
Ignatius Donnelly
Ignatius Donnelly

Corroborating Circumstances

An "Atlas" mountain on the shore of Africa; an "Atlan" town on the shore of America; the "Atlantes" living along the north and west coast of Africa; an Aztec people from Aztlan, in Central America; an ocean rolling between the two worlds called the "Atlantic;" a mythological deity called "Atlas" holding the world on his shoulders; and an immemorial tradition of an island of Atlantis.

547.) How did the red men of Central America know anything about "black men and white men?" The conclusion seems inevitable that these legends of a primitive, peaceful, and happy land, an Aztlan in the East, inhabited by black and white men, to which all the civilized nations of America traced their origin, could only refer to Atlantis--that bridge of land where the white, dark, and red races met.

Ignatius Donnelly

American Evidences of Intercourse with Europe Or Atlantis

All the races that settled Mexico, we are told, traced their origin back to an Aztlan (Atlan-tis).

Duran describes Aztlan as "a most attractive land." ("North Amer.

Ignatius Donnelly

The Deluge Legends of America

The Toltecs traced their migrations back to a starting-point called "Aztlan," or "Atlan." This could be no other than, Atlantis.

original home of the Nahuatlacas was Aztlan, the location of which has been the subject of much discussion.

The causes that led to their exodus from that country can only be conjectured; but they may be supposed to have been driven out by their enemies, for Aztlan is described as a land too fair and beautiful to be left willingly in the mere hope of finding a better." (Bancroft's "Native Races," vol.

.306.) The Aztecs also claimed to have come originally from Aztlan.

321.) Their very name, Aztecs, was derived from Aztlan.

The "Popul Vuh" tells us that after the migration from Aztlan three sons of the King of the Quiches, upon the death of their father, "determined to go as their fathers had ordered to the East, on the shores of the sea whence their fathers had come, to receive the royalty, 'bidding adieu to their brothers and friends, and promising to return.' Doubtless they passed over the sea when they went to the East to receive the royalty.

This legend not only points to the East as the place of origin of these races, but also proves that this land of the East, this Aztlan, this Atlantis, exercised dominion over the colonies in Central America, and furnished them with the essentials of civilization.

vi.) of the migration of the Aztecs from Aztlan:

W. Scott-Elliot

The Story of Atlantis

The Toltecs of Mexico traced themselves back to a starting-point called Atlan or Aztlan; the Aztecs also claimed to come from Aztlan (see Bancroft's Native Races, vol.

A Historical Outline

The Lost Civilization of Atlantis

The Aztecs, for example, spoke of Aztlan, a lost land across the sea, while the Irish told stories of Tír fo Thuinn (the Land Beneath the Waves) (5).

Ignatius Donnelly

The Colonies of Atlantis

This region, known as "Aztlan," was remembered as a beautiful and peaceful homeland where their ancestors once lived in harmony.

Ignatius Donnelly

The Pyramid, the cross and the Garden of Eden

The elder Montezuma said to Cortez, "Our fathers dwelt in that happy and prosperous place which they called Aztlan, which means whiteness.

The inhabitants of Aztlan were boatmen.

If the reader will turn to page 104 of this work he will see, in the midst of the picture of Aztlan, the starting-point of the Aztecs, according to the Botturini pictured writing, a pyramid with worshippers kneeling before it.

If the reader will again turn to page 104 of this work he will see that the tree appears on the top of the pyramid or mountain in both the Aztec representations of Aztlan, the original island-home of the Central American races.

We find the pyramid on both sides of the Atlantic, with its four sides pointing, like the arms of the Cross, to the four cardinal points-a reminiscence of Olympus; and in the Aztec representation of Olympos (Aztlan) we find the pyramid as the central and typical figure.

Ignatius Donnelly

The Deluge Legends of America

Migration from Aztlan: The Toltecs migrated from Aztlan (Atlantis), a beautiful land, after a great flood.