of living men on this earth.

Kenneth Emory of the Bishop Museum collected a cosmic chant in which “the earth’s origins” or “roots,” as Gessler reads te tumu henua, are similarly compared to the growth of a plant.

Hawaiians use a similar incantation in approaching certain forms of plant life imagined to have originated in the underworld of the Po or ’Avaiki, referred to here as “Kahiki,” whose spirits are supposed to show themselves on earth in the body of the plant.

sleeps below in the non-existence of the earth,

the slime of the earth

the limpidity of the earth, etc.

Birth proceeds by the pairing of earth, the female, with sky, the male.

The two are translated by Emory, “Fruitfulness-of-earth” and “Space.” They are the parents of mankind:

In Tahiti Ta’aroa made “the great foundation of the earth” (te tumu nui o te fenua) to be the husband and “the stratum rock” (te papa fenua) to be the wife.

Three males join in the task of peopling earth with mankind, Ta’aroa, Tu, Ti’i in Tahiti and an equivalent trio of Kane, Kanaloa, and Ki’i in Hawaii.

Exactly in agreement is the Tahitian myth of the cutting away of the arms of the octopus Tumu-ra’i-fenua, “Beginning-of-Heaven-and-Earth,” into which Ta’aroa has placed his essence, and the consequent dawn of light (ao) after “the long wearisome night” (po).

Hitherto gods have been called into being in darkness; now light dawns over earth.

In the Kumulipo manuscript the first line of the refrain accompanying the births of the first four sections reads, not Ka po uhe’e i ka wawa with its suggestion of the “slipping away” (uhe’e) of night, but Ka pou he’e i ka wawa, thus picturing the god in the form of an octopus (he’e) supporting (pou) in darkness the first heaven and earth exactly as in the Tahitian chant.

.; of the prophet Hua of Maui—in all these prophesies—it is said that the gods (na akua) created heaven and earth.

The gods who created heaven and earth were three, Kane, Ku, and Lono.

Before this creation of heaven and earth, etc., everything was shaky, trembling and destitute, bare (naka, ’olohe-lohe); nothing could be distinguished, everything was tossing about, and the spirits of the gods were fixed to no bodies, only the three above gods had power to create heaven and earth.

The powers of the three joined together were sufficient to create and fix heaven and earth.

In the Tahitian octopus myth it is Tane who cuts away the clinging arms of the octopus body of Ta’aroa and fills earth and sky with beauty.

Again, in a composition called “Strife and reconciliation between heaven and earth,” Tumu-nui, the rock foundation in which Ta’aroa has placed his essence, is pitted against Tane, the two playing their enchantments: Tumu-nui sending heavy mists and rain, famine, night; Tane matching him with clear weather, abundance, the sun by day.

Poepoe quotes the Mo’olelo Hawaii in these words: “in this genealogy [the Kumulipo] it is said that the earth was not born nor was it made by hand but just grew.”1 

Kepelino, an early convert of the Roman Catholic mission and strongly influenced by the biblical story of creation, makes Kane the active agent in forming heaven and earth.

There is first darkness, po, or deep darkness, po-uli, then light, malamalama. Later in the passage Kepelino tells how “muddy-earth” (honua-kele) is “drawn by Kane out of the ocean.” Kane becomes “the chief who broke through heaven” of Malo’s account, ancestor of the high taboo chiefs or hoali’i in distinction from the low-ranking, na li’i noa, who do not command the taboos of gods.

Other later Hawaiian accounts of beginnings include a memorandum of “The Board of Genealogists of the Chiefs of Hawaii” given before the legislature of 1884, which calls the Kumulipo chant “a setting in order of the beginning of the earth for this race of men,” and the committee report of 1904 already quoted.

Hawaiians generally represent Po as a period of darkness and give the word the meaning of night as opposed to day (ao). So my translator in a passage from Kepelino: “There was Deep-intense-night (Po-nui-auwa’ea), a period of time without heaven, without earth, without anything that is made.

There he places the Kumulipo beside other genealogies of beginning like that of Puanue, where “the pillars of earth and the pillars of heaven” (na kukulu o ka honua a me na kukulu o ka lani) are said to have been “born” to Paia-ka-lani and his wife Kumu-kane-ke-ka’a; or that of Wakea, where Papa gave birth to “this group of islands”; or the statement of others that it “was really made by the hands of Kane” (?), although “in the genealogy of Kumulipo, it is said that the Po gave birth to all things and established (pa’a) the heavens, the earth, and all things therein.”

The head gods have great power (mana) in heaven and on earth.

There is no other explanation except the memory of the old faith held by this race that the chiefs are offspring and descendants of the ruling gods of Po, those who have power over the heavens and the earth.

