Black Magic


The Four Ages of Atlantis

Increasing internal divisions, with some turning to black magic

The misuse of crystals and other advanced technologies became rampant, particularly among the ruling elite, who sought to consolidate power through black magic and psychic control (5).

Intensified use of black magic for control

Widespread corruption and use of black magic

A Historical Outline

The Lost Civilization of Atlantis

This gave rise to a group of black magicians who sought personal power through black magic and the manipulation of cosmic energies.

Frederick S. Oliver

The vailx, powered by currents derived from the Night-Side of Nature

Rai Emon explains his frustration with his people, who engage in black magic and refuse to live by the higher moral and spiritual laws he tries to enforce.

Wherefore they are a brood of sorcerers, and do not work white magic, which is beneficent, but black magic, which is sorcery.

Manly Palmer Hall

Atlantis – a widespread distribution of land

Hall delves into the concept of esoteric knowledge preserved from Atlantis, including black magic and misuse of spiritual powers.

Man: Whence, How and Whither

The Fourth Root Race

The evolution was marked by various challenges, including conflicts with primitive tribes, the spread of black magic, and cataclysmic events.

The spread of black magic in Atlantis led up to the second great catastrophe of 200,000 B.

Unhappily with the civilisation spread again also the knowledge giving control over nature which, used for selfish purposes, becomes black magic.


Root Races

In consequence of this [black magic], war was declared, the story of which would be too long to narrate; its substance may be found in the disfigured allegories of the race of Cain, the giants, and that of Noah and his righteous family.

16,000 - 10,500 BC

Characteristics of Atlantis

However, with time, Atlantis’ spiritual culture degraded, and as a result, the country's power was taken over by aggressive people who preferred black magic and domination over others rather than the principle of true spiritual development.