Ignatius Donnelly

The oldest son of Noah

Dr. Max Müller, in his “Lectures on the Science of Religion,” identifies three major linguistic and religious centers in ancient history: Turanian, Aryan, and Semitic. Müller posits that these linguistic groups, particularly the Aryan and Semitic, can be traced back to religious and political influences that centralized and preserved their languages and beliefs.

Linguistic and Religious Unity

Müller asserts that there was a period when the ancestors of the Aryan and Semitic peoples shared a common language and religion. This period, though predating historical records, is considered historical due to its significant impact on subsequent civilizations. The Turanian language and religion also share this ancient origin, although the evidence is less clear.

The Central Role of Atlantis

The evidence suggests that the Phœnician-Hebrew family, central to Semitic tradition, originated from Atlantis. The great god of the Semites, El, is linked to numerous names and traditions across Semitic and Aryan languages, hinting at a shared origin.

Cultural Connections and Linguistic Evidence

The Greeks, Phœnicians, and Hebrews share common deities and linguistic roots, suggesting an Atlantean origin. Adonis, for example, is a significant figure in both Greek and Phœnician mythology, while similar connections are found between Egyptian and Turanian mythologies.

The Turanian Family

The Etruscans, whose bronze artifacts resemble those from Atlantis, are now believed to be part of the Turanian family. Rev. Isaac Taylor’s discovery of Etruscan numerals matching the Altaic branch of the Turanian languages supports this connection. Additionally, historical conflicts between Aryans and Turanians indicate a shared but divergent past.

Civilization and the Spread of Culture

The Chinese civilization, like those of the Aryans and Hamites, appears to have been influenced by an earlier, possibly Atlantean, culture. Early Chinese emperors introduced significant advancements in agriculture, writing, and other arts, suggesting they inherited these practices from a more advanced civilization.

Philological Connections

The similarities between various ancient languages, including Chaldee, Hebrew, Arabic, and Chinese, support the theory of a common origin. This linguistic unity points to a widespread influence from a central source, likely Atlantis.

Cultural Parallels

Numerous cultural practices, such as sun worship and agricultural ceremonies, found in civilizations as diverse as the Chinese and Peruvians, further support the theory of a common Atlantean origin. The physical and cultural similarities between these distant peoples indicate a shared heritage.

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