12,800 Years Ago

African Flood stories

Thus, Bṛhaspati is referred to as possessing a powerful bow with "Ṛta as its string" and as one prepared to "mount the chariot of Ṛta"; Agni is described as one who is "desirous of Ṛta", one who is "Ṛta-minded" and as he who "spread Heaven and Earth by Ṛta"; the Maruts are referred to as "rejoicing in the house of Ṛta" and as "knowers of Ṛta"; Ushas is described as having been "placed at the root of Ṛta"; Varuna is praised as "having the form of Ṛta" and, along with Mitra as Mitra-Varuna, as "destroying the foes by Ṛta" and as "professing Ṛta by Ṛta".

Represent the sky father and earth mother, whose separation brought order to the world, emphasizing the balance and harmony in nature.



Living witnesses today report men with dogs’ heads marching in the ghostly processions of dead warriors returned to revisit their old haunts on earth, whose apparition is not uncommon among Hawaiians or is even reported by foreign-born mystics.

In the passage following, the “dog as an offering for the oven,” literally “fire-pit,” ’a’alua, seems to serve as symbol of the terrible tapu wela, the right given to high taboo chiefs of burning the bodies of trespassers against their taboos, this as a kind of propitiation for the god who had been offended by the disrespect paid him in the person of his divine spokesman on earth.



Lenape Mythology: A story tells of how the Earth was created on the back of a giant turtle after a great flood.

The two creatures are what we call the two grandfathers, the longest-living creatures on Earth, and they have the memory of the evolution of the earth itself.

As I began to see all this, it changed my vision and reinforced my belief in Mother Earth.

And if every culture around Mother Earth talks about a great flood, guess what?

A very long time ago, when God first put people here on Mother Earth, God wanted us to behave a certain way.

But as time went on and more and more people started to fill Mother Earth, those people began to lose their way.

He was so disappointed with the way that we were living here on Mother Earth.

He decided to cleanse the earth of the wicked people.

But he didn't want to destroy Mother Earth.

He just wanted to cleanse, wash away the wickedness that had become on Mother Earth.

When the great floods came to Mother Earth, Nana Beaujo was walking on creation at that time.

He came over, peeled open muskrat's tiny little paw, and inside was some soil, some earth.

The continents of Atlantis and Lemuria are shrouded in theories and speculation, let alone the deep ancient past of Earth's humanities.

Paschal Beverly Randolph

Estimates of human origins

He suggests these events were caused by the shifting of the earth's axis, leading to the melting of polar ice, volcanic eruptions, and massive geological upheavals.

Geological and Astronomical Grounds: His conclusions are based on geological and astronomical evidence, proposing that these cataclysmic events had profound impacts on the earth's history and the development of civilizations.

There must have been, at least, two great cataclysms in Asia and Africa, besides others of equal magnitude in America—the last of the former of which was caused by the shifting of the axis of the earth, from causes already stated herein.

The melting of the ice at the Poles, the bursting of volcanoes and other frightful convulsions of this last event, caused the molten bowels of the earth to move, and in their movements, mountains, islands, continents were upheaved in some portions of the globe, and other mountains, islands, and continents sunk to rise no more.

Upon geological, astronomical, and other grounds, I have reached the conclusion that, at a period not less than 42,000, nor more than 58,600 years ago, there occurred the most tremendous event this earth ever witnessed, or ever will witness, until a final convulsion shall hurl it out of being—as a habitable globe.

It is known that the Planets of the Solar System are interdependent and mutually connected; and from researches conducted for long years, I conclude that about 58,600 years ago, the planet of this system then revolving on its axis in an orbit between those of Mars and Jupiter, BURST asunder—scattered into a million fragments, the larger ones now constituting the Asteroids, and named Juno, Vesta, Pallas, Ceres, and so on, to the number of a hundred or more, and the smaller bits of which are now revolving at greater or less distances apart, in a track or belt, so situated as to be crossed by the earth from the 11th to the 24th of every November, at which time we are visited by showers of meteoric stones, attracted then by the globe, and which fragments once formed part of the now shattered world.

Mood AF have tonight's part to rock will be The Master's secret birth of Earth.

Earth sector three.

Six: Earth zone six.

This one we are now on, Taha Earth, was given to grow up to 24 points.

The planet Taha Earth was projected.

Nineteen: Explore the Earth's inner realms.

The site 24 called Kawak Taha planet Earth.

So you partner Nagaro Negroids have been given your assignment and Earth is your post to label.

The whole Kawak Taha planet Earth once belonged to you.

who shakes the earth out of its place, and its pillars tremble;

The earth is given into the hand of the wicked; he covers the faces of its judges — if it is not he, who then is it?

Paschal Beverly Randolph

Our history – A Shemitic Myth

I believe that this earth has, for millions of ages, been the scene of human activities; you, that it is but a few thousand years old!

You know how eloquently they spoke of the five ages before the present race of men inhabited the earth, and of the Djan, the Ramm, the Tamm, the Bann, and the Djam, all of which lived long ages before your Adam.

So the earth, and man, and nations, and civilizations, and historical and unhistorical epochs and eras.

‘Gil’ means ‘clay,’ ‘Shah’ means ‘king,’ ‘Kyomurz’ means ‘First Man.’ Thus we have the first king; earth-king; king of the earth, and Adam.

Etymology: The names "Gil-Shah" and "Kyomurz" are explained, with "Gil" meaning "clay" and "Shah" meaning "king," which Randolph interprets as denoting Kyomarz as the "First Man" or "earth-king."

Paa Taraq

Their 3 Abodes

There is more oil in Sudan than any other place on Earth.

They can no longer live on Earth as the sun gets closer, hotter.

Both the Nile of the earth and the Nile above the earth.

∙ “Thus the heavens and the earth were finished, and all the host of them”.


Creation Story

From the depths of Earth emerged Life in the covenant of Light and Darkness,

The temples served as interdimensional portals, similar to the pyramids, connecting Earth to other dimensions like Orion.

These beings included different forms, such as felines and avians, reflecting the diversity of galactic visitors on Earth.


Co-Creation of Mū

This preservation is critical for maintaining the template of Lamia, which influences the current rise of new Earth energies.

Their energetic imprint alone significantly influences Earth’s ascension.

This helps bring higher-dimensional aspects of Lamia into the current Earth plane.

Importance of Connection to Earth:

For Polynesians, connecting to the Earth, especially within the Pacific region, is vital for activating their spiritual and ancestral knowledge.

The necessity of connecting to organic elements of the Earth, such as land and sea, is emphasized.

This grounding in Earth is contrasted with the more celestial focus of other cultures, particularly in Europe, where people tend to connect with higher spiritual realms.

These civilizations are foundational templates of Earth's history.

As an Arcturian, the listener helped in collecting and preserving life forms from different galaxies to seed them on Earth.

The speaker refers to a time when Earth had no clouds, which aligns with some ancient periods shown in AI-generated images.

Galactic Influence and DNA: The Laman form, the original human prototype, combined DNA from several galactic races and Earth humans, creating highly connected beings.

The listener’s mere presence on Earth, due to their energetic imprint, is said to be sufficient for this task.

The conversation suggests that various star races mixed their DNA with Aboriginal genetics to create the current Earth humans.

Aboriginal people are described as truly Gaia beings, indigenous to Earth, unlike other humanoid races that originated from Lyra and other star systems.

Gaia and Earth Experiment:

Earth is depicted as a special place, an experiment with diverse DNA from various galaxies.

Gaia (Earth) has its own consciousness and originally had its indigenous plants and beings before star races populated it.

The concept of seeding Earth involves introducing star genetics, plants, animals, and energies to mix with indigenous Earth elements.

Earth is seen as a place where beings from different origins come to learn to coexist and get along.

The Aboriginal people are depicted as the embodiment of Earth’s essence, coexisting with the planet in harmony.

This summary captures the themes of past life experiences, the connection between ancient civilizations, genetic mixing by star races, and the unique role of Aboriginal people in the spiritual and genetic history of Earth.


Inner Earth

This channeling focuses on the concept of inner Earth, past lives, and the interconnectedness between inner and surface Earth.

Past Lives on Earth:

The speaker mentions having around 20 past lives on the surface level of Earth and about 12 in inner Earth.

Inner Earth is depicted as a beautiful place, with an ocean and a sun that is less intense than our surface sun, combining qualities of the sun and moon.

Inner Earth Environment:

The inner Earth sun can be looked at directly without being blinding, unlike the surface sun.

The concept of night in inner Earth is more like a shaded area behind mountains rather than a traditional sunset or night time.

The oceans in inner Earth are mentioned to move similarly to surface oceans, although it's not clear if there are tides influenced by the sun and moon as on the surface.

Life Purpose and Earth Shift:

The speaker's life purpose is tied to an upcoming Earth shift, where inner and surface Earth will come together.

They will act as a bridge between the two worlds due to their strong connection and numerous lifetimes spent in inner Earth.

Inner Earth civilizations are described as more unified and less self-centered compared to surface Earth civilizations.

Inner Earth is home to many different species, some of which surface humans might find difficult to comprehend.

The inner Earth's society is likened to a fantasy world, akin to something out of "Lord of the Rings".

Inner Earth's regions are compared to ancient civilizations like Lemuria and Atlantis.

Inner Earth Portals:

There are portals in the ocean that connect surface Earth to inner Earth.

The speaker has a strong elemental connection due to their inner Earth origins.

The speaker expresses gratitude for being shown inner Earth and shares their personal experiences, including memories from Lemurian lives and escaping a tsunami through an inner Earth portal.

Hindu cosmology

World Elephant

Apart from these, there are four additional elephants mentioned in the Ramayana that support the earth from the four cardinal directions of the netherworld:

Their primary mission was to protect Earth by eliminating distortions and corruption.

Earth is described as a "living library," holding essential information and memories.

Angelic beings, unable to exist physically on Earth, hybridized with lower, more physical beings (a mix of mammalian and reptilian traits).

This allowed them to influence Earth from within.

Their mission was to control and eradicate corruptive elements on Earth.

Their legacy includes both protection and destruction, reflecting their complex role in Earth's history.

The Anunnaki were essential in maintaining Earth's integrity, acting as protectors and enforcers.